Jun 8 2020
Behold The King
Christopher Spivey.
Now I know that I keep on about QAnon and the Historian, Greg Hallett – and his claim to be the new Kink of England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Europe and some of the Americas – but it is an important topic.
Well simply because so many daft cunts have fallen for the con… And trust me, you would have to be a daft cunt to believe the total and utter shite that these clowns are pushing.
However, the real ‘fall out’ will come when these mindless morons wake up to the fact that they have been conned because that will have a knock-on effect for all of us.
Indeed, I cannot even express how demoralised I am by these half witted imbeciles for falling for this shit – seemingly in their hundreds of thousands.
For example, the latest shite claims from Greg Hallett AKA King John III is that the Russian Royal family have now supposedly recognised him as the “Kink of Kings”, which is totally laughable since Russia doesn’t have a Royal Family – only a group of various people scattered around Europe who claim to be decedents of Czar Nicolas II:
Maria Vladimirovna is the most widely acknowledged pretender to the throne of Russia. This great-great-granddaughter of Alexander II, who was Emperor of Russia until his assassination in 1881, now lives in Spain. Her father, Vladimir Kirillovich, was born in exile in Finland in 1917, and from 1938 claimed to be head of the Russian imperial family… Source
More exciting still is that the American Military has now also recognised the new king… That fact is confirmed by one of Hallett’s ‘spokesmen’, who tells us that during the course of a photo shoot, the American Supreme Commander, “General W” (the spokesman could not divulge his real name apparently) rang Greg to say that they recognised his claim to the throne and were “opening him bank accounts” Source.
Course, quite why the American Military are opening bank accounts for Greg wasn’t stated but it will be a nice source of income for the new King, along with the £1000’s of Pounds that he is still conning his many supporters out of.
Mind you, there is no proof of these new (or old) claims whatsoever, yet judging by the hundreds of comments left on this latest update, the Zombies are lapping it up!
And in further news also broadcast on the 8th of June 2020, three hundred more cabal members have now been arrested and added to the huge number of those alleged to already be under house arrest… These ‘detainees’ already include, The Queen of England, Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, The Pope, Tom Hanks, and hundreds more celebrities.
Course we have President Donny Fart to thank for all these arrests along with JFK jr who has risen from the dead (see HERE) and his cousin, Robert Kennedy jr… Oh my fucking days.
I mean, Trump and the Kennedy’s for fuck sake!
Hallett of course, claims that he helped Trump become the President and further claims that Donny Fart acknowledges this in a video address… Which he doesn’t.
Mind you, the Kink and Fart being friends would make perfect sense, what with Hallet being Cheeses and Trump being a man of God
Hold up! Didn’t David Icke claim to be the son of god and con his supporters out of £1000’s of pounds for ‘The Peoples Voice’?
Nevertheless, Trump has proved that he is tough on nonces having freed all of those captured, sexually abused children from those hidden tunnels… Although there is no proof whatsoever that he did so, or even any proof that any children were freed at all.
But if ‘Q’ says it’s so, then it must be true:
And that WIGWAM thingy that all ‘Q’ and Hallet supporters end their posts and comments with seems to have originated from the great man himself, John F Kennedy:
PHOTO: JFK’s boat bell, with the inscription: Where We Go One, We Go All… OR WWG1WGA as Q supporters like to say.
Course, we shall ignore the fact that the Kennedy’s were – and probably still are – one of the most perverted, amoral families of the 20th century.
Nevertheless, in Trump’s favour, he did say in 2012 that paedophiles should be given the death penalty:
Unfortunately, he seems to have forgotten that fact when he became President… Which he would do since the cunt is alleged to be a nonce himself:
In late April 2016, rumors began to circulate online holding that Republican presidential Donald Trump had either been sued over, or arrested for, raping a teenaged girl.
One of the earliest versions of the rumor was published on 2 May 2016 by the Winning Democrats web site, which reported that woman using the name Katie Johnson had named Trump and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein in a $100 million lawsuit, accusing them of having solicited sex acts from her at sex parties held at the Manhattan homes of Epstein and Trump back in 1994 (when Johnson was just 13 years old): Source
And although the charges were dismissed, you will note that the fact that Jeffery Epstein was also included in the case adds credence to the accusation being true.
After all, Trump was very good friends with Epstein for a very long time… Just like Princess Andrew was – who also isn’t a nonce.
PHOTO: The Orange Man is not a nonce… Apparently.
Although there are many more [unsubstantiated] allegations of noncing where Donny Fart is concerned:
Yet the Q supporters fucking love him and believe him to be their saviour… Despite the fact that I have been telling you for years that he is a Nazi and is only in power to do the monster elite’s bidding:
Although it has to be said that he is doing a fantastic job:
But it doesn’t end there. You see, Donny Fart’s new BFF – Kink Hallett – has also given us further proof that he has rightfully taken his place on the throne in the form of an envelope which has a [white] rabbit cut into it!
Well fuck me! What more proof do you need? I mean, if you do want more – although why anyone would need more as I am more than convinced of Greg’s integrity – there are apparently 100’s of “legal” documents to be found on Hallett’s website which have since enabled the new Kink John III to take his rightful place on the toilet… Throne – I meant throne.
These “legal” documents were all supposedly filed with the ‘Common-Law-Courts’, registered in Canada… Although I should point out that this is a toothless organisation and has no jurisdiction over our courts whatsoever… But fuck it, why let that fact get in the way of the truth.
Hallett, also claims to be a direct descendant of Jesus Christ… You know, that blonde haired, blue eyed pale skinned son of god of Middle Eastern Origin.
Mind you, unsurprisingly, Hallett’s mother and sister’s have spoken out in a YouTube video, publicly denouncing Hallett as being bonkers… The following was also supposedly written by his sister:
I am Greg Hallett’s sister and I find all this hilarious, albeit a tad disturbing that people take all this crap seriously.
Anyone with half a brain knows history is written and rewritten by the winners and things are not and never have been what they seem. Yes, the subconscious is a photographic memory, yes we are susceptible to suggestion and suggestion breeds its own reality….brainwashing has been around forever. It’s used every day from the day we are born…it’s what with and how we are brainwashed that causes the problems. Nothing new there. Our father taught us to believe about 4% of what we read in a newspaper so thinking outside the box has always been the norm. However… the trouble with our Greg is, as anyone who’s read his work will understand….that he starts off with a little bit of plausable stuff and gets carried away adding on and adding on until it becomes sublimely ridiculous. Hilarious though. He should have been a comedic writer…he’d be famous as fuck by now,…and rich!
Shame! That’s what he wants..in his own words…’waking up and peeling the dollar signs off my eyes’. He could’ve used his comedy to enlighten people but instead he has isolated himself from most of the world, including his family. Our poor mother who is admired by all who have ever met her has lost a son…and not to death. She’ll be 80 in a few months and he hasn’t spoken to her for about 15 years. She’s an independent thinker herself. He sent her a bill for $250,000 cos he thought his life was fucked up and it was her fault….go figure.
If you could read some of the affidavits he’s written about us you’d take a week getting off the floor with laughter.
Regularly (every year or so) we invite him back into the fold. He tells people (including my own daughter), that WE dumped him….not true, but when we reflect on our loss we often come to the conclusion that he treated us with such derision and disrespect that we are better off without him. The rest of us have a good strong loving relationship and we are all independent, very happy people.
The pedophilia and brainwashing he talks about….he spent a year or so living in a cult commune when first at Uni….everyone was encouraged to sleep with others whether they fancied them or not and partners were chosen for you…goggle it….Centrepoint, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand…the guy who ran it is in prison for pedophilia. Now that’s when Greg really started to get strange, all who knew him back then say the same.
Make no mistake, he is NOT a psychopath, he is a sociopath. There is a big difference. He was born without a conscience….I could tell you many stories….
The EGO…it’s huge and always has been, part of the sociopathy. This is where the dickhead stuff comes in. He never used to be a dickhead, he was intelligent and fun but that was a long time ago.
He’s not been under threat of death in NZ….politicians there think he’s a joke. An over vivid imagination, yes. Never any evidence is one problem. He has some good points and I agree with quite a bit of the stuff he says about the situation of fathers in law courts (all across the world not just in NZ) but he’s not telling you the truth about his own experiences either.
It had always been agreed that his daughter would spend a year with him before becoming an adult which she willingly did. Her experience living with him is her story but he lost his benefit when she left and went to Uni and not long afterwards he left the country without even telling her. She has a very close and loving relationship with her mother.
We had a fun and carefree upbringing, we were very lucky. Every family has their idiosyncrasies but most people grow through that, not let it become them.
Saying that, he’s still the funniest guy I’ve ever known but if you’re not saying what he wants to hear, the conversation is over….forever.
Tom is probably right, he would set up his own publicity stunts.
Chain smoking….addictive personality…he didn’t start smoking till his 40’s, he didn’t drink in his 20’s and 30’s…he loathed it as a habit and disrespected people who smoked and drank…ironic.
Anyway, if he sees this it’ll annoy the shit out of him but won’t make any difference to our non-existent relationship and he will turn it around to suit himself. I wanted to balance the scales a little.
Greg, if you do read this…please…become a comedy writer…it was always your forte. We are a very funny family and I mean that in an hilarious way!
Unfortunately, I do not believe that Hallett has lost all sense of reality – although I wish to fuck that he had.
You see, I am now convinced that our new King is following in the footsteps of Alex Jones and David Icke, with a mandate to destroy what little credibility the Alternative Media has left.
And since he has aligned himself with Qanon (although he denies the fact), all I can say is shame on you Greg… And shame on all of you brain-dead zombies who are falling for this crap.
You are all architects of your own downfall.
Just sayin’.
June 8, 2020 @ 7:59 pm
Are you annoyed with me Chris….. ?
Can’t wait till everyone finds out Trump is a time traveller too………. <3
June 8, 2020 @ 8:41 pm
I could never be annoyed with you Lisa, I love you far too much… I do despair that you are buying into this shit though. xxx
June 9, 2020 @ 7:24 pm
Good stuff indeed
June 14, 2020 @ 9:50 pm
That’s a fairly accurate description of your posts, Chris.
Wolfe tone
June 8, 2020 @ 8:04 pm
Thankfully I have never heard of Hallet!
June 8, 2020 @ 8:48 pm
I’m probably way off the mark – but something about Chauvin and Christian B looks familiar. Perhaps I’m just putting 2 + 2 together and getting 6 : )
June 8, 2020 @ 8:55 pm
Are you still annoyed with me Chris?
June 8, 2020 @ 9:04 pm
Ha ha, probably… Message me why you got arrested again. I will keep it our secret.
June 12, 2020 @ 4:04 pm
25th May 2020, Floyd was allegedly killed by cops .
During the past 18 days, since then, tens of thousands of people have been on the streets, world-wide, in close proximity, shouting and bawling, meaning lots of airborne saliva floating around.
Why are they not falling like flies by now ? with corona’s fourteen day incubation period .
Serena Munro-Coombe
June 8, 2020 @ 9:54 pm
Totally agree with this brilliant article Chris…it has got to the stage that the next person who mentions, posts about or even talks QAnon I will cheerfully slap and keep on slapping them. I have asked for, no begged for evidence, any evidence of their claims and there isn’t any but keep on ‘trusting the plan’. They seem to ignore the numerous times Q’s missions have been aborted or fallen though the floor..I wont go on as I’m driving myself mad. Much love as always xx
June 8, 2020 @ 10:06 pm
I vaguely remember another “kink of Enkland” quite a few years ago, probably in the days of dial-up.
From what little I remember, this one’s claim seemed to have a Glastonbury connection. He ran, or was involved with, a “Freeman” type group known as tpuc.org, which I think was The People’s United Collective.
I believe he killed himself in the end, though the group went on for a bit longer.
Just tried it out of interest, and it’s now a French language site, The People’s United Community, so presumably the domain lapsed and was taken over by the French. Looks like a sales site to me.
ht tps://www.tpuc.org/
June 10, 2020 @ 1:39 am
John Harris
June 10, 2020 @ 2:50 pm
That’s him. Thanks Eamonn.
June 23, 2020 @ 3:07 pm
He never said he was king did he? I only ever saw him talk about freeman of the land stuff……
Free David Noakes
June 8, 2020 @ 11:26 pm
The meme magic is strong with the orange one if you Kek my meaning ?
MooJoe Brown
June 8, 2020 @ 11:32 pm
I’ll hold my hands up I got sucked into the Q stuff but after looking into it I was very disappointed in myself that I had been so naive.
This is going to happen on such a date bla bla bla nothing never happened.
I wanted it to be true but some of the stuff they come out with is outrageous. It’s like cult if you question anything you just get slammed “troll” “trust the plan”
June 9, 2020 @ 10:08 am
Same with Ben Fulford telling us what he thinks we want to hear with the intention of preventing us doing what needs to be done.
“It’s all under control. Queer Liz and it’s family have all been rounded up. So has the entire wrath-child family and all the bankers. The puppet politicians are next. No need to do anything yourselves. Everything’s being taken care of behind the scenes.
One word. Eight letters. Men have two of them.
david wells
June 8, 2020 @ 11:46 pm
Talking of dodgy royalty, have you seen this before at 2 hours 27. 39, shocked me…
June 9, 2020 @ 11:14 pm
What was the video, YouTube have removed it, will see if it is on bit chute.
Margaret Stephens
June 8, 2020 @ 11:50 pm
On a different topic, The Obama Foundation posted online that George Floyd was dead a full week before it actually happened. Look at Natural News online for a link to the article saying this. Facebook will not let me post link to article and Messenger will not let me send link to my contacts. Pretty obvious all this rioting and destruction has been long planned and staged with the help of crisis actors and hired mobs. Where were all these Black Lives Matter protestors last year when the stabbings and deaths of young black men were an almost daily event in big cities? They said nothing because most of it was drug and gang related and the perpetrators were black too.
Sane Man
June 9, 2020 @ 3:27 pm
Sorry to spoil the party here and assuming you`re referring to the post on twitter from the Obamafoundation? But to my knowledge when a twitter page changes its main picture, it also changes all thumbnails that have gone beforehand, be it a week, a month, a year etc. I`m not on Twitter so don`t take my word for it but many commented on the aforementioned post that this is what happens.
June 9, 2020 @ 12:33 am
Have you thought of going on instagram Chris? There is a lot going on on there when you cut through the crap.. Which will be no problem for you
June 9, 2020 @ 12:51 am
I keep thinking about it as I am on most everything else, but I only really use FB and Twitter and only then for posting links to this website.
Chris x
June 9, 2020 @ 12:58 am
Q sent me
he told me to tell you, he loves you Chris.
Don’t despair and trust the plan….
When can we talk about the the time travel thing?
? ? xxx
June 9, 2020 @ 1:17 am
Fuck Q xxx
Marc Donaghy
June 15, 2020 @ 7:20 pm
He’s not a Time Traveller he just read the Ingersoll Lockwood books all his life and even named his Son Barron!! Lol. But if your calling him a Time Traveller because he is a McLeod thru his Mother and the Highlander connection I see where your going with this?
June 9, 2020 @ 1:34 am
That is why I Love you xxx
Sane Man
June 9, 2020 @ 2:25 pm
One would assume that if these rampant high society criminals are under house arrest that each of their houses would require 24/7 policing to make sure they stay put, seems like a lot of wasted manpower to me. Surely more efficient to round them up and bung them in a maximum security prison whilst they await trial and therefore less manpower required as a handful of screws could do the job of many old bill. Makes more sense to me and quite frankly, I have more trust in a flan than the so called plan.
June 9, 2020 @ 3:11 pm
Thanks for this article Chris!
Feels like everyone has lost their damn minds of late and this Q stuff is just incomprehensible
I despair that so-called ‘critical thinkers’ I know have fallen into this… there’s no evidence of ANY of it from what I’ve seen, just ‘so-and-so said this that and the other’ and a few questionable photos – well anyone can say ANYTHING, doesn’t make it true
I was assured that the reason we were locked down was because children were being released from underground bunkers, that’s what the empty hospitals were for, and high-profile paedophiles were being kept under house arrest to be sent off to Gitmo
I did ask why the fuck would we need to be locked down, kept apart from others and economies trashed to achieve this…of course the reply I got was non-existant
I mean ffs 99% of people would be overjoyed to see nonces being taken out
‘Key dates’ they have talked about have come and gone with nothing changing
If you question you get told “trust the plan” – what fucking plan? The rantings of a madman???
There is no saviour (in the form of mortal man) coming to save us from this dystopian Hell, Q and such are purely there imo to stop people *doing* anything – just sit back because ‘it’s really happening, guys!’
WIGWAM indeed
June 9, 2020 @ 7:51 pm
I read this book last year and i remembered a passage in it and have just read it again.
“but in terms of signs of a coming huge SHTF,keep in mind that when your freedoms and rights that are really important are taken away from you,the S is going to hit the fan soon.
And again,probably it is going to happen gradually enough that the majority of folks will not go out on the street to fight for those rights.
In fact,it may happen in a way that the majority of people will welcome it,under some new laws that “save lives” or “keep them safe” or similar.
But the result is going to be the same.Your rights and freedoms are gonna be taken because you are gonna be easier to manipulate then.”
“I have mentioned all of that before,more than once,but prior to SHTF it is going to be worse when it comes to hate because again,a lot of stuff you cannot see clearly when you are in a state of hate or fear.
A lot of things can be moving in the background while you are coping with disorder,hate,and violence.
Your free access to independant information will be “shrunk”
Independant media will be harder and harder to find,or you will be fooled,and you will think that actually,you have access to free information while in reality, it is junk,propaganda.
The shutting down of free media and people who hold information will disappear.
These are some of the last signs,and again,most people will welcome it.Independant media will be almost “demonized”.
The Dark Secrets Of SHTF Survival by Selco Begovic
June 9, 2020 @ 8:30 pm
Ur posts r awesome Chris! Let alone how you write, a reliev for sore eyes!
Jon Wedger recomended ur page regarding the RAINS list & I feel like having found a few ponds of common sense in a sea of fake shizzle
Obvsly Q is a psyop, just like covid-19, floyd, … – I cant tell u y, but my intuition told me long be4 stumbling onto here & I am grateful for having found intellectual backup ?
keep up the good Fight, we r worth it x
June 12, 2020 @ 12:54 am
According to Brian Harvey he says that he was set up by wedger and bill Maloney and also provides evidence on his you tube account. Which is interesting
Howard Crane
June 9, 2020 @ 9:26 pm
Professor Adonis Cnut was right!
“Beleive Nothing”
Gnome sayin’
June 9, 2020 @ 10:36 pm
As for Q: Trump, Boris, the ‘virus’, Brexit, populism rising etc are all creations of the NWO. The ‘DEEP STATE’ counted amongst the ‘useful idiots’ of the NWO for decades but they are now in the process of being liquidated. It’s their destruction that will give legitimacy and credence to the re-emergence of the USA as the world’s top power economically (more accurately described as the 4th Reich). I guess nobody has read Mein Kampf, and know nothing of Kristallnacht or the Reichstag fire or the original Antifa or the Brown shirts. Trump is the CEO of the American division of the NWO. Much of what “Q” talks about will come to pass but “Q” followers won’t ever understand that Q & Trump are the NWO. By the time this period of (planned) upheaval is over Trump will be lauded (by those whose voices still count) as the greatest man ever and the saviour of the free world.
June 9, 2020 @ 10:49 pm
I should add that the reason so many people are falling for the new-king ruse is that during the lockdown millions of people worldwide have realized that everything they were ever taught is wrong, so now without doing any research or thinking logically, many of them are jumping on board with any ‘conspiracy theory’ that they come across. That’s why now we hear so many people making statements like “the earth is flat, there is no such thing as bacteria, viruses are the bodies sanitation dept., Hillary was executed in Greenland, JFK jr is still alive, there is no such thing as space, Obama is a clone, there is a new king, 5G is going to kill everyone, etc etc” all in the same breath.
eyes painted on
June 10, 2020 @ 8:29 am
You are right. Everything that we have been taught that we know , that we don’t question , is wrong .
That’s where the bastards in control get their control over us from. Blind acceptance of huge lies when the truth is staring us in the face . Question all .
Are you promoting the mainstream scientific paradigm as a ” please don’t question me ” thing? The bigger the lie the greater the depth of brainwash , and the harder it is to
overcome your conditioning .
Deeply ingrained conditioned views result in vicious attack on those questioning these paradigms.
Science is the replacement for religion , but the control is the same . Science outdoes religion in killing power though .
June 10, 2020 @ 12:16 am
Yea but Trump walked in front of the queen so he must be a goodun!
June 10, 2020 @ 3:20 am
From today’s Daily Mirror:
According to a report today, the FBI “appears” to be poised to turn the screws on two of Ghislaine Maxwell’s top British helpers. They are:
1. Lady Clare Hazell-Iveagh (Guinness), of Elveden Hall in West Suffolk; and
2. Emmy Tayler, the Oxford-based voiceover actress whose late father was a curator at the University of Oxford’s Pitt-Rivers museum of anthropology.
Of course, the “fourth” British woman (well, dual citizen) whom the FBI would not DARE to investigate is the Queen Bee herself — Lynn Forester de Rothschild, wife of Sir Evelyn.
Lynn Rothschild *owned* Ghislaine Maxwell’s mansion in Manhattan, as uncovered by Business Insider.
Lynn Rothschild was Jeffrey Epstein’s flying companion on the ‘Lolita Express’.
Lynn Rothschild didn’t “only” help Epstein and Maxwell directly, however.
Lynn Rothschild also helped Peter Mandelson engineer Prince Andrew into the Kompromat operation. See links below.
Other *men* may be higher in the pyramid, but I have yet to uncover the identity of any *woman* who ranks above Lynn Forester Rothschild in the trans-Atlantic, UK-US-Israeli VIPaedophile crime cabal..
My understanding is that Lynn Rothschild outranks Maxwell by some margin.
Prince Andrew one of FOUR Brits FBI wants to quiz over paedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein:
ht tps://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/prince-andrew-one-four-brits-22165379
Lynn Rothschild’s ownership of Ghislaine Maxwell’s mansion in Manhattan (to which Maxwell’s fake TerraMar charity was also registered – Peter Mandelson having been a prominent TerraMar supporter):
ht tps://businessinsider.com/ghislaine-maxwell-jeffrey-epstein-father-real-estate-assets-foundation-2019-8
Lynn Forester was Jeffrey Epstein’s flying companion on the ‘Lolita Express’:
ht tps://shadowwarfare.info/qanon/FlightLogs.pdf
More on the delightful British women who facilitated Epstein and Maxwell: Lady Clare Hazell-Iveagh and Emmy Tayler. Both now on the radar of the FBI, according to today’s Daily Mirror:
(Victim Virginia Giuffre-Roberts says that Clare Hazell-Iveagh abused her as a minor, Meanwhile, a separate victim, Maria Farmer, recalls Ghislaine Maxwell stating that Clare Hazell-Iveagh procured girls for her. Hazell-Iveagh kept Maria Farmer under her watch at Leslie Wexner’s mansion in Ohio)
(Emmy Tayler took part in a sexual assault on Johann Sjoberg but ‘officially’ was Ghislaine Maxwell’s PA)
(Both British women accompanied Jeffrey Epstein on ‘Lolita Express’ flights to and from properties where Epstein and Maxwell engaged in child sexual abuse and sex trafficking. They were both based in the US at the time):
ht tps://twitter.com/JamesRusbridger/status/1270517073924575234?s=20
Tinkers Cunt
June 10, 2020 @ 7:20 am
Chris, the murder cop was played by Benjamin Ray Bailey (goggle him) a low grade actor who stared in cash cab, george fraud is on a beach somewhere, the real cop chauvin or whatever is just a paid patsy, do a photo analysis of the cop on video and bailey 100% same man
June 10, 2020 @ 11:53 am
I did think there was something to the Q stuff:
– chemtrails completely stopped for 3 weeks where I live
– Trump nationalising the Federal Reserve (what does that actually mean?!?!?)
– government and banks throwing billions at us
Few other things but I’m not sure now…..it’s the hope that kills ya
If it is all bollocks then we are well and truly fucked!
June 10, 2020 @ 2:54 pm
Floyd George. Wasn’t he some “British” politician?
(Yes, I know. It was Lloyd George). I wonder why his parents named him after a violent criminal.
Howard Crane
June 10, 2020 @ 4:08 pm
ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAtsboZcD7o
Gnome sayin’
June 10, 2020 @ 5:27 pm
You will get fooled again oh yeah…..yes Chris i agree 100% that the Q crap is a mitigation PSYOP and there are a number of parallels between Trump and JFK, after all Kennedy also semi-nationalised the Federal Reserve by issuing United States Notes separate from the Fed and pretended to be against the CIAs Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. Kennedy was one of the Cabal and i personally go for Miles Mathis theory that the Kennedy assassination was a Psyop wherein Kennedy was not killed, just sayin
Howard Crane
June 10, 2020 @ 7:21 pm
…”Kennedy was not killed…”
Gnome sayin’
mike mcshane
June 10, 2020 @ 9:35 pm
Chris great as always, when i first heard of this joker Greg Hallett via Caroline Stephens who i admire, i thought oh no, here we go again,another paid actor controlled by intel and the Tavistock Institute etc.
There is simply no end to people who are willing to take the 30 pieces of silver,so they can act out a part and sell just about anybody down the river including family and friends!
June 10, 2020 @ 11:23 pm
I got an invite on FB to join the group Where We Go One We Go All. I didn’t take up the offer.
The alt media now is awash with stuff like the paedo Tom Hanks is either dead or was arrested in Australia and various celebrities wearing ankle monitors underneath their trousers disguised as leg braces etc, because they’ve been arrested and are under surveillance.
Children being rescued on masse from underground tunnels….
Playing the false divide between the political Left (Democracts/Labour) and right (Republican/Tory) when in reality, anyone who is a genuine critical thinker knows that these political parties are one and the same.
All these psy ops mix some truth with a lot of very big lies. That’s how they suck in a lot of people on the alt media and anti establishment crowd to their movement.
David Icke says a lot of hogwash but he does say many accurate things. His two interviews with Brian Reel on the fake Corona scamdemic where he explained how the testing is carried out to produce false positive results is spot on. He does rant and rave and ramble on and on about spiritual stuff, which although not untrue gets very repetitive is annoying.
That is the problem with the great Information Age and the growth of truth seeking and alternative media. It’s now so awash with Psy Op disinformation that it is endangering the very purpose of what up the movement was created for in the first place.
Erasmus Mustang
June 11, 2020 @ 12:41 am
Still, at least we’ve got Madeline McCann to keep us all busy and distracted now.
“Hey, maybe she’s still alive! I need a happy ending story to gloss over the depression of the last days/weeks/months/years…..”
June 11, 2020 @ 10:19 am
True, Erasmus. Why let a good story die?
If the Madeline McCann story were true, the best thing for “poor little Madeline” would have been to die quickly rather than endure years of physical and psychological torture at the hands (and other parts) of some pervert.
Btw, I notice Carlos Porter no longer hosts Tony Bennett’s “60 reasons” booklet (or perhaps it’s just been moved to some obscure part of the site).
That’s Tony Bennett the retired London solicitor, not the singer who left body parts all over America.
I left my heart in San Fransicko
My leg dropped off in Baltimore
and so on.
Odd bod
June 11, 2020 @ 7:04 am
Trump aint no king, but he could be a certain H Clinton.
Politics is just an act with ugly people, don’t get caught up in it’s charade.
June 11, 2020 @ 9:49 am
For the untermenschen (sheeple) life is a series of misadventures and cock-ups. If they wind up penniless sleeping under a bridge it will all be down to adverse circumstances and serendipity.
To the COVID cretins of this world it’s the same with events and history – it’s all a series of cock-ups for them. Nothing is planned: WW1, WW2, 9-11, Swine Flu, COVID, Israel etc. All these events just happened out of the blue – one FUCKING BIG COCK-UP – right? God has it in for us.
They think they selflessly inflicted self-isolation, social distancing, lock-down and economic catastrophe on themselves because of their essentially virtuous nature. They took to the streets at a set time on a certain day each week to bang saucepans to signal this virtue. It was all instinctive. It just happened. Nobody modelled this behaviour for them – not the TV, Common Purpose or the power elite. No they did it all because they knew it was right.
BTW WTF did the saucepan demos suddenly stop? Oh, they must have decided that it was time to pack it in. They thought of the idea in the first place so it must have been their idea to stop when they did – A – fucking -Hem!
When those brutal cops killed that black guy in the States they decided all on their own – without any prompting – whatever to forget about lock-down and social distancing and take to the streets. Let’s burn down the empty shops! Let’s smash small businesses!
We are virtuous and this is the right thing to do.
We beg to differ. No, U R just a bunch of arseholes reacting to one staged event after another like Pavlov’s dogs waiting for their dinner!
June 12, 2020 @ 9:23 am
I couldn’t agree more with your final statement, Steelback, but last night I was talking to one of the sheeple and saw the first signs of cracks starting to appear in the brainwashing.
We know Bozo the Downing Street monkey never has an original thought of it’s own, and is merely fronting the scam for the Rothschilds (and others?), but the person I was talking to seems finally to be seeing some of the contradictions in the daily updates to this creature’s ever-changing orders.
The thing that seems to be starting my friend on the long road to awakening is this.
One day we’re not allowed sexual contact with anyone we’re not related to (so no new families being created), and the next day we can have an unrelated friend staying overnight, even if we share a bed with that person.
Seems (((they))) call it “bubbles” or something, whatever that is when it’s at home, but I suppose (((childish morons))) would apply silly names to everything their undeveloped minds come up with.
Wasn’t that the name of Michael Jackson’s chimp?
The more the monsters contradict themselves, the more people are going to wake up to the scam. I just hope it will happen soon enough, before it’s announced in September that the imaginary plague is back, worse than before, so we’ll be locked up in even smaller cages.
Funny how this non-existent “disease” is never going away. The monsters want us to think there’s no immunity that doesn’t come from a needle, and even after the vaccine with the 666 chip, we’ll all remain vulnerable for the rest of our lives.
Just look at the permanent changes being made supposedly to “protect” us from a plague that doesn’t even exist.
Diseases don’t work like that. They arrive, work up to a peak and then go away. They don’t stay with us as a never-ending threat. Only governments do that, and that’s a disease we do need to find a cure for before it kills us all.
Elsa carter
June 11, 2020 @ 11:06 pm
Hi chris,
In my opinion mate picture of the soldiers is fake,the perspective is off and you can not make any features out of the people in the picture,defo its computer generated & bullocks!
And if hallet says he is in it then it could of been put together by himself as more self promotion,stop sending money to people/frauds like hallet and jim stone for fuck sake!
Also i asked “alan” in a previous article in a reply to one of his statements which i dont think he saw?
He wrote,
“If anyone knew of such a thing it would be Jim Stone, he is well worth following, just like Chris”
I wanted to ask Alan again please, How would this “jim stone” know something?
Im just curious alan why you think this?
I have my reasons for asking mate but need to see why you think this way.
June 12, 2020 @ 8:40 am
Hello Elsa, I have been following a few people for several years now, Chris since 2012, Richard Hall, CMOMM and Jim Stone for a long period too.
I am interested in Jim Stone for his knowledge of electronics, having a computer shop of my own for 17 years before retiring. I have tried constructing one or two of his items, particularly an electric generator and a pure water manufactorer, and both worked very well.
On the political side I have no interest at all. Apart from being USA based articles, I don’t for a minute believe he is “hidden” as he claims due to running an FTP site, he could be traced instantly through his wife’s paypal account. Like a lot of people who claim to have “contacts” who are never named, I take all that with a pinch of salt.
However I do like some of his articles regarding practical things, I have spent many an hour trying to implement some of hist ideas, sometimes beyond me though.
Why do you ask Elsa ? What is fraudulent about Jim Stone?
June 14, 2020 @ 2:30 pm
Hi Alan – welcome to the site.
Please don’t hesitate in posting your views – at the end of the day, people’s perceptions/ideas tend to spark off lots of stuff which negates any bad feelings towards each other ? ? ?
Take care x
June 14, 2020 @ 2:43 pm
Hi Maz,
Alan is hardly new to the site and doesn’t hold back on his views.
Chris x
June 12, 2020 @ 2:01 am
Here’s something that’s fake – the Space X Dragon launch
There’s a critter in the video that’s behaving like a mouse.
June 12, 2020 @ 8:30 pm
Brilliant anon. Surely that proves the whole space programme is fake. Everything else that the experts tell us about space needs to be questioned as well.
June 12, 2020 @ 2:11 am
Could these global lockdowns be because the controllers don’t want us to notice strange goings on in the sky?
The sun’s not in its usual position
Something has happened to this planet very recently (late April 2020?) during the lockdown.
People are starting to notice…looks to be in the WRONG place!
The position of the Sun Rising has changed, it had moved to North East from East.
June 12, 2020 @ 6:36 pm
The Coronavirus Act 2020 is Null and Void!
June 12, 2020 @ 8:38 pm
Thanks Tina for posting that link.
I’ve made a pledge, but they still need £7,441 by 9am on June the 21st, so if anyone’s got any pennies to spare, they need to get a move on. This dictatorship MUST be stopped or there’s no future for any of us.
June 12, 2020 @ 10:12 pm
Regarding the theory that the position of the sun rising has changed i don’t think there has been any major changes because it has always been a generalisation that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Because i live on a boat i have a compass and need to keep a check on it because i have to reposition my solar panel around the boat to get the fullest charge from the sun and i can inform you that it rises in the North East at 4-52 AM at exactly 50 degrees, and sets in the North West at 311 degrees just sayin j
June 12, 2020 @ 11:05 pm
If you read the comments to the first video from MrMBB333, you’ll find many people posting their personal experiences which are consistent with the findings in the video. There’s absolutely heaps of people who’ve noticed the changed position of the sun in the sky.
The Breadcrumbs Project has 3 videos discussing the change in the sun’s position but I haven’t had time to listen to them yet.
The Sun is too far North!
The Mystery Of The Moving Sun
The Mystery Of The Moving Sun
If anyone here keeps a record of the position of the sun during the soltice which is just over a week’s time, please tell us if anything has different.
Obviously the sun hasn’t gone walkabouts. It has to be our planet. It’s shifted but why and how come? I think there’s a very large object close enough to Earth to cause our planet to move somewhat. The Zetas (OK, it’s a disinfo site but disinfo agent also have to feed some truth to their followers or nobody will read their stuff) said that the gravitational pull of the Nemesis star system is holding the Earth, Venus and one other planet (which shall not be named here) in a cup formation. When the 3 objects move apart, well, that’s when all hell breaks lose here on Planet Earth because we’ll get the full effect of Nemesis’ gravitational pull.
There’s no need to debunk this Jimbo. Nobody here believes any of this stuff. It’s just been a dull day and I don’t feel like practising Tai Chi as I should ? LOL!
June 13, 2020 @ 1:21 am
Ho ho i really wasn’t trying to debunk the sun moving theory as i am not an astronomer however i checked out some of the breadcrumbs project guys theory on YouTube and doublechecked by googling “Are astronomers talking about the position of the sun” and guess what? It doesn’t seem as if many apart from breadcrumbs have mentioned it, i am only commenting as a layman as i have worked on several farms and had to get up at 5 oclock in the morning to get to work by 6 and as i have a good sense of direction i always noticed that the sun never has risen from due east or set due west. Also since i became a conspiracy theorist i have learned to never believe anything unless checking out several different sources. All i can say is i don’t believe a lot of the alleged planets or giant meteors or Nibiru planet x winging their way towards our solar system why not? Because its always theoretical and usually unprovable and instead of it being important, which I don’t think it is because i think its more important to find out what the evil Satanic Cabal are gonna do next in their horrible roll out of The New World Order which is unbelievably happening in front of our very eyes in these very scary times . I am sorry you had a dull day, i know the feeling especially as the cities and towns are locked down and people avoid you like the plague and have surgical masks and fear in their eyes, the stupid fuckers ho ho ho. Strangely i had a better day than usual as i ventured into the great metropolis and sat on a bench when a distinguished looking gentlemen asked if he might join me on an adjoining bench, i signalled my approval and he asked me if i would like a sandwich ! At first i refused but as he produced the said item and it was a shop bought and wrapped egg sandwich i relented and replied in the affirmative. During my snack he told me a disturbing story of how he came to this city to study for a degree in microbiology and other medical subjects, however he discovered that the university was full of greed and corruption, i mentioned that i heard the woman principal had resigned as it was reported in the local and national press that she was earning £700,000 per year!!! He replied that the true figure was £2 million!
He told me that he had helped form a protest group against the greedy grasper and carried on his tirade after he left with several degrees. It seems he went a bit over the top and sent off 5,000 derogatory e-mails and was arrested and incarcerated in a mental institution and had to have a compulsory anti-phsycotic injection once a month !!! He seemed an ok person and luckily two friends of mine saw me and joined me on my bench, he made his excuses and left and my friends a young couple invited me to their flat for light refreshments and the woman showed me photos of her mothers house in a mountainous area of Spain and asked if my boat was capable of getting to Spain with all 3 of us on it, i suggested it was possible but said I’d rather fly by Ryanair as the flights to Malaga were only £22 each .
Anyways i am meetiing them tomorrow to see if it is a viable proposition, my word what an interesting day ho ho laters j
Elsa carter
June 13, 2020 @ 1:12 am
Hi chris,
Alan,thanks for the reply,im glad you have not been taken in by stone too much then,i expected you too write something along the lines of, he has insider information as he is ex NSA etc,ive read people write that about him lots of times.
You asked why i thought he is a fraud,its because 90% of what he puts up on his website is other peoples work & sometimes its word for word perfect from there websites,ive seen it myself and when the original person complains he just blanks them and does not even reply.
All he does is check different websites allday and then copies the information to his own adding little bits here and there.
Remember even his big japan tsunami story line about isreal planting a nuke was someone elses story he stole and added too,it was ken adachi who first broke that story and stone stole his ideas and ran with it as usual.
Personally i dont beleive claudia exists and this nonsence about his infection and the photos of empty boxes of medication he was supposed too of been taking,always remember with him that every story line about him ALWAYS leads to him asking for money,everytime without fail.
Empty tablet boxes are not hard to come by,in mexico he could easily pay a chemist for some old boxes,no proof he ever took any himself.
Also i read he was on the run in mexico from the USA as he had run out on a ex girlfriend/wife and a daughter which he had failed to pay towards so she was due maintenance from him which he failed to pay and he has a warrant out for his arrest in the USA.
I dont know if that is true but its a possibility that is the reason he is in mexico?
There is a lot of things about him,ive seen a picture of him from someone who knew him from when his website was just about him showing pictures he had taken before he pretended he was a “investigative journalist”,i used to know his real name aswell but ive forgot it,the guy who knew him said basically the same as im telling you now.
Obviosly he could of been lying about stone and none of what he said could be true but at the time when i read it i tended to go along with it as it sounded plausable.
Anyway i stand by what i said about him being a fraud and i will add he is just a conman out to fleece people who follow his site and donate and ive noticed he is asking for money more often and he is using this corona scam as an excuse too ask for more money.The guy who knew him said he had used all this donated money over the years to buy up loads of land in mexico,again dont know if he has or not but id advise people stop falling for his bollocks.
Just remember EVERYTHING you read on there mate is other peoples work and he learns everything from the internet,all his info about solar panels and infection zappers etc its all learned from what hes scoured from the internet,every last bit of information you read on his site is from the internet so please just keep that in mind!
On another subject,space exploration and NASA,its just a massive money laundering scheme and has been from day one.
I saw a video of a supposably space walk from the international space station but someone by accident got in the picture and you could tell he was a diver with a oxygen tank on his back which means the video was being filmed here on earth under water but they were pretending too be aboard the ISS.
Its nearly all faked because the general public have zero way of finding out the truth and those scumbags in government dont give a fuck cause they get a piece of the action by way of owning shares in all these companies that fleece the public for billions every year,why spend billions when you can just fake it and steal the money.
Same with drug companies,politicians pass legislation that mandates people to take vacines for example and the pricks all own shares in the companies who win the government contracts too supply the vacinations,all insider trading all making a nice buck or 2,not bad eh.
Why are these politicians not being arrested and how can somone who has been in politics for 10-20 years end up with 20-30 million plus in the bank,not be arrested for corruption.
Dont think it could not happen because other countires would blow the whistle,ive got news for you all the other countries are owned by the same people,there is no us against them,east against west.
At the very top in all these countries they are all related and best of friends! and have been for 100s of years, just remember what ever the bbc and CNN tell you on the nightly news about these countries,always think the exact reverse.
Ps, what had saddam hussein and gaddafi ever done to the normal people of the USA and the UK,how had these people ever affected us in a negative way that our army/air forces had to go in and dispose of them for us?
Personally i would prefer to have gadaffi as my leader than boris johnson and gadaffi did alot more for the people of libya than bozo would do for the UK.
Gadaffi used to give the libya people homes when they got married simular to the system hitler had in germany.
How many free homes has bozo supplied to his people?
June 13, 2020 @ 10:01 pm
I was just re-reading this article again when i think i noticed something important and i wondered whether anyone else spotted it? The photo of Trump and Hallet which Chris analyzed as photoshopped has a secret Freemasonic or possibly Jewish cabbalistic handsign being made by Hallet which holds the fingers so there is a gap in the m.iddle forming the letter V . I once read an article which told the story of Leonard Nimoy who played Spock in star trek and i think its the same handsign that Spock made purporting to be a Vulcan sign. In his chidhood Nimoy as a child being Jewish went to a synagogue to find his father and he heard some weird chanting and opened a door partially to see his father and other men making this sign and worshipping the Devil which i believe Nimoy introduced to the Star Trek show, unfortunately i cannot enlarge the image on my phone to be 100% sure. Perhaps someone could blow the image up and see if it is so?
Elsa carter
June 14, 2020 @ 2:54 am
Hi chris,
Hope you dont mind me replying too alan in this way?
Alan i just wanted to add as i forgot too mention it before about Jim stones latest blag/scam he is pulling this time.
He mentioned he noticed people installing some device on a pole outside his house & they returned over 2-3 days which he thought was suspicious.
Ok then, so why is there no photos of these guys in the act?
Also, why no photo of the said device on the pole from the perspective of his property?
All we have been shown by him is a shitty picture of a box which could be anywhere and all we have too go on is what he is telling us?
It is of my opinion that this is all bollocks as usual,& another one of his money making scams,personally i think he either devised the box himself or found it in a skip and it is my guess he will play on this now for a few weeks where by he will state due to the installation of the box he can not live at his home any longer and needs too move and low and behold he will them start asking for money to help with his moving costs etc.
Of course though he has no fucking intention of moving and how would we ever know if he does or not.
As ive already stated i think he is a scam artist and is totally motivated by blagging money from his readers through different ways he keeps coming up with and has been doing over the last few years.
He has been doing very well out of it and has been earning upto £600 every 2-3 weeks just recently,& this nonsence he keeps saying about his alt income plan 1 and 2,ha ha funny,he makes me laugh cause its all bollocks as he does not need any alt income plans when he is pulling in upto £600 as often as he has been doing.
Obviously i could be totally 100% wrong about the guy & i wish i was for the sake of his readers who seem to keep sending him money,especially the ones who think he is ex NSA with insider knowledge and friends still in there,ha ha funny,unbelievable.
Then we have chris who writes all his own fucking articles & is genuine as fuck and when he does mention other peoples work he will link you to the original sources & does not just plaglarise other peoples work & then sometimes struggles to pay for the fucking site fees and is genuine enough to tell everyone who struggles them selves or is on a shitty wage or low income/benefits that they are not too donate as he does not expect them too or want them to unlike stone who couldn`t give a fuck and will scrounge off any fucker who is daft enough too fall for his latest bollocks he has come up with.
As for this WIGWAM Q thing which ive not followed as i dont use 4chan etc but ive heard others going on about it,.of course its all made up and another distraction.
Who ever started Q has about as much insider information as fucking” jim stone” which is ZERO for christ sake and if you have been following it lisa and spreading it to others and believing it “WHY” ?
I understand people wanting it too be real and wishing it was and hopeing things were finally catching up with these perverted scumbags in politics & media etc but it just isnt happening,fucking underground tunnels being blown up and kids being released and all these doctors commiting suicide due to the trauma of seeing these kids and having to treat them.
This is what ive heard & read people say and i think this Q has been saying roughly the same things,i think some doctors have died but i doubt it was suicide,they were probably going blow the whistle on the covid fake virus or all the people being murdered in the genocide centres also known as hospitals & were probably murdered too keep the truth from getting out. so Q plays into the distraction as usual.
What you have got too remember is anyone “genuine” who releases true info like the guy who worked for the DNC and on hillarys campaign and released info he saw and didnt agree with,he ended up dead,assange who has released the illegal war logs etc,he is in fucking jail even though the poor cunts not been charged with anything and has served his time for breaching bail but is still locked up in bellmarsh & who the fuck ever goes jail for breaking bail conditions once, and i think it was his first offence aswell,talk about people rioting if anything, there is your excuse to protest,ive heard the expression were all palestinians now,fucking damn right.
Why dont antifa or BLM, EVER mention that if banks can print money from nowhere then why do we need them when we can print our own money the same way as they do,interest free and as the banking system has been built on fraud then we can confiscate all there wealth and redistribute it amongst our selves doing away with all the big banks/central banks,why is no one burning those buildings down etc?
This proves who controls them and how FAKE they really are and if trump was not a swamp creature him self he could end all these protests and riots easily.Using drones and satalites they could all be tracked and arrested within about 3 days, 1000s of them piece of piss.
Has Q mentioned any of this?
June 14, 2020 @ 6:42 pm
Big breaths Elsa – and relax.
Big breaths – and relax.
Now that was one hell of a rant, covered just about evey topic under the sun, with the exception of Madeline McCann.
With regards to Jim Stone, I would not be surprised if much of what you claim is correct, although I do not have any actual evidence myself. I did read part of the article regarding the box on the pole outside of his home, and I thought it nonsense at the time.
Thank you Elsa.
June 14, 2020 @ 1:22 pm
His right hand is too large, it’s the same size as his face. I’ve tried replicating that hand sign and I can’t do it. It seems impossible to keep both sets of fingers together with the “v” in the middle.
June 14, 2020 @ 3:39 pm
I wholeheartedly agree Chris. It is depressing the amount of people falling for the Trump and Q saviour thing. I’d like to be positive but my heart tells me that we really are screwed as a species. They’ve bent people over backwards and shoved it up them sideways.
The only thing left to do is sit back, watch the whole circus unfold, have a drink, and listen to little gems such as this….https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gXrS6eKfjk
June 14, 2020 @ 7:23 pm
Thanks for that info Mel its just that i realized that somehow old Greg looked extremely Mephistophian what with his beard trimmed similar to the Baphomet.
The hand sign clinched it for me, it wouldn’t surprise me if he is in league with NZ intelligence. That may explain how some of his articles are groundbreaking ie especially his Hitler was a British Agent stuff , because they always tell us what they’ve done and what they are going to do. One that really shocked me was a vid i saw on you tube where it was revealed that Supertramps album released in 1979 titled Breakfast in America, when held up to a mirror shows in large letters 911 L8ERS j
June 14, 2020 @ 9:42 pm
Also, they’re looking out of the plane window at the twin towers. If you look really closely there’s a couple of tiny planes towards the bottom of the picture doing somersaults. The woman with the tray is holding a glass of orange positioned right where the explosions were. And, of course, it all started at breakfast time in America.
They told us the day, the month, the time and where it would happen, and there must be a clue as to the year it would happen. I think that blond-haired older woman holding the tray must be providing some sort of clue. Marylin Monroe perhaps?
June 15, 2020 @ 12:47 am
My mistake. She’s got black hair, not blond. Point still stands though.
June 15, 2020 @ 10:44 am
Hi Mel. perhaps it is my old age causing my eye sight to fail, but the woman in the picture appears to have dark hair. I cannot see any planes at all, a load of tiny dots which might represent boats in the water.
When you say “they told us the day, the month, the time and where it would happen” – who is they?. I dont’ quite remember that ever being said by anyone.
June 15, 2020 @ 3:55 pm
Hi Alan. I did see the mistake about the hair and corrected it as above. Look closely at the menu card she is carrying and where it reads breakfast, the long looping line has the image of a plane at the end of it. Admittedly only one plane, not two.
Of course, the explanation wasn’t verbally said by anyone. If one see’s the poster as conveying a message, then it’s possible to read it as a sign of a future event.
The orange drink indicates an explosion in the tower on the 9th day of the 11th month.
“They” are the people who plan and carry out these events. “They” are the people that web sites like this one are dedicated to exposing. “They” are the New World Order, the Freemasons, the Illuminati, or by some other name – take your pick.
It could be a coincidence or the product of a lively imagination, or a sign of the future in plain sight, but that’s a decision we all have to take individually.
Why did you expect the interpretation of the poster to be explained verbally? “They” don’t tend to do that.
Tiny Tim
June 15, 2020 @ 5:57 pm
“They” are the people that web sites like this one are dedicated to exposing. Very well said Mel.
June 15, 2020 @ 6:31 pm
I got the plane Mel, its on the tail of the word breakfast. There is another at the top crossing the letter t in Supertramp.
I fully understand who the conspirators were for the twin towers, but you wrote “They told us the day, the month, the time and where it would happen” – who told us that Mel because I must have missed it?. I don’t remember anyone giving a verbal advanced warning of what happened.
Sorry mate, not having a go but have I missed something here?
June 15, 2020 @ 6:33 pm
Before you shoot me, i should have said the 11th day of the 9th month.
June 15, 2020 @ 7:40 pm
I haven’t got a reply button below so replying here Alan.
When I say “they” told us, I mean they told us through the medium of the poster. The poster itself is telling us the time of the day, which day, which month and where. Nobody verbally told us. Thats what I meant all along. Sorry for the confusion.
June 15, 2020 @ 6:06 am
Anyone else see the psyop in London with crisis actors?
Black man carrying the White man at Waterloo station.
So in less than 24hrs of it happening and in that time was the night and then into a Sunday with Covid laws in place they have tracked them down and had a interview with them and edited it and rolled it on to the news.
And the guys that done it are part of a security company etc,what a joke.
June 15, 2020 @ 9:15 am
Article on the Guinness heir’s wife, the Countess of Iveagh, in yesterday’s ‘Mail on Sunday’ (scroll down in the article):
ht tps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8418351/Prince-Andrew-demands-olive-branch-US.html
The report’s subject, Lady Clare Iveagh, is reportedly President of the NSPCC’s West Suffolk branch.
Tiny Tim
June 15, 2020 @ 1:44 pm
Chris you are correct when you say that Trump is a Nazi, because he is indeed controlled by the very same people who controlled Hitler and who also controlled Churchill: The zionists. In fact we should DEFINITELY include Churchill as a Nazi because there was no-one who served the zionist criminals more than he did. When it comes to having blood on his hands, he puts Herr Hitler in the shade. The TRUE holocaust was against the ‘goyim’. That evil bastard Churchill sanctioned the rape, torture and murder of MILLIONS of Germans (huge numbers of them women and children) AFTER the war had ended. I am NOT saying that European Jewry did not suffer during WW2 but I stand by what I say: The REAL victims were white Christians. And no, I am not some far right nutcase who wants to preserve the purity of the Aryan Race and all that old mullarkey. I am stating the truth. My paternal Grand-Father was German and he served during WW2. He came to understand that every war is engineered by those who control the money supply, and he also came to realize that if EVERY race came together as one cohesive unit, we could bring these evil bastards down overnight. There are just a few of them and there are Billions of us. You are correct Chris when you say that this is the reason that THEY divide and conquer us……..their greatest fear is that we see through the illusion of race, religion and colour and put aside our petty differences and take them out of the picture.
Tiny Tim
June 15, 2020 @ 4:05 pm
If there is one book that should be on every school curriculum it is ‘Gruesome Harvest’ by Ralph Franklin Keeling. This book details the war crimes and horrific atrocities that were committed against German CIVILIANS after WW2. Stalin (another zionist puppet) went so far as to sanction the rape of all German females. Women and children were quite literally massacred in their hundreds of thousands…..and for what? So that those foul, zionist bastards could enslave this entire planet, that’s for what.
June 15, 2020 @ 5:00 pm
The original researcher of that name published several books re-the pervasive influence of Rothschild money. Many were written with The Spymaster – a whistleblower intelligence officer who was Hallett’s source for such ideas.
Personally, I found his theory that James Rothschild impregnated Queen Victoria during her long seclusion in mourning after Prince Albert’s death quite plausible. They run the currency. Naturally, they would want their heads on the notes!
Check out pics of Rothschilds and Windsors out hunting – u will find it impossible to tell them apart.
The other theory I found quite persuasive was Hallett’s idea that Stalin was a Rothschild. Another researcher, Cliff Shack, believed this too. Georgia, where Stalin was raised, floated on a sea of wine and one of the Roths was a frequent visitor on wine and vineyard-buying missions. He could well have impregnated Stalin’s poor mother!
As for the guy claiming to be Hallett now – its not him. He’s known as Rothschild’s Revenge!
June 16, 2020 @ 8:25 am
My mistake – of course it was Nathan Rothschild the father of the English dynasty line who, according to Hallett, faked his own death.
June 16, 2020 @ 12:25 pm
BOOM Psyop confirmed,London Waterloo.
Fabrice Bardsley
June 18, 2020 @ 2:04 pm
Once again fucking great job Chris!