Aug 9 2020
Christopher Spivey
Well, there really is fuck all of interest to write about at the moment. I mean there was the Lebanon explosion which may or may not have been deliberate, but there is no way of proving it and as such; there is fuck all to say about that.
Apart from that, the press are preoccupied with people going to the beach… So fuck all to write about there either.
All of which makes my job fairly hard to do, in fact I can’t wait till the terrapins come out of self isolation.
Mind you, it was nice to see that Boris Johnson took the time to comment on my last post – least I think the comment was from our beloved Prime Mincer… After all, the post he commented on was about nonces:
The fucking pitiful vile, unpleasant and downright fucking nasty and very fucking fat lascivious sex-obsessed twat, Christopher D. Spivey’s (convicted criminal) still on the fucking ear hole for money for his fucking pathetic, miserable bleedin’ dreadful, dreadful website.
Are you not fucking dead yet, Spivey, you parasitic fucking totally workshy bald headed fat grotesque daughter bedroom-inveigling vile psychopathic lousy fucking useless crossdressing closeted queer cunt?
He is very articulate isn’t he. I mean only a properly educated cunt would use a term like “bedroom-inveigling”.
Carry on Bo Jo:
And I’m fucking chuffed to fucking bits that the fucking totally corrupt NHS did the right fucking thing in putting your also fat and gross dad into a permanent sleep and they fucking helped him to fucking die, the miserable bleeding exceptionally foul rotten smelly twatting, cunting depressing sod, long before he fucking should have!
See? He gives himself away there by admitting that the NHS is totally corrupt – back to you Boz:
Did they successfully manage to blame it all on COVID-19 too? Always a fucking good “cause of death” that one is!!! LOLOLOL. All they fucking need to concentrate on next is your very fat appallingly and repellently fucking fish smelling mother who, like you, has become totally fucking useless to both herself and Society and she’s costing a fucking absolute fucking fortune in paying for her fucking State Pension that she never fucking worked for in the fucking first place, the dreadful fucking abysmal twatting cow!!!!!
Just fuckin’ askin’ like, Spivey!
Told ya that I was short of things to write about didn’t I? Course, the nonce supporting, fat fairy cannot be that clever if he thinks that kinda shit bothers me!
But then again, anyone who is a kiddy-fiddler (or protector) would be annoyed with the likes of me at the moment what with our sex pest, child-raping politicians taking so much flack at the moment… Albeit they are taking nowhere near enough of it in my opinion.
Indeed, Bo Jo is having a hard enough time as it is just keeping his pond-life cronies from being named:
Senior Tories have defended the Conservative Party’s decision not to suspend an MP arrested on suspicion of rape.
The accused MP, a former minister, was arrested and taken to an east London police station on Saturday morning before being released on bail later that day.
The Metropolitan Police said the allegations of sexual offences and assault related to four separate incidents which are said to have taken place between July 2019 and January 2020… Source
Now personally I find the decision not to name the politician abhorrent, but these cunts do not live in the same world as we do… And it must be hard on them, what with this story coming fast on the heals of that other Tory sex pest, Charlie Elphicke being found guilty of sexual assault on two women:
The Conservative ex-MP Charlie Elphicke is facing jail after being found guilty of three counts of sexual assault against two women in a verdict that prompted his wife – who represents his former constituency – to announce the end of their marriage.
The father of two, who represented the Kent constituency of Dover from 2010 until last year, had denied the three charges, two in relation to a parliamentary worker in 2016 and one in relation to a woman at his family’s central London home in 2007.
He lost the Tory whip in 2017 when the allegations were referred to the police, but was reinstated in December 2018 before a vote of confidence in the then prime minister, Theresa May… Source
Not that the Labour Farty are any better… I mean, the former MP, Eric Joyce who I mentioned in that article of mine which Bo Jo commented on has just been let off for having child porn on his computer:
A former Labour MP and ex-Army officer who admitted making an indecent image of a child has been sentenced.
Eric Joyce had a 51-second film on a device that showed “the sexual abuse of very young children”, Ipswich Crown Court heard.
The former shadow minister and ex-MP for Falkirk was arrested in 2018.
Joyce, 59, of Worlingworth, Suffolk, was sentenced to eight months in prison suspended for two years, and must complete 150 hours of unpaid work.
The court heard the category A film – the most serious there is – was accessed by Joyce between August 2013 and November 2018.
It featured what appeared to be seven different children, aged between 12 months and seven years… Source
Mind you, whilst Joyce is a horrible nonce cunt, he has fuck all on the former Labour Councilor, Roger Spackman:
A paedophile Labour councillor who worked in a children’s home has walked free despite being caught with over one million child porn images – including of 12-year-old girls being raped.
Roger Spackman, 50, who was a Labour councillor on Exeter City Council until his arrest in 2017, worked at a secure children’s home at the time he started collecting the enormous hoard of images.
Exeter Crown Court heard that he was part of an underground internet network called The Other Place.
A police investigation in 2017 charged the two front runners with offences and other members were exposed.
But Judge Peter Johnson jailed Spackman for ten months, suspended for two years, with 40 days rehab for possessing a ‘huge number of images’.
Judge Johnson said it was ‘an astonishing number’ of images which included the most serious category A images and others of category B and C.
The judge said he was of good character working hard in public service as a councillor in Exeter before his ‘fall from grace which has been dramatic’… Source
Judge Johnson must be some kind of cunt mustn’t he? I mean he said of Spackman: “he was of good character working hard in public service as a councillor in Exeter before his ‘fall from grace which has been dramatic”.
Do me a fucking favour, the sick nonce-cunt worked with vulnerable children for fucks sake and given the huge number of images that he was caught with, along with his position of power & job in child services; the sick-fuck should have gone to prison for life.
Nevertheless, this is the photo that the nonce infested press used of the sub-life sick fuck:
And whilst you can’t polish a turd, there are much more telling photos of the vermin politician that the presstitutes could have used.
This one for instance:
Yet using that photo could have raised tricky questions as to how the dirty nonce cunt was ever let anywhere near a child!
Mind you, it is also worth pointing out that Boris called me a “convicted Criminal” in his vile comment, whilst ignoring the fact that I am a victim of a gross miscarriage of justice having been convicted of voicing my opinion and pointing out press inconsistencies on this website… A website that NO ONE is forced to read.
Worse still, for doing so I received a harsher sentence than both Eric Joyce and Roger Spackman were given for being convicted of paedophillia… And anyone who applauds that – especially in theses draconian days – has to be a massive cunt.
Mind you, Bo Jo has a lot more to worry about than just being a member of the elite nonce club. I mean this Covid old bollox is now starting to blow up in his Hamster-jowled-boat-race.
I mean, did you know that if you type any three digit number followed by the words; “new cases” into your Google search bar you will get a result for that many cases of Corona virus.
For instance: ‘675 new cases‘ typed into Google will give you the following:
Not convinced?
Well let’s try 831 new cases then:
In fact don’t take my word for it, go try it yourselves… It’s fucking amazing.
But of course, we are not being conned – well at least according to our government we aren’t.
It is also a shame that the media doesn’t show the same care in picking the photos of Covid-19 victims as they do when picking photos of nonce politicians:
Course, the real wake up call that we are being played came for the public with the compulsory wearing of masks in the shops.
You see, whilst many are complying I do believe that it is a step too far for the general public and they are now beginning to get angry… My 82 yr old mother is anyway and she is very compliant to authority.
And who can blame them. After all, just five months ago, one of our “most senior” doctors told the nation that wearing masks would increase your chances of catching the bollox virus:
Members of the public could be putting themselves more at risk from contracting coronavirus by wearing face masks, one of England’s most senior doctors has warned.
Jenny Harries, deputy chief medical officer, said the masks could “actually trap the virus” and cause the person wearing it to breathe it in… Source
That fact was then confirmed by the WHO – the organisation; not the band fronted by the nonce Pete Townshend:
Face masks do not stop people from catching coronavirus, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) in light of recent studies suggesting the opposite.
The United Nations’ health body was forced to review new evidence from Hong Kong claiming mass-issuing masks may have helped contain the pandemic. Source
Yet 5 months later, the fact that masks don’t protect you from fuck all now counts for nothing… You have to wear them or risk being fined.
And then to add to that evidence that masks don’t do fuck all is the scandalous fact that our government bought 50 million masks for the NHS at a cost of £150 million Pound to the taxpayer, that cannot be used because they do not work:
THE UK Government spent more than £150 million of taxpayers’ money on 50m face masks that cannot be used because they don’t meet NHS safety standards.
The payment was part of a £252.5m PPE deal struck with a UK Government adviser.
The masks, ordered from Ayanda Capital, have ear loops rather than head loops, and there are concerns over whether they are adequate… Source
After all, by far the vast majority of the masks being worn by the public to enter shops have ear loops and as the Government have now admitted, these masks offer no protection from Covid 19 whatsoever… Although we do not need any protection from this made up virus.
Mind you, there is a certain contingent (or should that be cuntingent) amongst the general public who are now using masks as fashion accessories. This cuntingent is mostly made up of girls in their late teens or early twenties… Dog help us!
In fact I am still not certain whether the Maskini is a joke or not. (see photo below):
I mean I would like to think that it was a joke, but you never fucking know these days!
However, the biggest outrage about these ineffective masks that the government has just wasted £150 Million Squids on, should be the fact that they were bought from a company owned by an adviser to the corrupt MP Liz Truss… Talk about fucking sleaze – a fact that even the MSM has picked up on:
This week came word of at least £156m of taxpayers’ money wasted on 50 million face masks deemed unsuitable for the NHS. They were bought from a private equity firm through a company that had no track record of producing personal protective equipment – or indeed anything for that matter – and that had a share capital of just £100. But this company, Prospermill, had a crucial asset. It was co-owned by one Andrew Mills, adviser to the government, staunch Brexiteer and cheerleader for international trade secretary, Liz Truss… Source
Yet there will be no police investigation into that fraud because the Government can now do as it fucking likes without reprisal.
Indeed, all they do is get the national press – the government propaganda wing – to report on some other old bollox in order to divert the public’s outrage elsewhere – which on this occasion it is back to the good old illegal immigrant old fanny.
I mean, anyone who reads the shit rags can’t help but fail to have noticed how prominent this old bollox has once again become, over the last couple of weeks.
Sadly, racism is still rife in this cuntry spurned on by the disgusting national press who are without doubt trying to spark a race war. And unfortunately, most racists are below average intelligence and have not got the sense to realise that they are being played for fools.
You see, there really can be little doubt that all this immigration propaganda really is old bollox, but at least the MSM has now stopped reporting that these illegals were paying up to £20,000 for a place on a leaky boat with only a 50/50 chance of making it over here.
After all, even the dim witted public were beginning to question how these poverty stricken immigrants – dressed head to foot in designer clothes with the latest in mobile phones – were able to save up such a huge sum just to waste on a perilous sea crossing!
But then again, the press would have you believe that these poor immigrants are willing to risk it for our generous benefit system.
I mean, you only need ask anyone on benefits how long it would take them to save up 20 Grand and it quickly becomes obvious why these poor illegal immigrants are willing to risk it all… Not.
Yet the great British public fall for that old crap, because they do not realise that a person claiming Job Seekers Allowance receives a pittance of around £79 per week to live on… Which is an absolute fortune to your average asylum seeker who can expect the British government to dole out £37.75 per week to live on.
Indeed, if you smartly dressed illegal alien has £20 Grand to spare, then why the fuck don’t they just buy plane tickets over here and then just disappear instead of making a run for it when they hit the beach… If indeed they don’t drowned on the way!
So they stopped that old fanny and the latest propaganda is that the average price for a seat on a leaky dingy is £2000… And for that, they get unlimited attempts:
We paid 2,000 euros [£1,800] to the Iranians who say they will put me on a boat as many times as it is needed to get across to England. They are telling the truth because I know others have got across this way.’ Source
Yet once again, you can buy an airline ticket for a fraction of that cost… And of course, you have to ask how these traffickers keep a record of the 1000’s that supposedly made it over here and those who didn’t… Total total bollox.
And you can forget all that propaganda about them being given free council houses and other such bollox… At best, those entering the cuntry illegally can expect to be housed in a flea pit hotel where they are subject to strict conditions, which I suppose is better than where the majority go, namely a detention center.
Course, the truth is that people are not dying to get into this country because it is anything but the desired prospect that the press would have you believe the UK is.
In fact immigration is down and migration is up, especially amongst the Polish immigrants who are returning to Poland in their droves, because the pavements of this shit hole are not paved with gold.
Indeed, “the UK currently accommodates at most 44,000 asylum seekers in total.
That figure accounts for just 0.06% of the UK population.
Asylum seekers are entitled to an allowance of £37.75 a week to live on.
In total, this allowance for every single asylum seeker in the entire country comes to, at most, £1.6m a week, or £86m every year“.
(Words by EvolvePolitics)
Now that sum may sound a lot but in reality it is chicken feed, especially when you compare it to the £150 million wasted on useless face masks by the nonce thieves in Parliament.
And when you do make the connections, you then quickly realise that you are being taken for a cunt by the gobshites.
Just sayin’.
If you wish to make a donation to this site via bank transfer, in order to keep it online, the details are as follows:
Name: Christopher Spivey
Acc Num: 52332636
Sort Code: 09-01-29
Thank you in advance.
Sean Wilson
August 9, 2020 @ 3:04 pm
The picture of the young boy is that of Conor Wilmot who died in 2017 in Ireland. In addition to the two other people mentioned above having the same photo, there is also Isaiah Gonzales from the USA and a 12 year old Belgian girl, so five in total. Those are the ones that I’m aware of that have all been attributed to the same photo, and you wonder why people don’t believe the sh*t they see in the media.
Margaret Stephens
August 9, 2020 @ 4:07 pm
When an enemy aircraft is right over the target is when they get the most flak. Be proud of all the adverse comments for they prove you are correct.
As for immigration, legal and illegal, it was back in 1925 that The Freemasons made their plan to replace Caucasians all over the world with Africans and Asians. Just look up the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan where it states that the white race must go. Blair, Obama and Merkel were all keen adherents to this plan.
Most of humanity is scheduled for elimination not just Caucasians, see Georgia Guidestones, but the so called elite will make sure that Caucasians and Christians go first. See also UN Agendas 21 and 30.
Look at the film clip on YouTube ‘The Gray State’ and you will see truth. The director, his wife and child were slaughtered before the film could be finished and released. Supposed murders by husband and father then suicide.
In the Gray State clip a guillotine is being used which ties up with Revelation 20 verse 4. It does not matter if you believe the Bible or not but if you do not agree with following the New World Order new religion of Chrislam you will be eliminated. If you don’t get the Covid 19 immunity status implant you will be outside of society so no house, no fuel, no food, no medical care and no clean water. Still put up a fight? Then straight to the guillotine.
The planned earth population is 500 000 totally enslaved to the so called elite. Gradually they will become half human and half machine.
Bit Coin
August 9, 2020 @ 8:25 pm
Chris, have you got a bitcoin wallet? I’ll donate through it if you have. Also, please start posting more regularly, I miss your humour, and waiting weeks in between posts is no fun.
August 9, 2020 @ 10:39 pm
I have seen uncensored videos regarding a certain military musician on a website from a north eastern commentator which have not been removed despite your court hearing. This confirms the unfairness of your situation and the veracity of your comments
August 9, 2020 @ 10:51 pm
Dear Chris
thankyou for all your work over the years,not an easy pastime as its got so far beyond a joke watching the circus play itself out.
Don’t know if you’ve heard of an Aussie guy Brendon O Connell who has been on the run from the Oz Political Cronies since 2017?He was in lebanon not far from the bomb blast earlier in the year and has a youtube channel. he’s on the money i reckon as he has bascically has been seriously harrassed and jailedfor speaking out as oppossed to a lot of so called alt media who still have highly successful businesses making a living with regurgitated info.(His UN refugee application is worth a look)!x6hDWYaR!GOaK-TCZBF…
his latest clip if you have the inclination
Also a young guy called Allesandro .He used to work for the INTJ International Tribunal for Justice (seems more like front set up as a platform for victims of abuse and trafficking(whats new )with poster boy and resident fuckwit Sasha Stone a prominent figure hoodwinking the new agers to give over there money and energy.
I’m from South Aust currently we haven.t copped too much so far.its quite bizarre really considering Victoria is on our doorstep,although I’m sure we got something coming at some point.
Anyway mate take care in these challening times
best wishes to you and your family.
August 10, 2020 @ 1:58 am
In the dictionary next to “Nonce” are those pictures of Roger Spackman.
August 10, 2020 @ 10:08 pm
I havent worn a mask in the shops as yet
Only had one incidence of someone asking me about it
Seeing more and more unmasked faces in the shops.
Next thing to test our compliance is more mini lockdowns
Followed by a new vaccine
That will test our national compliance…….
Odd bod
August 11, 2020 @ 5:23 am
£37.75 quid won’t even buy a pair of half decent brand trainer (pimp) souls.
August 11, 2020 @ 12:12 pm
Hi Chris
The 3 digit thing in google extends to 4 digit numbers, seems to go up to about 2000.
Fucking lying cunts.
No face nappies for me, been challenged once in Morrisons but he refused to throw me out so I went shopping.
marie d
August 11, 2020 @ 4:30 pm
Hi Chris donation sent, a bit later than planned but a bit of extra shit thrown my way that needed sorting as well as this ongoing shit show , thanks for everything you are doing in helping to expose the filth that is infesting the so called establishment , still not worn a mask , never intend to xx
August 11, 2020 @ 4:36 pm
Thank you Maria x
August 12, 2020 @ 12:13 am
Props to all who comment, I salute you all but where the fuck has everyone gone. I’ve been here for nigh on five years and in that time no one but no one has proved Chris wrong.
It is time to stand up people, think about the consequences for your children and grandchildren.
August 12, 2020 @ 4:36 pm
Chris ,I know this post is not related,this is about George Floyd , I watched this video and I have to say that NO!!! ,HE COULD NOT FUCKING BREATH!!!
August 13, 2020 @ 1:08 pm
Hi Chris, I think most readers of your site will be aware of where this Convid bollox is heading and that is compulsory vaccines for all. The sad thing is, I believe it won’t have to be enforced by our corrupt government, but will probably end up being demanded by the brain dead idiots who actually believe there’s a deadly virus going round. You know the type. The happy clapping, face mask wearing morons who think the government cares about us. It’s so frustrating, especially if you have to engage these plonkers in conversation about why your not wearing a mask.
As far as vaccines go, the brainwashing has already started. I’ve read articles about the only way to prevent a second worse spike is to get herd immunity through vaccination. It should actually be called flock immunity in my opinion, as this type of bollox is aimed at the sheeple.
These are the types who will call you selfish for not getting a vaccine, even though anyone with a functioning brain can see that. If vaccines worked, as they claim, then anyone who has had a vaccine can’t be at risk from someone who hasn’t had one. Because if they were, it means the vaccine doesn’t work and if it doesn’t work, what is the point of having one.
There is also the point that, in America, vaccine manufacturers are not financially liable for any damage caused by their product. So in my mind, this means that the vaccine manufacturers don’t trust their own product. And if they don’t trust it, then why the hell should we.
I wonder if that well known eugenicist Bill Gates’s interest in vaccines has anything to do with his belief in eugenics, or if the WHO are pushing vaccines because Mr Gates just happens to be the biggest individual contributor to their coffers. I’m sure this is just coincidence and we’ve got nothing to worry about.
Made a small donation to your site Chris. Keep up the good work
August 13, 2020 @ 2:31 pm
Thanks mate.
August 13, 2020 @ 11:50 pm
Vaccines won’t be mandatory but if you’re on benefits in Australia then they will cut them until you meet the vaccination requirements.
htt ps://
Centerlink mentions none of this on their website?
Jock Strapp
August 19, 2020 @ 4:58 pm
None of these crooks can, or will ever lie straight in bed.
So you need to call it what it is, CRIMINALITY of the highest order by using their own “Acts” as the blueprint, the Criminal Law Act.
Know how their game works. MIND CON+TROLL it be.
You must SPEAK and LIVE it 24/7 medical/no-jab-no-play-australian-leader-puts-citizens-notice-all-undergo-mandatory-covid-19 -what-is-it-really-2/
August 15, 2020 @ 4:52 pm
Tenner on the way boss will try to make it more regular too. Take care Chris
August 15, 2020 @ 5:47 pm
Thanks Paul.
August 17, 2020 @ 12:42 pm
To Bobcat,
They may not make vaccines compulsory. But what they will do, is make it so difficult for those who refuse one to go about their daily life, that most people will just have one and to hell with the consequences. Plus, as I said, the brain dead sheep will practically demand everyone has one.
For example, kids whose parents refuse to get them vaccinated will not be able to send their kids to school and the sheep will demand every kid has one “to make them safe”. Again as I said in my last post. How can anyone who has had a vaccine be at risk from someone who hasn’t if the vaccine works. The answer of course is, that they can’t unless the vaccine doesn’t work. And if it doesn’t work. What is the point of having one in the first place.
August 17, 2020 @ 11:34 pm
There is supposed to be a protest on the 29th of August in Trafalgar Square against all this bollocks.
Does anyone know any more than me?
I’m up for a legit protest.
August 18, 2020 @ 12:53 pm
Completely off subject but I have been told that I have to have a camera down my throat due to a slight thickening in the top of my stomach. I have refused this and in a worst case scenario I would not have radio therapy, chemotherapy or any other therapy. Instead I have now turned to GcMaf. I wonder if anyone can comment on experiences of using GcMaf.
david wells
August 19, 2020 @ 2:13 am
This man can, Alan. Best wishes…
August 19, 2020 @ 10:58 am
Thank you David, appreciated.
August 23, 2020 @ 7:24 pm
Alan. Can’t comment on GcMaf, but if it is cancer (or even if its not), you would do well to buy the whole DVD series called The Truth About Cancer. There are lots of genuine (not big pharma) guys talking about causes and treatments. Also, take a look at www.
August 18, 2020 @ 7:22 pm
It’s happening!
I was in my local Tesco’s today, and an entire section of shelving was empty.
The (((devil’s vermin))), through their Downing Street monkey and it’s accomplices, have been telling us throughout the flunacy hysteria that they’re planning “another” fake outbreak of their imaginary killer plague for September.
Before Bozo the monkey announced an immediate shutdown of the entire country in March, exactly the same thing happened. The shops stopped re-ordering certain essential items and then blamed us for creating a shortage when stocks ran out.
It’s happening again. It’s started. The shops are allowing stocks of essentials to run out the same as they did in March.
September’s only a couple of weeks away. The imaginary plague is coming back, with even tighter restrictions this time.
We’ve got two weeks to stock up before the next shutdown. We need to stock up NOW while we still can, and tell anyone accusing us of “panic buying” exactly where to go.
This time we know what’s coming, at least where the shops are concerned, so only a mask-wearing idiot wouldn’t want to be prepared.
I suppose that’s the kind of idiot that calls them “face masks”.
Where else would you wear a mask?
Tiny Tim
August 19, 2020 @ 7:11 pm
I agree with you Barney. I think that the next lockdown will be far worse. Me and my partner have been stocking up for weeks on essentials. We got caught out last time and we are not gonna let that happen again. My partner is disabled and seriously ill and my own health isn’t that great. It was a bloody nightmare trying to get a Tesco delivery last time. They basically didn’t give a flying fuck about their LOYAL and most needy customers. Good luck to everyone, we will need it.
August 20, 2020 @ 12:51 pm
Tiny Tim – You said “ It was a bloody nightmare trying to get a Tesco delivery last time. They basically didn’t give a flying fuck about their LOYAL and most needy customers.”
I remember it well. Twenty-six YEARS shopping at the same branch of Tesco’s and they dropped me the moment the flunacy started. I tried getting in touch, explaining that I’m crippled and should be on their “vulnerable” list, and all I got back was “We don’t respond to … “.
In the end I sent a letter through the post to the manager of said branch, and at last I was put on the list, but if this farce is ever allowed to end, I’ll do as much as possible of my shopping in small, privately-owned shops if any still exist after this. They may (or may not?) be more expensive, but most wouldn’t treat people the way the “big boys” have.
They talk about “loyalty”, but where’s their loyalty to us?
They LIE about prioritising “new customers”. They LIE about recruiting “millions of” (ok, my exaggeration) new drivers. They LIE about EVERYTHING.
If I try to book a delivery as a “normal” (meaning non-disabled) customer, the earliest date is for some time in September. I click the link for “vulnerable people” and I’m usually offered a Sunday or a Wednesday at a time of their choosing (to be notified on the day) between 2pm and 10pm.
Where are all these newly-recruited drivers? Why do I hardly ever see their delivery vehicles? What’s their excuse for not just going back to the way it was?
I believe most (all?) of their drivers were laid off and the vans taken off the road the day the scamdemic was announced.
People have said on here that the big supermarket chains are really one group using several names, as often happens in business, and I’m inclined to believe that’s true. They ALL cleared certain items at the start of this farce, and they ALL “suddenly found” barriers, floor stickers and all the rest of the CRAP in their warehouses at the same time. Funny that.
The whole SCAM had been planned for a long time, and they were ALL in on it from the start.
What I’d like to see is for all the small shopkeepers who were put out of business for no valid reason to start “unauthorised” street markets in open defiance of Bozo’s tame thugs known as pole-lice. No authorisation, no premises to rent, no six-mile separations, no stickers all over the place. Real People Power in action against the out-of-control tyrant.
I can dream, can’t I, or have (((they))) made that illegal too?
August 19, 2020 @ 12:16 pm
I have found some interesting information in connection to hypoxia (lack of oxygen) and blood clots. Blood clots can result in all sorts of conditions stroke, thrombosis, pulmonary embolism.
ht tps://
ht tps://
Masks don’t stop viruses
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194/6 countries signed up to do two pandemic exercises before September 2020 in 2005
ht tp://
‘International Health Regulations 2005’
ht tps://;jsessionid=1D41E95F2190C1E9104846934514823C?sequence=1
‘A World at Risk’
‘Annual report on global preparedness for health emergencies’
‘Global Preparedness Monitoring Board’
ht tps://
August 23, 2020 @ 7:14 pm
As usual Chris, good stuff. On the subject of crooked effing numbers:
Try 322 in early June.
All reported as 322 new cases
And I could add Delaware, Wisconsin, Mexico City and El Paso