Jul 14 2020
It’s A Funny Old Game
Christopher Spivey
If it wasn’t blatantly obvious enough that this Covid Bollox is nothing more than an exercise in totalitarian control, designed to break the will of the people then is has certainly become so now.
I am of course talking about the fat, useless, puppet, Boris Johnson’s order that mask wearing in shops will become compulsory on July 24th:
Wearing a face covering in shops and supermarkets in England is to become mandatory from 24 July.
Those who fail to comply with the new rules will face a fine of up to £100, the government is to announce.
The move will bring England into line with Scotland and other major European nations like Spain, Italy and Germany.
Since mid-May, the public have been advised to wear coverings in enclosed public spaces, where they may encounter people they would not usually meet.
It has been compulsory on public transport in England since 15 June.
Children under 11 and those with certain disabilities will be exempt.
Environment Secretary George Eustice told BBC Breakfast the new mandatory rule for face coverings in shops does not apply to retail staff.
“It is about managing the overall risk,” he added. “Any type of covering will be sufficient for this purpose.” Source
No it is not “about managing the overall risk” you diabolical cunt. It is about control.
And now would be a perfect time to say “Fuck you, ya dirty nonce cunts, we ain’t going to take no more“… But we here know that won’t happen because the vast majority of the population are already too compliant to do diddly squat about the situation.
Yet this new measure makes absolutely no sense what-so-fucking-ever… I mean the simple fact that masks in shops are not being enforced until the 24th of this months should tell you exactly what a bollox measure this is.
Moreover, this mask shit does not apply to bar and restaurants where people are much more tightly packed in next to each other, although it is obvious why it would be impracticable to wear a mask in such places.
Course, it could be argued that if it is so unsafe not to wear a mask in shops then bars and restaurants should not be allowed to open yet.
But once again, it all boils down to control and not reason. After all, we here know that by the governments own admittance, Covid 19 is not a High Consequence Infectious Disease – Simply because IT ISN’T, which the Government quantified on their own website 5 days before taking us into lockdown.
As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK.
The 4 nations public health HCID group made an interim recommendation in January 2020 to classify COVID-19 as an HCID. This was based on consideration of the UK HCID criteria about the virus and the disease with information available during the early stages of the outbreak.
Now that more is known about COVID-19, the public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall), and there is now greater clinical awareness and a specific and sensitive laboratory test, the availability of which continues to increase.
The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID… Source
Yet the National Press has totally ignored that fact – as they have on the Governments own stance on wearing masks:
I will however issue a word of caution on the above screenshot as I have not been able to establish it’s authenticity – being as there are over 5000 pages related to section 6.1 Face Coverings… Course, having to wade through so much other shit is how the Government hides the truth.
Or put another way, they tell us the truth and then bury it so deeply that it is practically impossible to find.
Nevertheless, the fact that Covid 19 is not a High Consequence Infectious Disease is beyond doubt and common sense should tell you that face masks will do absolutely fuck all to keep you safe..
Course, it is strange that the Cunt Johnson has brought in this new rule just at the same time he is encouraging people to go back to their normal routine in order to save the economy… Indeed, it is a contradiction in terms since I believe that people are far less likely to go out shopping now that they have to muzzle themselves.
Nevertheless, the hundred squid fine will be a nice revenue raiser… Cunts.
And as for the number of people who have died of Covid 19? Well we know that is a scam.
Indeed, my old man supposedly died of Covid 19 on the 3rd of April yet I am 100% convinced that he didn’t.
In fact I would suggest to you that the Doctors at Southend Hospital helped my Dad on his journey with powerful sedatives… As has been the norm throughout this fake pandemic:
And I am far from alone in questioning these deaths of loved ones, in fact I know someone who went to the police to report her fathers death as murder after the hospital in which her father died claimed that his death was down to Covid 19… Course, the inherently corrupt police were not interested in her claim.
But let’s ignore the true facts in favour of conning the hugely gullible public into believing that a virus with over a 99% recovery rate is a threat to us all – A virus, that is so deadly that the vast majority of us have to be tested in order to know if we have it or not.
And have you seen the new rules on football that the Welsh FA have come out with in order to combat the wombat covid bollox?
Un-ber-fucking-lievable! No tackling or marking!!!
Does that not mean that whichever player has the ball then he basically has only the opposition goalie to beat? That isn’t football.
And as an aside, I would just like to say that as a life long Leeds United supporter, I was truly saddened to read about the death of Jackie Charlton – brother of Bobby:
After the final whistle in the 1966 World Cup final, Bobby Charlton ran to embrace his elder brother Jack.
‘Nobody can ever take this away from us,’ said Bobby as they hugged, trying to take in the enormity of what they had achieved with their defeat of West Germany.
Both men were central to the triumph, which to this day remains the greatest moment in England’s sporting history… Source
Big Jack only ever played for Leeds and went on to manage the Republic of Ireland.
I am in fact a bit surprised that they did not put down Jack’s death to Covid-19.
Course, Jack played in a different era when the game was totally different to the one being played now.
A game, that in my opinion has not changed for the better.
And talking about Ireland, have you seen their new Children’s Minister Roderic O’Gorman?
PHOTO: Roderick O’Gorman.
How the fuck is that cunt not related to the comedy writer & actor Stephen Merchant?
PHOTO: Comedian, Stephen Merchant
And I call O’Gorman a cunt, simply because he is:
The new Children’s Minister Roderic O’Gorman says children under 16 should be able to change their gender with the consent of their parents or guardians and GP.
The Children’s, Disability, Equality and Integration Minister also hit out at “toxic” and “homophobic” online attacks against him in recent days.
Laws to make it easier for 16 and 17-year-olds to legally change their gender will be introduced by the new coalition under a commitment in the Programme for Government. The document also commits to examining the arrangements for children under 16 who may want to change gender… Source
Worse still, O’Gorman is a good friend to the vile nonce, Peter Tatchell – with whom the Child Minister attends LGBT and Gay Pride rallies:
He also tells us that one of his all time heroes & personal friend is the convicted rapist, Mike Tyson.
And if you cannot see what is wrong with all that, then you are one of those people who see fuck all wrong with the governments unbelievable stance on covid-19.
I mean, would you really let that weird looking cunt anywhere near your children?
Furthermore, would you trust him to have your children’s best interests at heart?
Indeed, it is no wonder that I am always stressed out, tired and run down… But then again, I might just be a moany old cunt.
Just sayin’.
*If you wish to donate to this site in order to help with the crippling £266 site fees, you can do so via bank transfer.
The details are as follows:
Name: Christopher Spivey
Acc Num: 52332636
Sort Code: 09-01-29
Thank you in advance.
July 14, 2020 @ 1:11 pm
Thanks Chris
Sent you a donation x
July 14, 2020 @ 1:52 pm
Thank you very much indeed my friend, very generous of you and will keep the site going for at least another month.
Chris x
mike mcshane
July 14, 2020 @ 1:18 pm
It’s all very depressing Chris. Here in Ireland the piss taking is truly taking on new levels of madness and utter contradictions that i can’t even get my head round,but of course that is and has been the ongoing plan for all of us in the West at least. They are intentionally putting the most unbelievably wrong types of people into government jobs where they have no right to be! The States is a great example with the amount of crazy lesbian,LGBT,witchy,pink pussy hat wearing maniacs as Town and city mayors? Take care.. ?
Erasmus Mustang
July 14, 2020 @ 3:38 pm
Steve Hughes (Ozzy comedian) has a wonderful take on the woke, sjw’s and like that are tearing down the foundations of the world to create their utopia which will crash down on their own heads.
The Manc
July 14, 2020 @ 4:35 pm
Chris, just tried to make a donation to your site. It won’t allow me to send the transfer. It verifies your details as correct, but won’t transfer the money. I think they are blocking money coming to you, has anyone else had this problem? I’m with RBS btw, which is a state controlled bank. I will try later through my daughters account. X
July 14, 2020 @ 4:55 pm
Hi Linda. Apparently it took someone else 40 minutes to get the transaction through today… They really do not want this site to continue do they.
gary glue
July 14, 2020 @ 5:49 pm
great arttical again Chris
gary glue
July 14, 2020 @ 5:51 pm
I got some money coming my way from a tax rebate! will send some money through when it arrives
July 14, 2020 @ 6:06 pm
Thanks Mate.
July 14, 2020 @ 6:23 pm
I remember when football was football, not that I was ever a fan.
Imagine the mi££ionaire wimps of today having to play with that heavy leather ball. They’d either fall over or claim to have broken their toes.
Nowadays they play with lightweight, over-inflated plastic balls that travel a mile if you so much as look at them. Just the shock wave of your approach is enough to send them into the next county, and if you were to actually kick one of these things, there’s a good chance it would reach the moon.
Ok, slight exaggeration there perhaps, but that leather ball needed some force behind it, unlike now.
Homo-fkn-“phobia”! For a start, what qualifies a poofter to make a psychiatric diagnosis?
A phobia is a morbid, irrational (and extreme) fear of something. Most normal people aren’t afraid of queers. We just can’t stand their intolerable arrogance, and the thought of what they do is completely disgusting.
My “other half” sums it up well with the phrase “The emperor has no clothes”. What she means by that is that nobody dares to say what we really think until that small boy in the crowd innocently speaks the truth.
I don’t remember the exact wording now, but there’s something in “The Protocols” about “constant change” to keep us off-guard.
Margaret Stephens
July 14, 2020 @ 6:30 pm
As for famous people looking just like other people see Ed Chiarini aka Dallas Goldberg on his website http://www.wellaware1.com or on Bitchute.
Joe F.
July 18, 2020 @ 5:36 pm
Dallas Goldbug (wellaware1.com) is an agent, has been around for a long time. Plays on the name “Goldbug” versus “Goldberg” (I guess ultimately, though, he is a Greenberg-connected to Jennifer Greenberg Sexton and that whole crew of Israeli actor/agents who do the psyops).
July 14, 2020 @ 6:40 pm
I set up a direct debit a few days ago. It all seems fine.
July 14, 2020 @ 6:49 pm
Yes I got your donation Rob, thank you very much. x
Odd bod
July 15, 2020 @ 5:24 am
Blood oxygen lowered blood CO2 increased Immune system compromised.
Death comes earlier,
For those who follow the Crooked Cross.
July 15, 2020 @ 8:33 am
I know of people who are in absolute fear of Covid and lapping up what the media and politicians say. In normal times, they would have a healthy cynicism and mistrust but that seems to have completely gone out of the window. They cannot, or will not, see what’s happening, no matter what you put in front of them. The government certainly know how to play us, and at our literal expense. They have sucked the fun out of people’s lives – football and my favourite, snooker, being prime examples, but also pubs, theatres, gyms…… What would be the point in playing football as described above, enabling those in the shadows to have yet another laugh at our gullibility?
Your newspaper article re care homes is chilling. Dr Vernon Coleman, a former GP who has sold over 2 million books and does pretty much daily videos on YouTube (several removed) has described the moving of thousands of the elderly vulnerable from NHS hospitals to care homes as “an extermination”. It’s an absolute scandal. But I’m sure our governments love us.
July 15, 2020 @ 9:34 am
It’s like watching lemmings going off a cliff.
What a bunch of losers the British public is. There’s been significant “push-back” in Serbia, Hungary and Albania. Some leaders in Africa (Presidents of Burundi, Tanzania and elsewhere) have denounced this WHO-sponsored SCAMDEMIC – but here in the UK the people are ready to stick a pineapple up their collective arse if the government includes this as the latest in its raft of COVID “containment” measures!
In Market Harborough yesterday there appeared to be as many cretins wearing masks as us ordinary mortals. It seems the locals believe that – with nearby Leicester on extended lock-down – they must be ready for the worst.
Wetherspoons was a joke. It’s usually full with breakfast drinkers by 11 a.m. It was empty. There was just a huge white sign in the aisle listing the various steps we needed to undertake to get a drink. The one that stood out was number 9/10 – U need to order your drink with the Wetherspoons app.
Neither my 94 year old dad nor I are quite sure what an “app” is! I asked the 3/4 drinkers who still patronise the place whether it was still a pub because it looked more like a front-line hospital! One woman insisted that the app wasn’t mandatory and that it was still possible to order drinks @ the bar.
Well, thank God for tender mercies! An Englishman can still it seems go into a “public house” and order a beer @ the bar!
Neither of us was convinced. I told these losers that COVID was a HOAX and we wended our way to a couple of village pubs on the way home.
The first was run by a landlady in a mask who insisted I wash my hands on entering. I refused point-blank. I told her we were customers and didn’t like being ordered about like were 10 year olds. Added together my dad and my ages total nearly 160 years! Needless to say, with my dad hobbling on his stick, we promptly walked back out without ordering.
The second pub appeared dark when we peered into the entrance. But low and behold there then appeared two waitresses wearing face visors. I asked whether the building was ON FIRE which for some reason they didn’t think was funny. We headed straight back for the car – again – without ordering.
The English pub was a unique institution and it’s now died. The pubs that are interpreting government guidelines as strictly as the aforementioned will be out of business by Xmas. They don’t seem to realise that by changing the unique product they have they are going to lose their customers very quickly. I can only hazard that Wetherspoons owner,Tim Martin, a prominent Brexiteer up to the General Election, has cut some dirty deal with the government and is now on board with the globalist
agenda to extinguish small and medium-sized businesses, install a new digital currency and enslave us all.
Unless, some form of mass resistance/civil disobedience to mandatory masking begins NOW – and if u live in the UK don’t hold your breath – the psychopaths will continue with their ritual freemasonic debasement of the initiates – that’s u and me – and we will end up living under UN/WHO medical martial law permanently i.e. globalist tyranny.
I mean LIBERTY for us still sentient and rational beings and DEATH (by vaccine) for the sheeple who R going along with this lunacy!
July 15, 2020 @ 9:48 am
Thank you for a sound and honest appraisal. This situation has yet to really kick in, there will be such tremendous carnage of the job markets, food chain disruptions and “bail ins”. So if anyone has significant money in savings or banks my advice would be to consider the purchase of silver 999 in the shape of coins or bullion.
Sorry to be negative but that is the reality facing us, you ain’t seen nothing yet….
July 19, 2020 @ 2:10 pm
When I bought silver a few years ago there was no VAT on coins but there is 20% VAT on silver bullion rounds and flats. So my advice would be to save yourselves 20% by buying coins of various weights ie. ounce, half-ounce, quarter-ounce, tenth-ounce (which the bible says is a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work, apparently). Also, just out of interest, an imperial ounce is 28.4 grams while a troy ounce is 31.1 grams; about 10% heavier.
I stopped buying silver coins when it became clear the market was rigged. Demand went up but prices went down.
July 28, 2020 @ 10:39 am
Just search for VAT free silver.
July 15, 2020 @ 9:54 am
The other day I was walking down the street and I walked into the corner of a shop. It gave me a real jolt. Those bricks are hard. I think all shop corners should have some protection. Maybe foam rubber or feather cushions. This should be mandatory with heavy fines for any shop or building that does not comply. The police should be on 24 hour alert looking out for buildings flouting this vital safety precaution.
Then there are birds. A bird did its business on me the over day. Sky domes that’s the answer. You know it makes sense.
Exemptions to the rules
You have a disability that means you cannot put a mask on.
You have a disability that means you cannot wear or remove a mask.
Putting on a face mask would cause you severe distress.
If you use lip reading to communicate, the person supporting you to use public transport does not have to wear a mask.
You do not have to wear a mask if you are using public transport to escape danger.
If you are not sure whether you are exempt from wearing a face covering ask for help. You could ask:
Your doctor
A member of your family
Your support worker, or
Someone else you trust
Carry a card
If you are exempt from wearing a mask we have designed these cards you can show to drivers, conductors and any member of the public who says something to you. You can use one if it makes you feel safer.
Have some cards you can print. They do not have any code or tel or id info or verification.
I like this Exemptions
Putting on a face mask would cause you severe distress.
Ask A member of your family
Card. I have a reasonable excuse for not wearing a face covering. Thank you for understanding.
July 15, 2020 @ 6:25 pm
The COVID cretins among us have given up all our freedoms and allowed the psychopathic elites to dehumanise us – all within the last 100 days.
This is biting satire with menace so the clinically depressed morons probably need to be warned before watching:
July 16, 2020 @ 12:34 am
My job(public transport)means,that as of last Friday 10th july,I must wear a face covering.Im in the north(of ireland)btw.
Now,I was,and still adamant that I wont wear one and havent,and will not be wearing one at any cost.but….I cannot believe the total and utter capitulation of every member of staff,its truly disheartening and disappointing.
I emailed a relatively lengthy email to my company,stating why I deemed myself exempt from wearing one as per “NI Direct”legislative law,yet this it seems isn’t enough for my company.They now see it fit to send me to the company’s Occupational Health doctors so they can insist and force me to wear one.It is truly frightening and horrific the lengths these people will go to to enforce their misguided will and lunacy demands onto others.
I’m currently being treated like a pariah by both staff and the travelling public for..well,not being a mindless buffoon!
July 16, 2020 @ 3:45 pm
I’m just wondering when they’ll start pushing the mandatory vaccinations bollox. Call me a cynic, but I bet that’s why Leicester has been singled out for extra lock down.
For those who don’t know, it was Leicester that first stopped compulsory vaccinations back in the late 19th century. Due to the large numbers of vaccine damaged kids that were occurring after the compulsory smallpox vaccine. The people of Leicester demonstrated and the mayor decided from then on, not to enforce the compulsory vaccination. As a result vaccination against smallpox in Leicester went from over 90% to under 10%. All the so called experts stated that, because of this, the next time there was a smallpox outbreak Leicester would suffer the worst number of cases and deaths. The reality was that for every single outbreak afterwards Leicester suffered the fewest number of cases and deaths in England. Methinks that may have something to do with why Leicester has been singled out this time. Or maybe its just a coincidence…… If you believe in coincidences that is. Unfortunately I don’t.
July 20, 2020 @ 12:35 am
There is talk of it today in the media. The comments on the mail online on the vaccination article seem to be about 80% against taking a needle so hopefully people are waking up, I just hope it’s not too late.
July 16, 2020 @ 3:24 am
Steelback,I watched one of those videos,however the idiot that made them based his musings on the 6 million jooos who were gassed…hmmm see where he f*cked up there???
Same as Vernon Coleman,who indeed does make a lot of sense..but always rabbiting on about the terrible deeds of hitler,nazis etc.. but never once mentions the real perpetrators of all these things….I’ve asked him many many times about these omissions and glaring anomalies…still awaiting a reply.though he is probably too busy trying on his new dress and stockings …ffs.
July 28, 2020 @ 10:51 am
‘Coleman’….. Jewish name!
Odd bod
August 13, 2020 @ 5:34 am
Coleman’s Jewish, Anglo Saxon Mustard, within a Ham Cheese and Pickle Roll.
Beats Insects.
July 16, 2020 @ 12:12 pm
I’m no fan of the yanks – but far more of them than us just aren’t having this mask bullshit.
July 18, 2020 @ 2:19 pm
Hi Chris,
I’ll try to get a small donation over to you this evening via bank transfer. It’s not going to be too much as 8m not working since Dec last year but I do value this site and would hate to see it go,
I think you are correct about the strong sedatives used on elderly patients suffering strong symptoms of flu in hospitals and care homes to help them on their way to a coffin.
My friend Leslie died like this after coming down with a fever and breathing difficulties in March and after being taken to hospital and being given oxygen and CPAP for 10 days, The staff decided to heavily sedate her, removing the oxygen and she then died overnight.
Regarding the “mandatory” masks from the 24th, what is everyone going to do?
I hear that the police say they simply don’t have the resources to be in every shop to enforce it.
I’m thinking down the route of printing off and wearing an exemption card, although I also know that this is partly towing to TPTB.
I don’t want to be breathing in my own CO2 and bacteria.
No-one has the right to ask you what your “disability” is.
They are already obviously planning the 2nd wave this Autumn.
July 28, 2020 @ 10:55 am
Johnny Depp’s blockbuster libel trial wraps up
Head of China CDC gets injected with experimental vaccine
THE number of prescriptions for a powerful sedative that can kill the frail doubled at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, raising fears it was used to control elderly residents in stretched care homes – or even to hasten their deaths.
Official figures show out-of-hospital prescribing of the drug midazolam increased by more than 100 per cent in April compared to previous months.
An anti-euthanasia campaigner last night said he suspected that the spike was evidence that many people had been put on end-of-life protocols or ‘pathways’.
July 18, 2020 @ 2:30 pm
Hi Chris,
I’ll try to get a small donation over to you this evening via bank transfer. It’s not going to be too much as 8m not working since Dec last year but I do value this site and would hate to see it go,
I think you are correct about the strong sedatives used on elderly patients suffering strong symptoms of flu in hospitals and care homes to help them on their way to a coffin.
My friend Leslie who died in March after coming down with a high fever and breathing difficulties went the same way after being taken by ambulance to the hospital and put on a drip and oxygen and after 10 days, the staff decided to remove the oxygen and heavily sedate which the resulted in her dying.
What are people here going to do about the “mandatory” wearing of masks from the 24th in shops?
I have read that the police say they don’t have the resources to go into every shop to enforce it.
I’m thinking down the route of printing off an exemption card and wearing it when I go into shops although I know that is still coming to TPTB to some extent but it’s better than being chucked out or denied entry into shops to get what you need.
Of course the other alternative is online shopping but that would also mean you don’t use cash and that fits the agenda of these monsters very well too.
They are obviously already planning a 2nd wave in Autumn.
Jock Strapp
July 18, 2020 @ 5:11 pm
For Ceejay
Ask the corrupted, ignorant and bully employers and their doctors to show “Proof of Claim”.
Some more word play ….Doctors = to dock = to cut you off = to dismember you = to berth/birth a ship. A ship is a vessel = vassal = slave. Berth/birth = to create = to manifest …. all up, to make you subservient via DECEPTION …so you must Speak Your Truth (the “Command Ye Me” stuff) and thus ….Manifestation of your consciousness occurs = Magic = MAGnetIC Field (yours) is activated = Your Thoughts in Action.
Here is a few starters to challenge the status quo.
Ask for all employer directives to be made in writing and a provide all details on the “Proof of Claim” they make. Tell them you do not and will not consent unless there is full/complete disclosure on what they are “directing” you to do and all consequences and you want them to be held to account (with penalty clauses) for any wrongdoing they created knowingly or unknowingly
Ask them to address, point for point, all these key points presented here below (and any others that you can get). … put the ball back rightly and fairly in their court.
Hold them all to account. Criminals the lot
Get a copy of the Criminal Law Legislation (off web for your locality) where it clearly states that what they are proposing contravenes the legislation ….i.e. When a person creates harm, injury, loss to another person (watch the meaning of the word “person” so state “You” and NEVER use the word “Me”or “I”. Use “We” or “Us” (plurals) …all to do with Contract Law.
ALL, ALL, ALL LAW IS CONTRACT LAW … ALL of it is CONTRACT LAW ….get this into your head and consciousness.
Word play again …Contract = to agree = to consent = to shrivel = to shrink = be subservient = acquiesce.
Analysis Paralysis
https://thetruth aboutcancer.com/8-facts-actually-lies/
http://www.paul stramer.net/2020/07/the-truth-about-this-madness-dr-bruce.html
http://www.paul stramer.net/2020/07/breaking-down-covid-19-by-dr-kelly.html
http://tapnews wire.com/2020/07/literally-thousands-of-doctors-and-scientists-have-come-out-against-faucis-lockdowns-including-a-nobel-prize-winning-biophysicist/
http://state ofthenation.co/?p=18283
http://tapnews wire.com/2020/06/coronavirus-how-and-why-thousands-of-old-people-have-been-murdered/
http://state ofthenation.co/?p=17388
“I’ll be campaigning for all those responsible to be tried in court.” Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA
http://tapnews wire.com/2020/06/coronavirus-how-and-why-thousands-of-old-people-have-been-murdered/
kerdasi amaq
July 18, 2020 @ 7:27 pm
I’d suppose that they’ll have ban the national game in Wales. No more playing rugby until the crisis is over.
July 19, 2020 @ 11:47 am
With all due respect ,what “CRISIS”do you mean? Not this current , fabricated ,pre-planned,”dry run” (making use of one strain of the common cold flu bug), that`sbedding us down for the next “crisis” that`s coming to a town near you, now having its final touches added ?
I`m afraid there`not going to be any”over”.
-Just as our elderly in “care” homes and itcu`s have been inexorably denied life giving necessities and slowly pumped full of deathly drugs to the pint of annihaltion( sorry, had a “covid” death) so next , the whole world.
I`d put worthless fiat money on it that the first signs of the next “crisis” coming will be massive and sudden food shortages followed inevitably of course , by thuggish militarily enforced “food” laws.
I doubt if there`ll be a need to wear masks by then as there won`t be any food shops worth visiting…
ps Chris, try to get that po to u asap.
July 19, 2020 @ 10:07 am
Just ignore the govt Lockdown, mask wearing and other rubbish. I did after reading their Govt website which DOWNGRADED Covid 19 froim a HCID on the 19th March. I will not be wearing a mask full stop.
This is a scamdemic psyop about population control and not a medical emergency.
July 20, 2020 @ 12:13 pm
I think maybe that this dry run is also a nwo litmus test to see which countries they have full control over. So next time they can punish the ones that showed any kind of resistance to this covid scam. Obviously Britain is fully controlled but maybe a few others aren’t. It basically gives them a heads up as to which countries are likely to show resistance to Convid 2.0. Which is probably coming to a shop near you in Autumn/Winter.
July 19, 2020 @ 11:39 pm
The end of this short video is priceless. Do not wear a fucking mask for fucks sake people!
July 20, 2020 @ 12:18 am
Couldn`t agree more . Even our loveable panto dame “Whitty” has previously conceded it`s been downgraded…
July 20, 2020 @ 1:42 pm
So where to begin, you know when you have so much important information you want people to understand and you don’t know where to start?
My mother was taken away from us to hospital, she is still in hospital. We are banned from seeing her (other than looking at my mother sedated via facetime), we are banned from contacting the ward (speaking to different nurses we received information we should not have known), we were threatened and removed from the ‘private property’ of the NHS Trust under the threat of violence from three security guards. The police kindly informed us this is a civil matter but if we ‘assault’ the security guards it is a legal matter resulting in criminal charges.
My mom has gone from starting to recover from her stroke, sitting up eating a minced and moist diet to laying on her back with a fractured ankle and pneumonia. A fractured ankle supposedly impossible because she apparently can’t even move and defiantly can’t move her right side at all. Which is interesting because we have irrefutable evidence my mom could in fact move her right leg and arm. The doctors reaction when we questioned him? he went right to the ward and put morphine, ‘as and when’ on my mother allowed drugs list. This is end of life care as it will lead to death, nice of him.
When we informed the hospital we knew my mom could move and questioned their lies and obstruction and asked them not to give morphine ‘as and when’. They then said there is a disagreement between us and are taking us to court to remove any right we have to look after my mother or state what care we want for her. The social workers advice? ‘placate the hospital and try to get on their good side, as social services and the hospital are not in agreement on things at the moment.’
So what about a solicitor you say, well they get rich sending letters between each other but because of c ovid 19 they can’t go into the hospital to test or question my mom. The Police you say? oh it is not a police matter ‘you need to contact a solicitor?’ ‘Social services?’ ‘complain to the hospital?’ They destroy your hope by relentless obstruction and misery. The things I have found out about geriatric care in the UK are truly shocking,
So there you go a brief, very brief outline of the reality of geriatric ‘care’ in the UK.
Every study of face masks have shown they do not stop viral infections. What happens in a shop is a civil matter how can the police fine you? Will the shops stop you shopping? I guess we need some sort of way of telling who is ‘safe’ some sort of mark on the hand or forehead.
ht tps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19216002
‘N95-masked health-care workers (HCW) were significantly more likely to experience headaches. Face mask use in HCW was not demonstrated to provide benefit in terms of cold symptoms or getting colds.’
ht tps://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/epidemiology-and-infection/article/face-masks-to-prevent-transmission-of-influenza-virus-a-systematic- review/64D368496EBDE0AFCC6639CCC9D8BC05
‘None of the studies reviewed showed a benefit from wearing a mask, in either HCW or community members in households (H). See summary Tables 1 and 2 therein.’
Many more studies on how face masks do not work.
ht tps://www.rcreader.com/commentary/masks-dont-work-covid-a-review-of-science-relevant-to-covide-19-social-policy
My opinion on any extra deaths, lockdown. All dialysis stopped, cancer treatment stopped, Surgery stopped, All ‘bed blockers’ exported to ‘safety’ where they died. I believe pulmonary embolism played a very large part in supposed c ovid 19 deaths. pulmonary embolism caused directly by the inability of people to move because of lockdown and their fear of the supposed virus.
‘A pulmonary embolism (PE) is a blood clot in the lung. It’s serious and can be life-threatening.’
Shortness of breath
Chest pain
Cough (it may be bloody, and there might be blood in the gunk you cough up)
Pain in your back
Much more sweating than usual
A lightheaded feeling, or passing out
Blue lips or nails
ht tps://www.webmd.com/lung/treatment-for-a-pulmonary-embolism
A Pulmonary Embolism is when a blood clot forms in your legs (Deep Vein Thrombosis) this clot then travels round your heart and gets stuck in your Pulmonary Artery in your lungs meaning you can’t get the oxygen from your lung into your body.
‘Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a blood clot (thrombus) forms in one or more of the deep veins in your body, usually in your legs. Deep vein thrombosis can cause leg pain or swelling, but also can occur with no symptoms.’
Deep vein thrombosis signs and symptoms can include:
Swelling in the affected leg. Rarely, there’s swelling in both legs.
Pain in your leg. The pain often starts in your calf and can feel like cramping or soreness.
Red or discoloured skin on the leg.
A feeling of warmth in the affected leg.
Deep vein thrombosis can occur without noticeable symptoms.
When to see a doctor
If you develop signs or symptoms of deep vein thrombosis, contact your doctor.
If you develop signs or symptoms of a pulmonary embolism — a life-threatening complication of deep vein thrombosis — seek immediate medical attention.
The warning signs and symptoms of a pulmonary embolism include:
Sudden shortness of breath
Chest pain or discomfort that worsens when you take a deep breath or when you cough
Feeling lightheaded or dizzy, or fainting
Rapid pulse
Coughing up blood’
ht tps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/deep-vein-thrombosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20352557
What is the worst treatment you can get if you have a Pulmonary Embolism? A ventilator, because it kills you. During Pulmonary Embolism your lungs still work normally but you are being starved of oxygen because of a blockage, ventilators are for damaged lungs that can’t work properly.
They were fully aware people were dying of pulmonary embolism because of lockdown due to a fake pandemic. There solution was to try and confuse people by claiming C ovid 19 was causing blood clots and so Pulmonary Embolism,
‘Blood Clots Are Another Dangerous COVID-19 Mystery
By Brenda Goodman, MA’
ht tps://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20200424/blood-clots-are-another-dangerous-covid-19-mystery
‘Acute pulmonary embolism (PE) was common in COVID-19 cases, often in obese patients and in those not sick enough to require critical care, an observational study showed.’
ht tps://www.medpagetoday.com/infectiousdisease/covid19/86535
You have people who can’t or won’t exercise due to lockdown and fear, people with bodies used to going out every day to work and walk suddenly unable to. It does not take a genius to work out the consequences. I say they knew the consequences and were fully in favour of them and came up with a bullshit story as a cover. The only thing they regret is they could not use their thousand s of ventilators on other poor souls.
Bill Gates and lucifer-ase
‘Gates was responding to a question on how businesses will be able to operate while maintaining social distancing, and said that, “Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.”’
‘The ‘digital certificates’ Gates was referring to are human-implantable ‘QUANTUM-DOT TATTOOS’ that researchers at MIT and Rice University are working on as a way to hold vaccination records. It was last year in December when scientists from the two universities revealed that they were working on these quantum-dot tattoos after Bill Gates approached them about solving the problem of identifying those who have not been vaccinated.’
‘Storing medical information below the skin’s surface
Specialized dye, delivered along with a vaccine, could enable “on-patient” storage of vaccination history.’
Anne Trafton | MIT News Office
December 18, 2019
ht tp://news.mit.edu/2019/storing-vaccine-history-skin-1218
The ‘Specialized dye’ just happens to be called luciferase, ase being the ending for an enzyme, so basically we have lucifer’s enzyme.
ht tps://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/luciferase
The Mark of the Beast
And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark— the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.…
Jock Strapp
July 20, 2020 @ 3:30 pm
For those whom are allergic to these mask scams pushed by the shysters criminal private banker owned businesses called government…
PS Some more word play/mind Kontrol; “Mask” = persona = person = fake being = Not existing = Not alive = Dead.
This Info below is from the following site; https://www.larry hannigan.com.au/category/latest-news/
Notice of Conditional Acceptance to anyone trying to force you against your Will = No Consent Given
Dear whobody (Put actual NAME of person here = accountability)
This is to notify you that I am (we are) happy to wear a mask as directed, stand two metres apart or participate in a lockdown on the condition that you provide the following:
1. Proof that use of such masks social distancing or lockdown can prevent the inhalation of substances or micro-organisms at the scale of “viruses”.
2. Proof that prolonged use of such a mask will NOT cause Hypercapnia, Hypercarbia or Respiratory Acidosis in the wearer.
3. A signed and witnessed statement from you, accepting full responsibility and full commercial liability should I (We) be subsequently diagnosed with Hypercapnia, Hypercarbia or suffer an Asthmatic attack or any other respiratory or physical and mental health distress resulting from prolonged mask wearing, social distancing lockdown or being two metres apart.
4. A complete list of your medical qualifications.
Please use the space below to provide the requested proofs of claim and sign and date it in the appropriate boxes to accept full responsibility and full commercial liability.
Failure to do so will be deemed to mean no such proof exists and that you are not medically qualified to make a determination of the effects of prolonged mask use, social distancing in lockdown or being two metres apart from others and/or you are not confident enough to take financial responsibility for my safety as a result of your mask social distancing or lockdown enforcement actions.
Please provide the requested proof and medical qualifications here:
Liability Statement
I, ………………………………. as the official enforcing the unlawful wearing of masks according to parliamentary preference, am fully aware that prolonged use of surgical and non-surgical masks reduces the levels of Oxygen that reach the wearer and increases the dangerous levels of Carbon Dioxide and toxins that are expelled via the breath. I am also aware that prolonged mask use increases the risk of Hypercapnia, Hypercarbia, Asthma and other forms of respiratory distress
I therefore accept full responsibility and full commercial liability should the bearer experience, or be subsequently diagnosed with, any of the above conditions as a result of prolonged mask use social distancing or lockdown.
Signed in the presence of three witnesses:
Dr/Mr/Ms. ……………………………………… Signature ………………….…………….………..
Address …………………………………………….…………..………………….……………………………….
Date ………….………….…………………….
Witness ……………………………………………. Signature ………………….……………….…………..
Address ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
July 21, 2020 @ 1:49 am
Jock Strapp,thanks for the previous info on the mask wearing scam.i wrote a 2nd very carefully worded letter to my employers after my boss asked me the medical reasons for not wearing one.My 2nd letter basically was me offering for her(my idiotic boss)to fully examine me physically and mentally to see if she could find any medical conditions that would stop me wearing a mask,in her completely unqualified medical opinion,as she seemed highly interested and concerned about my current physical and mental state regarding my refusal to wear a mask..still awaiting a reply.funny ,I doubt I’ll get one.
Odd bod
July 21, 2020 @ 4:23 am
n95 masks: Tight fitting porous mask with a vent port for easier breathing.
Also known as particle masks, used to filter dust contaminent.
Will not filter a nano sized virus.
The vent port does not act as a filter.
It is designed to allow the wearer to exhale into the contamination.
Use only in contaminated enviroments when non-filtered breathing
Is not an issue.
Surgical masks: loose fitting face knickers designed for sterile enviroments only.
filtration exists only during the exhale, and only to protect the patient.
Sort of.
For around 20 minutes.
Then change.
July 21, 2020 @ 5:01 am
been collecting articles for almost 3 months regarding the “pandemic” – lots of information and ammunition here…
click the red info-bar up top
Odd bod
July 21, 2020 @ 7:15 am
Environmental Changes From 1975 to 2020.
Things that once were, now gone (more or less)
I present for all of you whom are British and of at least 45 years of age and remember the Great British countryside somewhere around Essex before these most recent years
Here we go:
1. Living mature Elm’s still living between the skeletons of dead Elm trees
2. Thick hedges between fields
3. Cows in fields, fields of Cows
4. Puff Ball fungus
5. Magic mushrooms
6. Wood Ants
3. The Hunt
4. Tramps with their pots and pans
5. Starling flocks
6. Sparrow flocks
7. Swift flocks; no bullshit
8. Scarecrows
9. Burning Cows
10. Free flowing streams
11. Ponds in Corn fields with Wildfoul
12. Meadows connecting with meadows
13. Wooden gates
14. Tractors without roll cages
15. Farmers Daughters
16. Turkey pluckers on demand
17. Drunk gypsies with their dirty hands
17. The good old sons with their sunken gums
18. Gypsies in their prefab road side shanty powerline conduit
19. Scouts are knocking on peoples doors being forced to do someones horrible chores
20. Powercuts usually at the most inconvenient mo
21. Swarms of insects
22. Hurricans
23. Long dry hot summers
24. Stubble burning into massive smoke blooms threatens drivers warns Sir Jimmy Savile in public infomation film
25. Regular Myxomatosis Rabbit plagues
26. Dead quiet at night
27. Snow drifts 6 feet high
28. Lizards
29. Quiet Bank Holidays
30. Farming Dairy on ITV Anglia
Odd bod
July 26, 2020 @ 7:19 am
A few more Environmental Changes (31 to 50):
31. Foot in and Mouth
32. Criminal Destruction of Hedgerows
33. A law that was supposed to protect the English countryside. What was given to the corporate farms by those Tory twats in those hazy days of the 1990’s was in fact the opportunity to tear up and grub up and burn up any ancient hedge rows and copses they pleased, as long as it was before the new law that forbid them grubbing up and burning of ancient hedgerows and copses as they pleased. Tory Logic at it’s best:
34. Hedgehog/bird/rabbit/badger/stray cat road kill; hey that’s tasty
35. Silver capsules empty. Rusting
36. Dental surgery on road with white red waste cloth and teeth
37. Squashed Mammals
38. Light blue contaminated surgical masks with a god inside
39. Broken sunglasses fractured in the light
40. Torn purses cash long gone
41. Rusty hammer in a tesco bag
42. Dead Wasps (white anglo saxon protestants)
43. Mouldy clothing wearing manequins in an abandoned caravan
44. Some animal in a broken caravan fridge, plus three archive copies of Rustler magazine
45. A small dead dog mortified under a rusting wheeless blue Cortina mk 4, 2 ltr GL
46. Half a smoked Rothmanns with spit in a bucket
47. A three quarter bottle of cinzano. Way out of date
48. Two tickets to ‘The Phantom of the opera’ Whatever that was
49. A rented copy on VHS of ‘Back to the future’ that was way too late to return
50. A rotting stuffed bear with the mantra ‘save the NHS’ scrawled apon on it, it’s creators long, long gone.
July 21, 2020 @ 9:13 am
NOBODY is gonna fight them on the beaches – we’re not allowed there anyway!
It’s all over bar the cheering. About a hundred people turned up for Simon Dolan’s KBF anti-mask demo in Hyde Park. His court case against the government on behalf of businesses forced to close has already been thrown out.
It’s ALL OVER. They won and we never fired a shot.
On Friday we are joining the sheeple on the next level of abject surrender to the globalist agenda.
Why? Because we gotta EAT right. Kissinger reminded us decades ago that whoever controls the food supply controls people. On Friday we will acknowledge this as we cede full control to the vaccination dictatorship that’s now arrived. We’re accepting that if we don’t do as they say we can’t expect to be able to put food on the table for our families.
U R gonna to be no use to the (non-existent) resistance anyway when U R all bones with salt-cellars (= emaciated and starving) anyway are U?
Why there is any debate about whether masks are good for our health is beyond me. Does anyone now still imagine that social distancing, lock-down and preventing people trading and working were MEANT to be good for our health? Why the BEJEEZ would masks be good for health?
Of course not, all the “containment” measures every step of the way have been specifically designed to suppress our immune systems, to weaken us and prevent us from fighting back. When they hit us with the SECOND WAVE the sheeple will be gagging for the vaccine (= DEATH).
Sadly, from Friday it’s us + the sheeple vs the globalists.
Don’t think the odds are going to be forever in our favour from here on in.
Do u?
Goodbye CRUEL WORLD! It was good while it lasted – but IT’S OVER NOW folks!
See u in the halcyon fields of the next life – beyond the reach of their sick NWO dictatorship.
Odd bod
August 22, 2020 @ 4:35 am
Attention! Essex,,, 51 to 60
51. Comets
52. Amber balls of spherical light over fields
53. Bad Manners playing live in W Mortimer
54. Cold War Army scenario drill within local woodland area
55. Blue balls of plasma, low to the ground outside the house the size of beach balls during a dry electrical storm c1983 with a ozone metallic taste
56. Fully grown 200 year Ash torn down without explanation, twisted, no local damage
57. A white translucent pixie like creature, running all while smoking a joint he was
58. Ghosts on bicycles
59. Haunted strange roads, with blood stories to tell
60. Yvette FIelding…
Odd bod
August 23, 2020 @ 5:52 am
61 to 80
61. Insane cops
62. Stupid cops
63. Gangster cops
64. Mobster cops
65. Crooked cops
66. Bent cops
67. Corrupt cops
68. Incompetent cops
69. Black mailed cops
70. Weak cops
71. Violent cops
72. Scared cops
73. Underpaid cops
74. Poorly trained cops
75. Demoralized cops
77. Under funded cops
78. Under armed cops
79. On remand cops
80. No more cops
July 21, 2020 @ 9:32 am
While it’s quiet …
Just over a week ago, Bozo the Downing Street monkey announced his cunning plan to get Britain working again after maliciously destroying millions of jobs by shutting the country down over a “plague” that doesn’t even exist!
The cunning plan is so brilliant, and so … er … cunning that I suspect the involvement of a certain Mr S Baldrick.
It’s so obvious to the simple-minded Bozo. You take people’s jobs away by forcing employers to shut down for months, so the solution is to create new jobs.
The roads are breaking up because they haven’t been maintained for years.
There aren’t enough council houses for the hundreds of illegals arriving every day.
“I know“, says
BaldrickBozo. “We can put everyone back to work building roads and houses“.What a cunning plan! All those shop assistants and office workers will soon be working again, as bricklayers, hod-carriers, roofers, plasterers, plumbers, carpenters, electricians and road-builders. How difficult can it be to re-train them for their new jobs? How long will it take? A week? A fortnight?
Any that don’t “take” to building work can train as grave-diggers and crematorium operatives. There’ll be plenty of work for them once the new vaccines are ready.
Aren’t we lucky to have (((politicians))) that really care about us?
July 21, 2020 @ 9:55 am
P.S. The “containment” measures R actually COMPLIANCE measures and the UK sheeple have already proved just how compliant they can be:
Ben Garrison makes the point here that we’ve already passed the point of no return:
Remember, he’s talking re-the USA and the public still have guns there.
Maybe the FEMA round-ups will take a little longer there.
Here in the UK – it’s game over, guys!
Jock Strapp
July 21, 2020 @ 3:21 pm
Regardless of the image and words the shyster governments and their criminal cronies and minions push, do not get caught (court) up in their “mind/mined games”.
These crooks ALWAYS use DECEPTION and GUILE. Remember the film “The Beguiled” with Clint? Hollywood (& MSM) are always telling you what game they are playing, as that is how their RUSE works. Do nothing = tacit consent (It is all about Energy/Polarity/Magnetic Fields. These crooks repeat it till you know nothing else (95% of the sheep are clueless to their ruses). Do not ever be distracted by such chicanery. Carry on, expose, speak up regardless ….you will always come out on top as you do not play another’s game. Then stand back, detached and watch their show fall apart.
It is always DECEPTION and mind/mined games. One needs to completely dismiss their crap and just speak and do what you know is right and the Cosmos moves at its own pace. (not yours, or the shyster’s agenda).
Keep up the good works …no drama queens, just speak up, with the logical facts and let the chips fall where they may. Good Night Nurse!
Check these following out. Much to glean from this …learn and apply = take command…
Guy smashes cops at checkpoint. (On the Croney Via-A-Ruse)
https://www.youtube.com/w atch?time_continue=1691&v=F-WRJuBV6yk&feature=emb_logo
8 “Facts” About Coronyavirus That Are Actually Lies
https://thetruth aboutcancer.com/8-facts-actually-lies/
July 22, 2020 @ 9:56 am
I have an interesting observation I want to put out there. I live close to a fair sized city surrounded by a dual carriageway system that can be confusing. During ‘lockdown’ I was driving into the city and noticed all the 40mph limits around a certain area were lowered to 30mph, odd i thought. These limits were in a large area and nothing to do with roadworks, there are no road works and no roadworks have ever appeared there.
My thought until today was they thought because of the lockdown people would not be used to driving at 40mph on a dual carriageways and they decided to nanny us, but these limits were only in a specific area others were and still are 40mph.
Today I read something that gave me food for thought;
Symptoms of mild, short-term altitude sickness also include dizziness, fatigue, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, sleep problems and a general loss of energy. Symptoms usually begin within 12 to 24 hours of arriving at a high altitude. Symptoms lessen within a day or two as the person gets used to the altitude.’
‘Symptoms of moderate altitude sickness are more intense and are not relieved by over-the-counter medicines. Fatigue, weakness and shortness of breath worsen instead of improving over time. The affected person may start to show loss of coordination and have difficulty walking, severe headache that is not relieved by medicines, nausea and vomiting, and tightness or congestion in the chest. Normal activity is difficult, although the person may still be able to walk on his or her own.’
‘Symptoms of severe altitude sickness include shortness of breath at rest, inability to walk, confusion and fluid build-up in the lungs and/or brain. Other symptoms may include cough and a grey, pale or bluish skin tone. Severe altitude sickness is an emergency situation, and the affected person must be taken to a lower altitude immediately.’
ht tps://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/15111-altitude-sickness
So what you say, well I just happen to knows at the centre of all these new restrictions is a new 5G mast. Are they worried it may cause confusion to drivers and so accidents because it may starve their brains of oxygen? I have no idea just a strange connection.
July 22, 2020 @ 5:12 pm
That rings a bell with me, Loccie.
Only yesterday I saw a video with (I believe) Dr Kaufmann, who said the reported symptoms of zog’s imaginary “killer plague” resembled altitude sickness. He also said it was the same as cyanide poisoning.
He hadn’t examined the bodies personally. Nobody had. He was going by what someone had said, apparently some kind of official report.
Obviously 5G is going to cause a “flu epidemic”, but it would be interesting to know what’s in those chemtrails.
Odd bod
July 23, 2020 @ 5:39 am
5G: The New Wandering Sickness.
H G Wells.
July 24, 2020 @ 11:43 pm
First day with the muzzle on.
Had to go to the bank. V. little air in the small branch @ Daventry. There was a pathetic old guy in front of me in a spotted mask and another COVID masked cretin behind me. I would guess they were wearing them voluntarily. Mine, quite obviously, has been forced on me by their fucking being too idle and intellectually feckless to look into the SCAMDEMIC.
My mask was on my chin after about a minute. How can anyone wear the thing over their mouth and nose for more than a minute and not realise it’s going to make them ill? Moreover, it’s going to make you really angry and bad-tempered as well.
Meanwhile an interesting conversation was going on between the bank clerk and the customer being served. Actually, the young muscular guy was evidently self-employed and perplexed by the fact that HSBC didn’t seem to want let him put cash into his personal account. No, they wanted him to open a business account and answers all sorts of questions about the cash he was raking in as a jobbing workman that he didn’t want to answer. The guy appeared to have been singled out because he was paid in cash and he obviously had no conception that HSBC – like all the other banks no longer likes cash or small business guys like himself.
This guy was definitely NOT wearing a mask and no-one was about to tell him he should be wearing one – least of all me – an utter unbeliever – not just in the efficacy of masks – but in the whole Goddam Corona Bollocks SCAMDEMIC! He was effing and blinding at her at one point but he did apologise to us for delaying our being served and finally left insisting he was going to take the matter further.
When I finally got served, I realised that the clerk he’d been swearing at was a WOMAN! Sorry, but I didn’t think any the worse of the bloke for having sworn at her especially when she had the temerity as I was leaving to tell me that I needed to pull the mask down over my nose and mouth.
Wrong thing to say to another bloke having a bad day because the bank she works for can’t provide a decent service. I told her I was 65 and I was one of those strange human beings who needed to BREATHE. Further, I wasn’t going to take any health advice from her.
As I left I saw a sea of masked faces behind me gawping blankly – I called them “idiots” and made for the door.
Next stop: Waitrose. Just about managed to get the silly mask back up over nose and mouth to gain admittance but it was back under my chin as soon as I was over the threshold and started shopping.
I read this evening that Asdas and Sainsburys aren’t enforcing masks. So, although I live right opposite a Morrisons – they won’t be getting my business from now. Quite like Asdas anyway and Waitrose can take a hike anyway.
Probably it’s a good job I don’t use public transport. I can quite understand how some people are just going to flip on a bad day when some officious jobs worth tells them to muzzle:
Far be it for me to intrude on private grief but the bus driver’s family need to be blaming Macron and the SCAMDEMIC crime syndicate for his death not the commuters who have had more than enough of living under LOCKDOWN and World Government-sponsored medical martial law.
August 2, 2020 @ 2:56 pm
You don’t need to wear a mask if it would cause you distress or medical issues. If anyone asks you simply say “I am exempt” if they continue to ask you say it’s a private medical matter and you have no right to know. I have not worn a mask and if you wear one you give them tacit agreement with the next step, mask wearing whenever you leave the house. I know it’s hard to do because we are law abiding citizens, but I am not going to give them any agreement.
I would advise writing a notice of removal of implied right of access and putting it on your boundary or front door. This removes some of their ability to just walk into your property under an implied right to.