Dec 28 2015
John Hamer’s: The City Of London
Hi? hello, how are ya? – well I guess I’m doing fine.
I sincerely hope that you all had a nice enough Christmas, despite what the Satanic day really represents – and of course I am acutely aware that for some of you it will have been an awful struggle financially whilst no doubt leaving others of you with feelings of guilt at not being able to spoil your children the way that you would like… Especially when you have worked your jacksy off all year just to survive.
Indeed the more that I mellow with age (its the big four zero for me this friday… Again), the more time I seem to spend worrying about disadvantaged children and how modern living – for want of better words – is totally fucking them up. And of course the task of stopping the rot setting in is absolutely fucking mammoth… If indeed we ever get the chance to try
Still, that is enough maudling and anyway we may yet get chance to set about the task… We fucking will if I have anything to do with it anyway… And I am trying, oh how I am trying, hence the two major articles that I am working on and continue to grow (Paris and the other one) are still not ready because I fully intend to make them as damning, damaging and irrefutable as possible.
Nevertheless, my continued labour means that you get to read another of those articles that John Hamer sent me to use as I see fit – the majority of which John tells me will be included in his forthcoming new book… And today’s offering is about the City of London.
However, there is just one more [unrelated] matter that I quickly want to mention here and that is in regard to a series of comments from Curious Girl which she has left on the last article that I wrote – “I See Dead People”.
Curious Girl – for the benefit of those who don’t know – is an extremely intelligent, tenacious and determined regular reader of mine, who never fails to impress me with the information that she comes up with when she looks into any subject that catches her eye.
And on this occasion the subject that caught her eye was that of the Christmas Card photo used by Little Bald Willie and his accomplice, Kate Gold-Digger-Smith for this years seasonal greetings – which CG believes to be a hybrid of photos joined together.
I too also looked at the family snapshot and concluded that the photo is a fake – as in the pair didn’t pose for it and therefore neither did the two children who also appear.
However, what I want to add to the mix is to do with a couple of articles published in the Chimp last week which made much of a ‘charidy’ football match that Little Bald Willie and Harry H Hewitt supposedly played in – they didn’t and the photos are blatantly photoshopped with the giveaways easy to spot when you know what to look for.
As for the other article which was also filled with equally cringe worthy comment – those real journalists must really love having shit on their tongues? Well that doozy of an article was to do with the Queer & Co attending church on Christmas Day… Twice apparently, and on both occasions the snappy snaps are also ALL photoshopped… Just like they were for that “private” Christening service that the Firm attended for the child that they refer to as being called Charlotte, earlier on this year.
In fact I really did laugh out loud when the Monkey-Twatz gushingly wrote about the two services that the firm [didn’t] attend at the same Sandringham Church on the same Christmas Day morning because the first visit was – according to the real journalist who copied the story, using his own words – the official, traditional service attended by the royal family and the second was a private service that was only attended by the royal family – as if, in theory that would make a difference to those allowed to attend.
I also noted that Bizzy Lizzie used a framed photoshopped picture of Willie and his ‘family‘ – supposedly taken at the aforementioned Christening service that wasn’t – as a desk top prop in her Christmas speech… You couldn’t make that shit up.
Anyway, the point is why have the firm been so reluctant to venture out in this past year?
Could it be that the game is nearly up for the in-bred brood, since it would seem that even PR articles about them such as the Charity football match shite, which the Chimp fooled their Muppet readers into believing that the heir and spare took part in – imagine silly willie trying to play football or liking rugby for that matter – still drew extremely negative comments (at least in the calibre of negative comments that the shit rag begrudgingly lets through)… As did the church excursions.
Indeed, they are all an affront to what real charity is – or should be – all about and as for their spiritual guidance well, lets just say that they are as christian as my right testicle, not to mention an obscene embarrassment to the country as a whole… Just sayin’.
As with any investigation into culpability, we should always ‘follow the money’ and in this case it leads to the ultra-powerful, elite bankster families. We will later see further evidence of how they operate, how they enslave humanity and kill millions; crimes that in truth, only the satanically-influenced or psychopathically-minded would be capable of perpetrating.
In 1776, as already related, the Order of the Illuminati was founded by Adam Weishaupt in Bavaria. It was and indeed still is, powerfully connected to the ruling financial elite (banksters) who possess the lion’s share of the world’s wealth. The Rothschilds for instance, played a major role in the financing and support of the Bavarian Illuminati in its formative years, but there are also several other families involved.
Over the years, this organisation of pure evil has spread its despicable tentacles into every country of note but remains largely hidden from view because the Illuminati is after all, a ‘secret society,’ along with its equally repugnant ‘bedfellow,’ Freemasonry.
Indeed at the senior levels of Freemasonry, the boundaries between the two, if they exist at all, become exceedingly blurred. The 13 major Illuminati bloodlines exist as a mirror of the 13 levels of the pyramid as denoted on the seal on the reverse side of the US $1 bill and these wealthy families, who are without doubt the real rulers of the world, were thrust into prominence and empowered in the Satanic master plan carried out by the Illuminati.
There are in total, 13 families who are Illuminati but the membership however, is not completely static. 13 of course, is regarded by them as a Satanic number with magical, occult power and is very much to the forefront of all Illuminati planning yet often used in ‘plain sight’ in their various subterfuges.
There is little doubt of the existence of a long-term plan by the international financial elite to enslave humanity in order to bring about their oft-quoted ‘New World Order.’ This conspiracy is often attributed to various factions including, but not exclusively, the Illuminati themselves, Jews, Zionists, the Vatican, Jesuits, Freemasons the Black Nobility and the Bilderbergers etc. However the truth is that it is a complex hybrid of all these elements that make up the whole sorry group.
But the real villains are those at the heart of our economic and cultural life. They are the dynastic families, the ‘Royals,’ the owners of the Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve and associated cartels. They also control the World Bank and IMF and most of the world’s Intelligence agencies. Their identity is meant to be secret but the Rothschilds are certainly among their number. We should never forget that money is power and this power rests largely in the ‘City of London.’
The ‘City of London’
The great majority of people assume that the phrases ‘the Crown’ and ‘the City’ in reference to London, refer to the Queen or the capital of England.
However, this is not so. ‘The City’ is in fact a privately owned Corporation and Sovereign State occupying an irregular rectangle of 677 acres, approximately one square mile and located right in the heart of the 610 square mile Greater London area. The population of ‘the City’ is listed at just over four thousand, whereas the population of the 32 Boroughs of Greater London is approximately seven and a half million. This square mile that constitutes the ‘City’ has its own mayor, laws, courts, flag, police force and newspapers, characteristic of all three independent ‘City States,’ the City of London, Washington DC and Vatican City. They are in effect countries within countries, but only Vatican City is officially accorded the title of ‘country.’
The true identity of ‘the Crown’ however is kept most secret, but nevertheless it was the Crown-controlled Bank of England that took and assumed control of the United States during the Theodore Roosevelt Administration (1901-1909) when its agent, who was in reality a Crown agent (J. P. Morgan and Co.), assumed control of 25% of American business interests.
‘The Crown’ has never referred to the King or Queen of England, not since the establishment of the corporate body, but the British Monarchy is a figurehead for ‘the Crown,’ rules parliament in Great Britain and has absolute authority over the Prime Minister and his government through a Vatican knighthood by the name of the Order of the Garter. Despite its many sycophantic apologists, encouraged all the while by the compliant media and the political hierarchy, who claim that the Royal family are just ‘figureheads,’ unfortunately this is absolutely, categorically NOT the case at all.
The Crown is the directorate of the corporation, and Great Britain is ruled by the Crown, the City of London which controls the Bank of England – a private corporation. In other words ‘the City’ is a ‘private’ state existing in Britain within the very heart of London. It became a sovereign-state in its own right in 1694 when King William III sanctioned the privatisation of the Bank of England, and handed it over to the banksters who today rule the financial world… in exactly the same way that the FRB banksters were freely given the ultimate control of money in the US in 1913.
Today, the City State of London is the world’s ultimate centre of financial power and the wealthiest square mile on the planet. The City is also unsurprisingly, home to the privatised Bank of England, Lloyd’s of London, the London Stock Exchange and the headquarters of all British-based and many foreign banks. It is home to the branch offices of 385 foreign banks plus 70 US banks, as well as many newspapers and publishing monopolies. It controls the world media and the world’s intelligence services and it is from within the Crown City of London that British Freemasonry, overseen by the British Monarchy specifically the Duke of Kent (Freemasonic Grand Master), and indeed World Freemasonry is governed. This includes the Grand Orient Masonic Order and the Washington DC version, ‘Scottish Rite Freemasonry.’
‘The Crown’ is a committee of twelve men who rule the independent sovereign state known as ‘the City.’ ‘The City’ is not part of England and not subject to the Sovereign ruler of Great Britain and its Commonwealth. Neither is it under the rule of the British parliament, it is a separate, independent state presided over by a Lord Mayor.
The Lord Mayor and his council serve as proxies or representatives who in effect deputise for the world’s wealthiest, most powerful banking families, including the Rothschild family, the Warburg family, the Oppenheimer family and the Schiff family. These families and their descendants own and run the Crown Corporation of London. The Lord Mayor, who is elected for a one year term, is the absolute ‘monarch’ in the City.
“The relation of this monarch of the City to the monarch of the realm [Queen] is curious and tells much. When the Queen of England goes to visit the City she is met by the Lord Mayor at Temple Bar, the symbolic gate of the City. She bows and asks for permission to enter his private, sovereign State. During such State visits the Lord Mayor in his robes and chain, and his entourage in medieval costume, outshines the royal party, which can dress up no further than service uniforms.” Aubrey Menen, Time-Life, 1976, p. 16
So, the Lord Mayor leads the Queen into his city. The symbolism is clear; the Lord Mayor is the monarch and the Queen is his subject. The Queen is subordinate to the Mayor only in the City but outside of the City of London he bows to her and furthermore, this exclusive clique who rule the City dictate to the British Parliament, despite the fact that in theory, Britain is ruled by a Prime Minister and a Cabinet of Ministers. These ‘fronts’ go to great lengths to create the impression
that they are running the country but, in reality, they are mere puppets whose strings are pulled by the shadowy characters who dominate behind the scenes.
As the former British Prime Minister of England during the late 1800s Benjamin Disraeli wrote… “So you see… the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes” ‘Coningsby,’ The Century Co., 1907, p233
The City of London is the only part of Britain over which parliament has no authority whatsoever and in one respect at least, the Corporation acts as the superior body of the two. It imposes on the House of Commons a figure referred-to as the ‘Remembrancer,’ an official lobbyist who sits behind the Speaker’s chair and ensures that, whatever we or our elected representatives might think, the City’s rights and privileges are fully protected.
The now greatly depleted British Empire was an extension of banksters’ financial interests. Indeed, all the colonies were ‘Crown Colonies.’ They belonged to the City and were not subject to British law although British citizens were expected to shed blood (often their own) and conquer and pay for them. Western colonisation is widely taught in school history courses, so it need not be repeated here but one key aspect of the colonial period is generally omitted or air-brushed from official history and that is the fact that all the Crown colonies were established on a corporate model with financial ties to the City of London, not to the nation of the United Kingdom (the official name of the political entity consisting of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.) The UK is a Crown colony but the City of London is not.
The directorate of the Crown, had and has no loyalty to any nation, they were and are, devoted entirely to their own philosophy, which seeks absolute power and wealth. For more than 250 years, the ‘servants’ of the Crown brought untold wealth back from the colonies to the British Isles – to enrich their bankster masters only. The general population of the United Kingdom received very little wealth as a result of these exploits, if any at all, despite the fact that it was they who provided the finance through taxation and the ‘cannon fodder’ in the form of the armed forces, to enable the subjugation of foreign powers in order that the banksters could profit from the altruistic exploits of the armed forces.
These servicemen were invaluable assets of the Crown, but they did not know whom or what they served – and indeed still do not. (None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who believe they are free). Historian Jeffrey Steinberg could also have been referring to the US, Canada or Australia (or any other country you care to name) when he wrote that… “England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, are today little more than slave plantations and social engineering laboratories, serving the needs of the Crown/City of London.”
According to the American Almanac, the Crown and their associated banksters are part of a network with an estimated $10 trillion in physical assets (as opposed to non-existent paper and money in its various electronic forms.) The Crown is in total control of such corporate giants as Royal Dutch Shell, the former companies comprising the giant Imperial Chemical Industries, (now ‘rationalised’ into many different organisations), Lloyds of London, Unilever, Lonrho, Rio Tinto Zinc, and Anglo-American DeBeers. It completely dominates the world supply of oil, gold, diamonds, and many other vital raw materials.
The Crown/City of London also dominates the world’s speculative markets. A tightly interlocking group of corporations involved in raw materials extraction, finance, insurance, transportation and food production, controls the lion’s share of the world’s markets and exerts supreme control over world industry.
In order to understand the genuine motives for particular actions and events in history we already know to ‘follow the money,’ but that is only part of the story, we must also follow the philosophy and the religious beliefs of those in control. For purposes of clarity, ‘the Crown’ always refers here to a stealthy circle of power-brokers (the banksters) who all believe in the Freemasonic philosophy of the ‘brotherhood of man’ ruled by philosopher kings (or adepts) in league with the God of Masonry. This point is not up for debate, it is only necessary to read some of the cumbersome histories of Masonry and also read Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma to understand explicitly that this power-philosophy encompasses virtually all the religious ideas ever imagined by man.
Ordinary members of Masonic lodges, those of the so-called ‘blue degrees,’ numbered 1-3 or the three overt levels, the only ones to which most Masons can aspire, are to these adepts and their goals what the people of the Western civilisations are to the directors of the Crown, that is ‘useful idiots.’ This ultra-secretive, all-pervasive cabal is represented by the dominant political, economic and cultural institutions across the world. Indeed, western society has been thoroughly subverted and western culture is morally bankrupt, whilst our so-called democracies are a subtle form of social control and the mass media and our so-called education systems are nothing more than a sham or at best, covert forms of indoctrination.
The British government is the bonded slave of the ‘invisible and inaudible’ force centred in the City and the City is the master of all. The ‘visible and audible leaders’ ie. ‘elected’ politicians, are mere puppets who dance to the tunes of the real powers-that-be. They have no real power and no authority and in spite of the outward show to the contrary, they are mere pawns in the on-going game being played-out by the financial elite, the banksters.
It is important to recognise the fact that two separate empires were operating under the guise of the British Empire, one was the Crown Empire and the other the British Empire. The colonial possessions that consisted primarily of white people were under the jurisdiction of the Sovereign ie. under the authority of the British government that is such nations as the Union of South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Canada were governed under British law. However, these only represented around 13% of the people who made up the inhabitants of the British Empire.
All the other elements of the Empire, nations such as India, Egypt, Bermuda, Malta, Cyprus and colonies in Central Africa, Singapore and Hong Kong were all Crown Colonies. These were not under British rule and parliament had no authority over them. As the Crown owned the committee known as the British government there was no problem whatsoever in convincing the British taxpayer of the need to pay for naval and military forces to maintain the Crown’s supremacy in these countries.
The City reaped enormous profits from its operations conducted under the protection of the British armed forces however, but this was not British commerce and British wealth it was the international banksters, prosperous merchants and those members of the aristocracy who were part of the ‘City’ machine that accumulated vast fortunes, especially as the ‘City’ is also a tax haven for them. In fact it is linked to other satellite tax havens across most time zones, ranging from Hong Kong and Singapore in the East, to the British Virgin Islands, the Turks and Caicos Islands, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands and the Bahamas in the West. All of these havens are Frankenstein creations of the City, as are the Crown Dependency islands of Guernsey, Isle of Man and Jersey. Is it any surprise that the rich just keep getting richer!?
UK Fightback
December 28, 2015 @ 1:16 pm
OK, so the question everyone asks is, ‘ But what can we do?’ Well this looks promising.
Ken O’Keefe’s Mission to End Payment for War: Watch the video, check out the website, get involved. www
h ttp://
December 28, 2015 @ 1:51 pm
Has anyone else noticed that willy boy’s right hand seems to be down his shorts? Is he scratching his balls? Has willy boy got crabs????? Has kate ‘gold-digger’ smith given her hubby a dose?????? Whatever next? Lorraine
nailtown slim
December 30, 2015 @ 2:44 am
Strange that, because I’d heard that young Willy Wanka hadn’t been ‘feeling himself lately’
obviously, that’s a load of bollocks then, or, is he playing ‘celebrity pocket billiards’? Or perhaps stroking his knackers feels like stroking Big ears and the Duck’s heads, a weird sort of comfort thing?:-D
Ciaran J Goggins
December 28, 2015 @ 3:34 pm
Shitty of London Police and Kroll. Check it out. Affinity lodges such as Manor Of St James and Manor Of Bensham, Sine Favoure (links to Bryn Estyn). Kincora, anyone?
December 28, 2015 @ 4:06 pm
Another brilliant article Mr. Hamer. I can’t wait to read your latest book. You are absolutely spot on regarding the ‘City of London.’ This tiny square mile is the centre of world domination and queenie is in fact nothing more than a puppet whose strings are pulled by those who REALLY rule our planet…….the freemason bankster cabal. Queenie’s treachery against the people of Britain means that she is arguably the wealthiest Woman on the planet. It is also probably fair to say that queenie is the world’s highest paid prostitute……..she received a LOT of wealth in returning for being the bitch of her Mossad/Illuminati bosses. Lorraine
The Third Corporal
December 28, 2015 @ 4:46 pm
December 28, 2015 @ 6:48 pm
I first came across the knowledge of the Illuminati 13 families after reading Fritz Springmeier’s account which i admit took me ages to read and absolve the information due to the enormity of the data involved.A remarkable account of London and the square mile though i think there maybe more facts to come out about this Extraordiniary City yet as it’s so stooped in history.At the time the Victorian sewers were constructed i wouldn’t be at all surprised if other underground secret tunnels were erected at the same time for insidious reasons.Though the ‘Royals’ are placed for distraction purposes to ‘amuse’ the sheeple they are without doubt a powerful tool.I obviously don’t know the validity of this story but this has been mentioned before when Arizona Wilder was interviewed in the 90’s by David Icke she gave an account that ‘Pindar’ [Penis of the Dragon] was the overseer of the Royals and the Queen Mother was terrified of him.Due to all the symbolism used in these Rituals i can see where this individual may have surfaced from.
There’s also a height of activity of many ley lines that dominate London’s ‘pathways of enlightment’ with the most important ley known as ‘The Coronation Line’.Another ley line is ‘The Stonehenge Leyline to which many are crossed lines therefore causing a strong current of energy to which the reason why this City was used as a focal point therefore maybe the reason why ‘The Square Mile’ was erected with so many landmarks.As we’re aware the top of the ‘Pyramid’ control everything so it looks as though all this was well planned in advance…..xx
December 28, 2015 @ 7:25 pm
Hiya Louise, hope you and yours had a nice festive break. I have also heard about this person called ‘Pindar’ and apparently (if the rumours are true) he is very high up in the illuminati/new world order hierachy. By all accounts, he has slapped queenie on more than one occasion when she didn’t do as she was told, but of course, without proper verification this must be considered as ‘hearsay’ but as you know Louise, there is often a grain of truth in ‘hearsay’ and I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if this ‘Pindar’ creature is for real and pulls the strings of the royal puppets. Tc mate, Lorraine, xx
Under no Illusion
December 30, 2015 @ 3:49 pm
I read David Ickes The Biggest Secret and if I am not mistaken, I’m sure Pinder was believed to be Prince Phillip. x
December 29, 2015 @ 5:05 pm
The Satanic Reptilian Illuminati Hierarchy Revealed – UPDATED Best Description – The “PINDAR”
This is an updated version of the earlier video we uploaded, again we apologize for the hard to read text & errors in the other versions of this video, This should be much easier to read & understand, ENJOY ?
By Purple Dot
The music is annoying in this.
December 29, 2015 @ 6:27 pm
Fascinating…. if you look at the bronze statue in the City of London, it is of the Draco holding a City of London -Red Cross on White background – shield to its front. They don’t hide their Master, do they?
December 29, 2015 @ 6:39 pm
My only fault with the video is, that the captions move before you can read what they are saying. I would think Nat will be next up for ‘Pindar’ he has got all the shiftiness required to serve Master Draco.
December 30, 2015 @ 4:31 pm
It’s a shame that the fast moving captions ruined it. You are definitely right about Nat. Very smug and cocky as well. He’ll be ideal.
Mark Lanahan
December 28, 2015 @ 7:17 pm
I’d like to add a bit to this…When Titus sacked Jerusalem in 70 CE his troops razed the 2nd Temple to the ground destroying all the sacred artifacts within it. Contrary to popular history the 2nd Temple did indeed house The Ark of the Covenant, the Hoshen, Aaron’s Rod etc along with the historically confirmed contents; the Menorah, the Alter of Incense, The Censers etc along with many of the original vessels of gold that had been taken by the Babylonians but restored by Cyrus the Great, according to the Babylonian Talmud. Around 1120, the Templars started tunneling under Temple Mount looking for the hidden Essenes scrolls which outlined their rituals, and once found, subsequently adopted by the Templars. Whilst searching for the scroll, the Templars started finding lumps of gold, lots of it. It turns out this gold was the remains of the molten artifacts that had poured down through cracks in the stone, temple floor some 900 years before. This gold was as revered as the sacred artifacts it once formed. The sacred gold became the core of the Templar’s ‘Babylonian’ Fractional Reserve banking system and was never allowed to leave the Temple but could be ‘fractionalised’. Sometime after 1141 and before 1300, the Templars decided it was prudent to move the Temple to the City of London where ‘The Temple’ is an exact copy of the 2nd Temple in Jerusalem and is apparently where the sacred gold resides to this day – thus explaining why the City is the centre of all global banking. All this is celebrated in that ever popular hymn ‘Jerusalem’ which is sung with such fervency by bankers at the Albert Hall during the proms!
December 28, 2015 @ 9:37 pm
wasn’t Fiona Woolf the Mayor of City of London a views years back? Thank you John and Chris, I hope you have all had a great Christmas plan and managed through.
Regarding Bald Willy
If they haven’t photo shopped his balls then clearly something needs fixing or he isn’t human! Interesting that it was a fake story about him and Hewitt? I imagine Hewitt is terrified for his life.
December 29, 2015 @ 7:08 pm
Yes she was….you don’t get the job unless you are a member of the ‘Tribe’. No equal opportunities with them *****.
nailtown slim
December 28, 2015 @ 10:41 pm
Just got back home to Brighton from London, I drove my son in law in to Saint Thomas’s hospital today because of the shit train services and he doesn’t need to be any more stressed than he is right now! He’s having his heart valves replaced tomorrow morning in an operation that’s expected to last four to five hours and then straight into intensive care for a while! He should have gone into hospital two weeks ago, but he was told the day before that it had been postponed, so, obviously he’s a bit strung out by now! He’s in a four bed ward with a view of Big Ben across the river from his hospital! Hopefully I’m driving my daughter up on Thursday to see him, then if all goes well I should be able to fetch him home in about ten days time!
It was chaotic driving from Eastbourne to the hospital today, and much worse driving back to Brighton this evening! I always feel a sense of foreboding whenever I reluctantly go into London, but taking care of my family means everything to me, so I do what I can, when I can! His specialist told him he’d need around ten weeks recuperation before considering going back to work, his boss however said he’d probably be alright to start work after about six weeks, what a wanker! My son in law is 33 and quite fit apart from his heart problem of course, I told him to take no notice of his boss, he just wants a full team at work selling cars, my son in law’s family and his health have to come first and he’s got a wife and three kids under eight to worry about, fuck his boss, and Toyota! I’m not a good hospital visitor, they really depress me, so I’ll go walkabout whilst my daughter visits him on Thursday, I’ll take a look at a few things and try to spot any illuminati symbols etc, I’ll bet the area is full of them!
December 28, 2015 @ 11:00 pm
Hiya NTS. I am sending healing vibes to your Son-in-law and peace and love to your daughter, who must be worried sick. Tc mate. Lorraine, xx
nailtown slim
December 29, 2015 @ 10:06 am
Thank you so much mate, he’s a good bloke and a brilliant dad, he’s a grafter and never stops, he’s always doing something or other either at work or home!
The 3 year old and the 7 year old girls were O.K. when I fetched him yesterday, but the 6 year old boy broke his heart when we left the house! Thanks again Lorraine, and you and Wolfie have a good New Year!
Glen C
December 29, 2015 @ 8:00 pm
NTS. I’m sending positive vibes and as much love as I can to you, your son-in-law, your daughter, grandkids and all the family.
Keep us posted and remember mate we are all stronger together. xx
nailtown slim
December 30, 2015 @ 2:37 am
Thanks Glen, you’re perfectly right, talking to like minded folk on here has helped me to realise we’re definitely stronger willed than the average punter! I greatly appreciate the caring attitude shown to others by the posters on here. Un Muy Feliz Anos Neuvo!
December 29, 2015 @ 11:06 pm
Nailtown slim! Considering the subject matter,would it not be advisable to keep personal details private?
nailtown slim
December 30, 2015 @ 2:17 am
Mick,not sure what you mean? do you think that the people from GCHQ who watch this site know nothing about any of us who post on here? I mentioned my son in law’s plight because I needed to get it off my chest, and people like Glen C, Lorraine, bella, Louise and a few others have helped me enormously! Personally I couldn’t give a fuck what the watchers know or don’t know about me, we are all on a list or two by now, and quivering in a corner trying to be ‘the grey man’ won’t help one way or the other, so fuck them! Happy new year mick!
December 30, 2015 @ 10:57 am
Totally agree NS, I’m sure everyone knows I live in Horsham, married, 3 kids, since when do I need to tremble in fear for reading a website which discusses topical and current affairs. It is not illegal to read about the alternative media nor to discuss it. Plus sharing the anxiety of family being sick is therapeutic. I’m sat typing this in Crawley hospital with my daughter, I will be in Horsham hospital this afternoon, if you see me I’m the gobby one with the scouse accent
December 29, 2015 @ 1:53 pm
Hi NTS-Sending healing vibes and best wishes to you and your son-in-law and may your daughter her husband and children be reunited asap as a family.Please try not to worry to much as you each need to look after yourselves for your son-in-law as he’ll need you when he’s discharged from hospital.Wishing good news for you and sure hope the op is a success so to ease the burden on your minds.May you and your family take care and little Ivy’s ok-here’s a X of Sam for Ivy with all good wishes for 2016…Louise xx
nailtown slim
December 30, 2015 @ 2:20 am
Louise, thank you mate, and all the same for you and yours!
December 28, 2015 @ 11:07 pm
Seasons Greetings to Chris family and all , just made a small donation, not a lot as I had my wallet stolen last night, the second time this bloody year! Luckily my daughter bought me a new one for Christmas. When I opened it I thought blimey I’ve only just bought a new one but thanked her gleefully (as you do). Anyway now I get to use my new wallet, every cloud has a silver lining as they say?
emm jay
December 29, 2015 @ 5:37 pm
That’s a horrible thing to happen Carl, sorry to hear that … but good for you for your sunny outlook and staying positive x
December 28, 2015 @ 11:30 pm
Dear NS, please tell your son in law to rest for ten weeks , No matter what his boss thinks , Or even if he is anxious about losing his job.. Your son In-law is irreplaceable, He must do everything the doctor tells him To recover properly Tell him to get a letter from the doctor or the hospital Stating how long He should Convalesce for And if necessary pay or get free a private doctor’s certificate See what his GP saysThere is no way his company can get rid of him If he’s got a doctor’s letter
Fingers crossed and I hope he makes a complete recovery and that the operation is a success Best of luck Please excuse my stupid mobile phone Which is putting capital letters in all over the place
nailtown slim
December 29, 2015 @ 10:12 am
bella, thank you, I will make sure I can do all I can to help him too, he’s such a worrier, and living closest to the garage he got saddled as the key holder in case of any police call out at night etc. Obviously the next nearest employee to the garage has got the job whilst he’s incapacitated! Thank you for your concern and your advice, happy new year mate!
question everything 1
December 29, 2015 @ 11:51 am
N S…. best healing wishes to your son, I hope he soon gets up and about, but for now he rests for as long as he can.
A great new year to you and to all of your family, t c Trish x
nailtown slim
December 29, 2015 @ 12:51 pm
Thanks Trish, he went into theatre at 7.45 today and they told my daughter to ring after 2 this afternoon, he’s a good dad and husband to my daughter and their kids! Have a happy new year Trish,
best regards,
December 29, 2015 @ 1:25 pm
Hi NTS, keep us up to date with his progress. Lots of people wishing him well and a safe stead recovery.
December 29, 2015 @ 1:32 pm
Jane F, I think some of your problems may be solved if you put one of the batteries in the other way round. Still, at least you got a present!
emm jay
December 29, 2015 @ 5:27 pm
Hi NTS, warmest wishes to you all and a wishing a speedy recovery for your son-in-law … sending love and light xx
December 29, 2015 @ 7:16 pm
LOL Dogman….she’s obviously not using Duracell.
December 28, 2015 @ 11:37 pm
On topic, my old mum is a Jehovah’s Witness, she has been for the best part of 50 years. Over the years this and my father’s atheism has made my life interesting to say the least. I have been concerned recently over the amount of money my poor old mum has been parting with due to as I see it, a money grab by the Watchtower Society, partly I believe to finance the compensation claims being made in relation to historic sex abuse claims which have allegedly been covered up by the governing body. So I decided to do a bit of research, so apologies to those who already knows this or if it has been mentioned previously. I was checking out Charles Taze Russell’s grave and the monument which stands a few feet away, a pyramid with the all seeing eye, a couple of Masonic symbols and Watchtower and Tract Society carved into the stone? Further, early copies of the Watchtower had Masonic symbols on the front cover too.
question everything 1
December 29, 2015 @ 12:03 pm
Carl, try to persuade your mum that her money is going to be used by money grabbing liars to line the people pockets at bethal! I know all about those hypocrites, my neighbour has been treated badly by them and he gave them his hard earned money for most of his working life!, and thats all the thanx he got! ISOLATION…. as no-one, not even his own children will speak to him now. All he did was say something the ‘elders’ thought was wrong!, yet they have paedophiles (who are known because they confessed) still in their kingdom halls!!!! They are an EVIL organisation. Get her away from them. Good Luck! t c Trish.
Billy Carlin
December 29, 2015 @ 3:22 pm
Carl – you should get your mum to watch – or rather hear – this from two ex-well known Jehovahs Witnesses – Jordan Maxwell and Santos Bonacci. That religion is just as corrupt and money grabbing as all of the other religions with the people at the top living the life of riley at the expense of the mugs that give them the money. They are just basically Mafias.
ht tps://
December 29, 2015 @ 4:38 pm
Hi Carl. I hope you can manage to make your Mum see that if these ‘religious’ organisations were genuine then they would not expect people to give them their hard-earned cash. It is the same with the evil catholic church: The hard-earned money of those attending catholic churches has been used for decades to cover up for paedophile priests. Tc mate and a happy an peaceful 2016 to you and yours. Lorraine, xx
December 29, 2015 @ 7:25 pm
Carl…I had the same thing with my mother who sadly passed away before Christmas last year. She was always giving money to their young ‘missionaries’ going to places like Africa or Bulgaria, she knew these families and of course she was free to do what she wanted with her own money; however, I always had the feeling she was being used. Never heard from any of them after her death (they don’t think much of Non-JW’s)…I’ve seen Russell’s grave whilst visiting my brother in America, it doesn’t get more Masonic than that…
December 30, 2015 @ 1:24 pm
Hey thanks for all your replies, before writing I had a brief discussion with Mother about the destination of her contributions. She isn’t the easiest person to talk to, especially on the subject of her beloved Cult, but I did make progress and she decided rather pay into the contribution box next year she would help friends who were struggling financially. So she decided to insure her best friends car for a year so she could get to meetings? Well it’s a start?
Interestingly the Watchtower Society were sued for £500,000 last year over a historical sex case involving people from my Mums congregation in Loughborough Leics. I think the final settlement was nearer £275,000, but even after that My Mum still defended the “two witness rule”. Which I won’t attempt to explain here, but worth looking up if your interested.
December 29, 2015 @ 2:21 am
You guys need to prepare for this…some sad news…
Whilst you lot are still bickering..I have just one thing to say..I met Lemmy in 1982 with my girlfriend…We had just moved down south…and it was Soho – Marquee – Wardour Street, London..
Only a few months before my girl and me had seen him do this Amazing Gig at Deeside Leisure Centre (near Chester)…but I had seen Motorhead fact I went to one of his first ever gigs when he got chucked out of Hawkwind in this really grotty dive..rock club..Miles Platting, Manchester
I did not disturb him…I just looked at him…FFS this really is Lemmy playing the pinball the back of the Marquee…He looked at me..and finished his game..and he talked to me…
A Total Gentleman..
Lemmy Died Tonight
Just look at the photograph in The Daily Telegraph..see the fingers…
Still doing it…
70 – not a bad innings mate…
Motorhead – live at Crocus City Hall, Moscow, 25.07.2014
December 29, 2015 @ 8:18 am
Top man. Seen him/them loads.. First time Apollo Manchester, late 70’s… Took my kids to Guilfest around 10 years ago. My son (then 10) and his nephew (same age) made it to the front for Lemmy. They opened with the words “right you bastards, its time to rock out with your cock out”. I think this is what got my son addicted to festivals. Best day of his life and all that !. Next band up were GLC who opened with “your mothers got a penis” at which point the hundreds of stock-brokers with Arian looking children on their shoulders (blocking the view for everyone else) cleared the front of stage, so we moved in to the free space… R.I.P.
December 29, 2015 @ 9:59 pm
BigTim, Apollo Manchester late 70s saw the Ramones, what I wouldnt give to go back and watch them again
lone knut
December 29, 2015 @ 5:25 pm
The first Lemmy was a character in a BBC radio series in the 1950’s called ‘Journey into Space’. Whatever he told you. That was where he got his name.
December 29, 2015 @ 9:55 pm
Tony…I was 14, on a school camping trip in North Wales, middle of nowhere and I got lost, walked for miles in the rain, nothing to see except sheep and hills, then saw a pub in the distance, motorcycles outside, walked in , place jam packed with bikers & hells angels, Hawkwinds Silver Machine playing on the Jukebox, blew me away, that song was a musical awakening. One minute I was a kid trying to earn a brownie badge, the next it was all joss sticks, spliffs and good times
December 29, 2015 @ 11:24 pm
Fuck….whose going to sing this song now ?
h ttps://
RIP Joey Dee Dee Johnny Tommy AND Lemmy.
December 29, 2015 @ 8:43 am
Thank you very much, Chris (blush!)
I have said before that one of the great things about this website is that we learn so much from you and from each other. I know I can spot a photoshop a mile away now, thanks to your training!
Pooling what different people know is helping us to understand what TPTB are up to. As people have explained, these bastards need our permission to do these things to us, and now we are more aware of the sneaky ways they seek our permission, we are in a stronger position to tell them to ‘fuck off’.
December 29, 2015 @ 4:42 pm
Hiya CG. I absolutely agree with Chris. Your research is second to none. I have learnt so much from your posts. Have a happy and peaceful 2016. Tc mate. Lorraine. xxx
Wolf says hello and sends a kiss X
December 29, 2015 @ 11:14 am
Queen Elizabeth’s throne was enriched by the slave trade. Sixty-five members of the British royal family and aristocracy were founders of the Royal African Company in 1663. They included Queen Katherine, Mary, the Queen Mother, James, Duke of York, Henrietta Maria, Duchess of Orleans, Prince Rupert, other Dukes, Duchesses, Earls and Lords. The Royal African Company (as the name suggests) was established by royalty to encourage and profit from the African slave trade. The British were not the first but they became the biggest traders of people. Monarchs before, like King Henry the Navigator, were already benefiting.
It was Britain that surpassed the other Europeans to become the leading slave trading nation until it abolished its trade in 1807. Britain’s role coincided with the capture of Jamaica and Jamaica’s rise to prominence as a slave-based sugar colony. The rise of sugar was made possible by the growth of the slave trade, and the British monarchy reaped dividends from both ends.
The King’s Parliament in Britain granted a Charter in 1662 to The Company of Royal Adventurers Trading in Africa. The company was formed and encouraged to promote the slave trade. It angered British merchants and their supporters in Parliament that the King’s Parliament gave exclusive rights to this royal (family) company to trade in slaves. In 1672, the name was changed to the Royal African Company. Under challenge from merchants the exclusive rights were repealed in 1698 but other traders had to pay a tax to the Royal’s company to exercise the “right” to trade in slaves. The company continued to exist until 1750 when it merged with a company of merchants trading with Africa. It then trafficked in ivory and gold.
The formation of the company went against some opinion in Britain that disliked the idea of trading in slavery. The Monarchs knew but ignored this objection. By the end of the 17th Century, England led the world in the trafficking of slaves.
The first English slave trader was John Hawkins (1562) whose partner in slave trading was Queen Elizabeth I, ancestor to the present lady. Elizabeth used the military power of the Crown to force a patent from the Spanish King so that Britain could begin trading in slavery. Other notable slave traders were Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh. Drake was a partner of Hawkins and Elizabeth. They were knighted by their Royal partners in crime. British history nostalgically treats them as heroes.
The British Royal family had a deep connection with the slave trade. The Duke of York used to get his initials ‘DY’ branded on to the left buttock or breast of each of the 3,000 slaves he owned. He shipped them to the Caribbean. This way, the Royal family literally put its stamp on the trade in slavery.
Shortly after Jamaica was captured, the reigning King Charles II became a shareholder in the Royal African Company and the King’s Parliament gave grants to the company. In other words, he used his government’s money to subsidise his own immoral business.
Other British politicians followed the King’s example. Political notables were able to hold off the abolitionists for years. Richard Pennant was an MP for Liverpool (1777-1790). He owned over 8,000 acres of sugar plantations and 600 slaves in Jamaica.
Three out of 41 councillors in Liverpool were slave ship owners or major investors in the slave trade between 1787 and 1807. Liverpool and Bristol were leading centres of slave trading. During this period, all 20 mayors of Liverpool financed or owned slave ships. After slavery was abolished, the British made trading in indentured servants from Asia another profitable business.
Slave trading was so profitable that European monarchs fought wars to establish territory and trading rights. By the Treaty of Utrecht (1713) England even gained a monopoly on the Spanish slave trade. Napoleon sacrificed the lives of thousands of soldiers to hold on to France’s prized possession of enslaved Haiti.
Slavery financed the founding of many British institutions – the National Gallery, Lloyd’s of London and the Bank of England. One British economic historian admitted that, ‘slavery is the heart of the wealth of London.’
The explosive growth of the slave trade in the second half of the 17th Century made the international trade in Africans one of the world’s largest industries.
Charles II and his Royal family invested heavily. The slave trade supplied the greater portion of the Caribbean population. It was the foundation of imperial globalism. By the 1800s, 32,000 slaves per year were being shipped to the Caribbean, less than the annual migration rate of Jamaicans to the UK. The Royal African Company was involved in slaving between 1700 and 1810, when 50-60 per cent of slaves were imported to the Caribbean and at the time when Jamaica, Barbados and the Leewards were leading sugar colonies.
Slavery produced regular profits for the British empire. By one estimate, West Indian plantations alone earned 150 million pounds for British monarchs, an enormous sum in those days. Profits from slavery and the slave trade built Liverpool, Bristol and London. From sleepy villages, they became bustling towns. Between 1785 and 1787, as many as 500 ships sailed from Liverpool to trade in slaves. Liverpool became Britain’s leading port city and shipbuilding its leading industry. Slave profits built Barclays Bank and Lloyd’s. Barclays became the banker to the sugar industry, right up to the recent days of Tate and Lyle. Slave profits and the market of the sugar plantations spurred Britain’s industrial revolution.
Source is Robert Buddan, a lecturer in the Department of Government at the University of the West Indies at Mona, Jamaica
December 29, 2015 @ 11:15 am
Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the banking family’s 19th-century patriarch, and James William Freshfield, founder of Freshfields, the top City law firm, benefited financially from slavery, records from the National Archives show, even though both have often been portrayed as opponents of slavery.
Far from being a matter of distant history, slavery remains a highly contentious issue in the US, where Rothschild and Freshfields are both active.
Companies alleged to have links to past slave injustices have come under pressure to make restitution.
JPMorgan, the investment bank, set up a $5m scholarship fund for black students studying in Louisiana after apologising in 2005 for the company’s historic links to slavery.
The archival documents have already prompted one of the banks named in the records to take action in the US.
When the FT approached Royal Bank of Scotland with information about its predecessor’s links with slavery, the bank researched the claim, updated its own archives and amended the disclosures of past slave connections that it had previously lodged with the Chicago authorities.
But it is the disclosures about Mr Rothschild and Mr Freshfield that are likely to prompt the biggest stir.
In the case of Mr Rothschild, the documents reveal for the first time that he made personal gains by using slaves as collateral in banking dealings with a slave owner.
This will surprise those familiar with his role in organising the loan that funded the UK government’s bail-out of British slave owners when colonial slavery was abolished in the 1830s. It was the biggest bail-out of an industry as a percentage of annual government expenditure – dwarfing last year’s rescue of the banking sector.
The chief archivist of the Rothschild family papers, Melanie Aspey, reacted with disbelief when first told of the contents of the records, saying she had never seen such links before.
Niall Ferguson, Laurence A.Tisch professor of history at Harvard and author ofThe World’s Banker: A History of the House of Rothschild, said the documents showed “how pervasive slavery was in the structure of British wealth in 1830”.
In Mr Freshfield’s case, the records reveal that he and his sons had several slave-owner clients, mostly based in the Caribbean. The lawyers acted as trustees of the owners’ estates and in one case tried to claim unpaid legal fees for the firm through the government scheme set up to compensate owners after abolition.
Nick Draper, a University College London academic who examined the documents, which will now form the basis of a comprehensive British slavery database at UCL, said the records would hopefully promote a better understanding of of the significance of slavery in Britain.
“We need to fill the gaps between those who deny slavery’s role and those who believe Britain was built entirely on the blood of slaves,” he said.
Both Rothschild, the bank, and Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer were quick to point to their predecessors’ anti-slavery credentials.
Rothschild said Nathan Mayer Rothschild had been a prominent civil liberties campaigner with many like-minded associates and “against this background, these allegations appear inconsistent and misrepresent the ethos of the man and his business”.
Freshfields said James William Freshfield was an active member of the Church Missionary Society, “which was committed to … the abolition of the slave trade”.
Several institutions have apologised for, or acknowledged, their links to slavery including:
In March 2002, Deadria C. Farmer-Paellmann, a lawyer and activist, launched an unsuccessful legal action against Aetna , a healthcare benefits company, and others for unjust enrichment through slavery. Legislation in California and Illinois prompted several companies to research their past and some to apologise and make atonement gestures.
In mid-2000 Aetna, prompted by Ms Farmer-Paellmann, was one of the first to apologise for insurance policies written on slaves 140 years earlier.
In 2002, New York Life, the insurer, donated documents about the insurance it sold to slave owners in the 1840s to a New York library. It also backed educational efforts.
In 2005 JPMorgan, the investment bank, apologised that two of its predecessors in Louisiana – Citizens Bank and Canal Bank – had mortgaged slaves. The bank made its research public and set up a $5m scholarship fund for African- American pupils.
Lehman Brothers apologised in 2005 for its predecessors’ links to slavery, while Bank of America said it regretted any actions its predecessors might have taken to support or tolerate slavery.
Wachovia Bank, since acquired by Wells Fargo, also apologised for its predecessors having owned and profited from slaves. It set up a programme offering $1bn in loans for black car dealerships.
In October 2001 students at Yale University pointed out its past links with slavery. The university noted it had already founded the Gilder-Lehrman centre for the study of slavery.
Brown University has set up a commission to look into links with slavery and how it should make amends.
http://w … very/14147
December 29, 2015 @ 1:16 pm
JP Morgan only owned 17% of JP Morgan Bank. JP Morgan was a front, like so many others, for the Rothschild Family who owned 83% – Francis Richard Conolly, A Rich Man’s Trick.
December 29, 2015 @ 11:17 am
Members of the British royal family were the first members of a European royal family to go to West Africa – and purpose of the visit was slavery. In 1660, after the Restoration of Charles II, a new slave-trading company was set up in London called the Royal Adventurers into Africa. The unemployed Duke of York, the brother of King Charles II was the President of the new company which was given a monopoly of the English African trade for 1,000 years. Princess Henrietta (‘Minette’), the King’s sister, also had a share.
Investors, who were known as “The Royal Adventurers”, each of invested £250 in the enterprise, and included most of the important politicians of the time: for example, the King’s friend the Duke of Buckingham, Lord Craven, Lord Ashley, the Duke of Albermarle (General Monck), Lord Arlington, Lord Berkeley, Lord Crofts, Henry Jermyn (a prominent Catholic), and Lord Sandwich, the admiral who had brought back King Charles II from exile in Holland. The King’s brother, the unemployed Duke of York, became President. In total, there were four members of the royal family, two dukes, a marquess, five earls, four barons, and seven knights.
When a new charter was issued for the company of Adventurers in January 1663, shareholders now included King Charles II, the Queen Mother, Henrietta Maria, and the Duke of York (who invested £2,000). Other included new Queen, Catherine of Braganza (whose dowry of £330,000 was partly financed slave traders), and Samuel Pepys. The, so-called “philosopher of liberty”, John Locke was another subscriber. As noted by Thomas:
“The profits which could be made from trading slaves had by then been appreciated in England.”
Thus, as Thomas observes, the commitment by the royal family to the African slave trade was strong. Few people know the origin of the money once used in England called “guineas” – but it will come as no surprise to know that the coin was named after a country in West Africa where the British were heavily – and profitably – involved in the slave trade.
In 1663, it was agreed that some of the gold brought back from the Gold Coast region (present day Ghana to Guinea) should be turned by the Royal Mint into coins with an elephant on one side. Because of the connection to the slave trade, Thomas points out, they “were popularly called ‘guineas’ from the beginning”. The coin was made until 1813, and the unit of currency continued in use till the abolition of the old shilling in 1967.
In 1665 the company of Adventurers estimated its annual return from gold as £200,000, from slaves as £100,000, and from ivory, wax, hides, woods, grain (pepper) as another £100,000. It had had assured the King that:
“The very being of the plantations depends upon the supply of negro servants for their works” Hugh Thomas in The Slave Trade: The History of the Atlantic Slave Trade 1440-1870 (Picador, London, UK, 1997)
The Royal Adventurers company was wound up in 1672 and in its place, the Royal African Company (RAC) founded. The Governor and largest shareholder, was James, Duke of York. The directors also included four proprietors of plantations in Carolina (Lord Shaftesbury, Lord Craven, Sir George Carteret, Commissioner for Trade and Plantations; and Sir John Colleton, a landowner in Barbados as well as Carolina) – as well as Lord Berkeley, “the first peer . . . to collect directorships”. The shareholders also included over the years, fifteen of the lord mayors of London, twenty-five sheriffs of London, and again, John Locke.
Between 1672 and 1689, the company exported just under 90,000 slaves into the West Indies. A further 75,000 slaves were sent to British North America, and sold onto plantations in the 13 colonies, between 1673 and 1725, according to Thomas.
Thus it is clear that much of London’s early wealth was generated by the Slave trade, with the involvement of many prominent people at the time – from John Locke to Samuel Pepys, most of the merchants in the City of London seemed to have a hand in it, along with the involvement of the British royal family from the 16th century to the 18th century.
Source is swingarino.blogspot
December 29, 2015 @ 11:31 am
War uses up more materials more quickly than most anything else on earth. In war expensive equipment doesn’t wear out slowly, it gets blown up. (It’s interesting to note that during the 119 year period from the founding of the Bank of England to Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo, England had been at war for 56 years, while the rest of the time preparing for it. In the process the money changers had been getting rich.) So there it was, the newly formed Federal Reserve poised to produce any money the U.S. Government might need from thin air with each dollar standing to make a healthy interest. Nine days after its formation the Federal Reserve founders were wishing each other a Happy New Year. What good fortune might 1914 bring?
WORLD WAR I (1914-1918)
The Germans borrowed money from the German Rothschilds bank, the British from the British Rothschilds bank, and the French from the French Rothschilds.
American super banker J.P. Morgan was amongst other things also a sales agent for war materials. Six months into the war his spending of $10 million a day made him the largest consumer on the planet.
The Rockefeller’s and the head of president Willson’s War Industries Board, Bernard Baruch each made some 200 million dollars while families contributed their sons to the bloody front lines, but profit was not the only motive for involvement.
Russia had spoiled the money changers plan to split America in two, and remained the last major country not to have its own central bank.
However, three years after the start of the war the entire Russian Royal Family was killed and Communism began.
You might find it strange to learn that the Russian Revolution was also fuelled with British money. Capitalist businessmen financing Communism?
Author Gary Allen gives his explanation:
“If one understands that socialism is not a share-the-wealth programme, but is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of super-rich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all. Instead, it becomes logical, even the perfect tool of power-seeking megalomaniacs.
Communism or more accurately, socialism, is not a movement of the downtrodden masses, but of the economic elite.” – Gary Allen, Author
W.Cleon Skousen wrote in his book ‘The Naked Capitalist’:
“Power from any source tends to create an appetite for additional power… It was almost inevitable that the super-rich would one day aspire to control not only their own wealth, but the wealth of the whole world. To achieve this, they were perfectly willing to feed the ambitions of the power-hungry political conspirators who were committed to the overthrow of all existing governments and the establishments of a central world-wide dictatorship.”
Extreme revolutionary groups were controlled by being financed when they complied and cut off, with money sometimes being given to their opposition, when they didn’t.
December 29, 2015 @ 11:37 am
If you want to work out the cause of the crash of 1907, checking who benefited is where you might like to look first. With the stock market slump causing most of the over extended banks to falter, in steps J.P. Morgan offering to save the day. People will do strange things when in a panic, and this might explain why Morgan was authorised to print $200 million from nothing, which he then used to prop things up. Some of the troubled banks with less than 1% in reserve had no choice. It was accept this solution or go under. Even if they had worked out that their problems had been caused by the same people now offering the solution, there is not a lot they could have done about it. J.P.Morgan was hailed a hero. “All this trouble could be averted if we appointed a committee of six or seven men like J.P.Morgan to handle the affairs of our country.”
J.P. Morgan was thought by many to be the richest man in the world during the second world war, but upon his death it was discovered he was merely a lieutenant within the Rothschild empire owning only 19% of the J.P. Morgan Companies.
December 29, 2015 @ 11:48 am
In 1828 Andrew Jackson took a run at the US Presidency. Throughout his campaign he railed against the international bankers who controlled the BUS. Jackson ranted, “You are a den of vipers. I intend to expose you and by Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people understood the rank injustices of our money and banking system there would be a revolution before morning.”
Jackson won the election and revoked the bank’s charter stating, “The Act seems to be predicated on an erroneous idea that the present shareholders have a prescriptive right to not only the favor, but the bounty of the government…for their benefit does this Act exclude the whole American people from competition in the purchase of this monopoly. Present stockholders and those inheriting their rights as successors be established a privileged order, clothed both with great political power and enjoying immense pecuniary advantages from their connection with government. Should its influence be concentrated under the operation of such an Act as this, in the hands of a self-elected directory whose interests are identified with those of the foreign stockholders, will there not be cause to tremble for the independence of our country in war…controlling our currency, receiving our public monies and holding thousands of our citizens independence, it would be more formidable and dangerous than the naval and military power of the enemy. It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government for selfish purposes…to make the rich richer and more powerful. Many of our rich men have not been content with equal protection and equal benefits, but have besought us to make them richer by acts of Congress. I have done my duty to this country.”[8]
Populism prevailed and Jackson was re-elected. In 1835 he was the target of an assassination attempt. The gunman was Richard Lawrence, who confessed that he was, “in touch with the powers in Europe”. [9]
Still, in 1836 Jackson refused to renew the BUS charter. Under his watch the US national debt went to zero for the first and last time in our nation’s history. This angered the international bankers, whose primary income is derived from interest payments on debt. BUS President Nicholas Biddle cut off funding to the US government in 1842, plunging the US into a depression. Biddle was an agent for the Paris-based Jacob Rothschild. [10]
The Mexican War was simultaneously sprung on Jackson. A few years later the Civil War was unleashed, with London bankers backing the Union and French bankers backing the South. The Lehman family made a fortune smuggling arms to the south and cotton to the north. By 1861 the US was $100 million in debt. New President Abraham Lincoln snubbed the Euro-bankers again, issuing Lincoln Greenbacks to pay Union Army bills.
The Rothschild-controlled Times of London wrote, “If that mischievous policy, which had its origins in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed, or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.” [11]
The Euro-banker-written Hazard Circular was exposed and circulated throughout the country by angry populists. It stated, “The great debt that capitalists will see is made out of the war and must be used to control the valve of money. To accomplish this government bonds must be used as a banking basis. We are now awaiting Secretary of Treasury Salmon Chase to make that recommendation. It will not allow Greenbacks to circulate as money as we cannot control that. We control bonds and through them banking issues”.
The 1863 National Banking Act reinstated a private US central bank and Chase’s war bonds were issued. Lincoln was re-elected the next year, vowing to repeal the act after he took his January 1865 oaths of office. Before he could act, he was assassinated at the Ford Theatre by John Wilkes Booth. Booth had major connections to the international bankers. His granddaughter wrote This One Mad Act, which details Booth’s contact with “mysterious Europeans” just before the Lincoln assassination.
Following the Lincoln hit, Booth was whisked away by members of a secret society known as Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC). KGC had close ties to the French Society of Seasons, which produced Karl Marx. KGC had fomented much of the tension that caused the Civil War and President Lincoln had specifically targeted the group. Booth was a KGC member and was connected through Confederate Secretary of State Judah Benjamin to the House of Rothschild. Benjamin fled to England after the Civil War. [12]
Nearly a century after Lincoln was assassinated for issuing Greenbacks, President John F. Kennedy found himself in the Eight Families’ crosshairs. Kennedy had announced a crackdown on off-shore tax havens and proposed increases in tax rates on large oil and mining companies. He supported eliminating tax loopholes which benefit the super-rich. His economic policies were publicly attacked by Fortune magazine, the Wall Street Journal and both David and Nelson Rockefeller. Even Kennedy’s own Treasury Secretary Douglas Dillon, who came from the UBS Warburg-controlled Dillon Read investment bank, voiced opposition to the JFK proposals. [13]
Kennedy’s fate was sealed in June 1963 when he authorized the issuance of more than $4 billion in United States Notes by his Treasury Department in an attempt to circumvent the high interest rate usury of the private Federal Reserve international banker crowd. The wife of Lee Harvey Oswald, who was conveniently gunned down by Jack Ruby before Ruby himself was shot, told author A. J. Weberman in 1994, “The answer to the Kennedy assassination is with the Federal Reserve Bank. Don’t underestimate that. It’s wrong to blame it on Angleton and the CIA per se only. This is only one finger on the same hand. The people who supply the money are above the CIA”
Source – http://ww
December 29, 2015 @ 11:50 am
The Dutch House of Orange founded the Bank of Amsterdam in 1609 as the world’s first central bank. Prince William of Orange married into the English House of Windsor, taking King James II’s daughter Mary as his bride. The Orange Order Brotherhood, which recently fomented Northern Ireland Protestant violence, put William III on the English throne where he ruled both Holland and Britain. In 1694 William III teamed up with the UK aristocracy to launch the private Bank of England.
The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street- as the Bank of England is known- is surrounded by thirty foot walls. Three floors beneath it the third largest stock of gold bullion in the world is stored. [15]
The Rothschilds and their inbred Eight Families partners gradually came to control the Bank of England. The daily London gold “fixing” occurred at the N. M. Rothschild Bank until 2004. As Bank of England Deputy Governor George Blunden put it, “Fear is what makes the bank’s powers so acceptable. The bank is able to exert its influence when people are dependent on us and fear losing their privileges or when they are frightened.”[16]
Mayer Amschel Rothschild sold the British government German Hessian mercenaries to fight against American Revolutionaries, diverting the proceeds to his brother Nathan in London, where N.M. (Nathan and Mayer) Rothschild & Sons was established. Mayer was a serious student of Cabala and launched his fortune on money embezzled from William IX- royal administrator of the Hesse-Kassel region and a prominent Freemason.
Rothschild-controlled Barings bankrolled the Chinese opium and African slave trades. It financed the Louisiana Purchase. When several states defaulted on its loans, Barings bribed Daniel Webster to make speeches stressing the virtues of loan repayment. The states held their ground, so the House of Rothschild cut off the money spigot in 1842, plunging the US into a deep depression. It was often said that the wealth of the Rothschilds depended on the bankruptcy of nations. Mayer Amschel Rothschild once said, “I care not who controls a nation’s political affairs, so long as I control her currency”.
War didn’t hurt the family fortune either. The House of Rothschild financed the Prussian War, the Crimean War and the British attempt to seize the Suez Canal from the French. Nathan Rothschild made a huge financial bet on Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo, while also funding the Duke of Wellington’s peninsular campaign against Napoleon. Both the Mexican War and the Civil War were goldmines for the family.
One Rothschild family biography mentions a London meeting where an “International Banking Syndicate” decided to pit the American North against the South as part of a “divide and conquer” strategy. German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck once stated, “The division of the United States into federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War. These bankers were afraid that the United States…would upset their financial domination over the world. The voice of the Rothschilds prevailed.” Rothschild biographer Derek Wilson says the family was the official European banker to the US government and strong supporters of the Bank of the United States. [17]
Family biographer Niall Ferguson notes a “substantial and unexplained gap” in private Rothschild correspondence between 1854-1860. He says all copies of outgoing letters written by the London Rothschilds during this Civil War period “were destroyed at the orders of successive partners”. [18]
French and British troops had, at the height of the Civil War, encircled the US. The British sent 11,000 troops to Crown-controlled Canada, which gave safe harbor to Confederate agents. France’s Napoleon III installed Austrian Hapsburg family member Archduke Maximilian as his puppet emperor in Mexico, where French troops massed on the Texas border. Only an 11th-hour deployment of two Russian warship fleets by US ally Czar Alexander II in 1863 saved the United States from re-colonization. [19]
That same year the Chicago Tribune blasted, “Belmont (August Belmont was a US Rothschild agent and had a Triple Crown horse race named in his honor) and the Rothschilds…who have been buying up Confederate war bonds.”
Salmon Rothschild said of a deceased President Lincoln, “He rejects all forms of compromise. He has the appearance of a peasant and can only tell barroom stories.” Baron Jacob Rothschild was equally flattering towards the US citizenry. He once commented to US Minister to Belgium Henry Sanford on the over half a million Americans who died during the Civil War, “When your patient is desperately sick, you try desperate measures, even to bloodletting.” Salmon and Jacob were merely carrying forth a family tradition. A few generations earlier Mayer Amschel Rothschild bragged of his investment strategy, “When the streets of Paris are running in blood, I buy”. [20]
Mayer Rothschild’s sons were known as the Frankfurt Five. The eldest – Amschel – ran the family’s Frankfurt bank with his father, while Nathan ran London operations. Youngest son Jacob set up shop in Paris, while Salomon ran the Vienna branch and Karl was off to Naples. Author Frederick Morton estimates that by 1850 the Rothschilds were worth over $10 billion. [21] Some researchers believe that their fortune today exceeds $100 trillion.
The Warburgs, Kuhn Loebs, Goldman Sachs, Schiffs and Rothschilds have intermarried into one big happy banking family. The Warburg family- which controls Deutsche Bank and BNP- tied up with the Rothschilds in 1814 in Hamburg, while Kuhn Loeb powerhouse Jacob Schiff shared quarters with Rothschilds in 1785. Schiff immigrated to America in 1865. He joined forces with Abraham Kuhn and married Solomon Loeb’s daughter. Loeb and Kuhn married each others sisters and the Kuhn Loeb dynasty was consummated. Felix Warburg married Jacob Schiff’s daughter. Two Goldman daughters married two sons of the Sachs family, creating Goldman Sachs. In 1806 Nathan Rothschild married the oldest daughter of Levi Barent Cohen, a leading financier in London. [22] Thus, Merrill Lynch super-bull Abby Joseph Cohen and Clinton Secretary of Defense William Cohen are likely descended from Rothschilds.
December 29, 2015 @ 11:52 am
Today the Rothschild’s control a far-flung financial empire, which includes majority stakes in most world central banks. The Edmond de Rothschild clan owns the Banque Privee SA in Lugano, Switzerland and the Rothschild Bank AG of Zurich. The family of Jacob Lord Rothschild owns the powerful Rothschild Italia in Milan. They are founding members of the exclusive $10 trillion Club of the Isles – which controls corporate giants Royal Dutch Shell, Imperial Chemical Industries, Lloyds of London, Unilever, Barclays, Lonrho, Rio Tinto Zinc, BHP Billiton and Anglo American DeBeers. It dominates the world supply of petroleum, gold, diamonds, and many other vital raw materials. [23]
The Club of the Isles provides capital for George Soros’ Quantum Fund NV – which made substantial financial gains in 1998-99 following the collapse of currencies of Thailand, Indonesia and Russia. Soros was a major shareholder at George W. Bush’s Harken Energy. The Club of Isles is led by the Rothschilds and includes Queen Elizabeth II and other wealthy European aristocrats and Nobility.[24]
Perhaps the largest repository for Rothschild wealth today is Rothschilds Continuation Holdings AG – a secretive Swiss-based bank holding company. By the late 1990s scions of the Rothschild global empire were Barons Guy and Elie de Rothschild in France and Lord Jacob and Sir Evelyn Rothschild in Britain. [25]
Evelyn was chairman of the Economist and a director at DeBeers and IBM UK.
Jacob backed Arnold Schwarzenegger’s California gubernatorial campaign. He took control of Khodorkovsky’s YUKOS oil shares just before the Russian government arrested him. In 2010 Jacob joined Rupert Murdoch in a shale oil extraction partnership in Israel through Genie Energy – a subsidiary of IDT Corporation. [26]
Within months, Sarah Palin had hired former IDT executive Michael Glassner as her chief of staff. [27]
[1] The Temple & the Lodge. Michael Bagent & Richard Leigh. Arcade Publishing. New York. 1989. p.259
[2] Ibid. p.219
[3] Ibid. p.253
[4] Ibid. p.233
[5] The Robot’s Rebellion: The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance. David Icke. Gateway Books. Bath, UK. 1994. p.156
[6] Democracy for the Few. Michael Parenti. St. Martin’s Press. New York. 1977. p.51
[7] Fourth Reich of the Rich. Des Griffin. Emissary Publications. Pasadena, CA. 1978. p.171
[8] Ibid. p.173
[9] Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History that Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons and the Great Pyramids. Jim Marrs. HarperCollins Publishers. New York. 2000. p.68
[10] The Secrets of the Federal Reserve. Eustace Mullins. Bankers Research Institute. Staunton, VA. 1983. p.179
[11] Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More. David Icke. David Icke Books Ltd. Isle of Wight. UK. 2010. p.92
[12] Marrs. p.212
[13] Ibid. p.139
[14] Ibid p.141
[15] Icke. The Robot’s Rebellion. p.114
[16] Ibid. p.181
[17] Rothschild: The Wealth and Power of a Dynasty. Derek Wilson. Charles Schribner’s Sons. New York. 1988. p.178
[18] The House of Rothschild. Niall Ferguson. Viking Press New York 1998 p.28
[19] Marrs. p.215
[20] Ibid
[21] “What You Didn’t Know about Taxes and the Crown”. Mark Owen. Paranoia. #41. Spring 2006. p.66
[22] Marrs. p.63
[23] “The Coming Fall of the House of Windsor”. The New Federalist. 1994
[24] “The Secret Financial Network Behind ‘Wizard’ George Soros”. William Engdahl. Executive Intelligence Review. 11-1-96
[25] Marrs. p.86
[26] “Murdoch, Rothschild Invest in Israeli Oil Shale”. Jerusalem Post. November 22, 2010
[27] “Sarah Palin hires chief of staff for PAC”, Huffington Post. February 2011
Dean Henderson is the author of Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network and The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries. His Left Hook blog is at http://ww
December 29, 2015 @ 12:04 pm
Canon 6630
The Temple, also known as the Inner, Middle and Outer Temple, also known as the Inner and Middle Temple is a historic and secret ecclesiastical, legal and financial structure established from 1539 whereby trained lawyers as members of four Inns being the Lincoln Inn, Grays Inn, Inner Temple and Middle Temple effectively controlled the lower courts as well as the purchase control of the Court of Chancery by the 4 Inns from the 17th Century:
(i) In 1185, following the successful Pisan campaign to capture major Greek Island from the Byzantines using Basque, Sicilian, Gascon and English mercenaries, the Pisans agreed to establish a branch of their banking empire known as the Ordo Pauperes Templum or “Order of the Poor of the (Money) Temple” in London. King Henry II Plantagenet (1154-1189) of England granted the “Knights Templar” the former grounds of Southampton House and surrounds west from Arundel St and the boundaries of the Thames and Fleet St east to the boundary of Bouverie St and Temple Ave; and
(ii) Similar to all banking compounds of the Pisan banking order, the Knights Templar commissioned significant and imposing stone defenses and walls to be erected around its London land holding, completed by 1194, with two minor entrances to the east and west, one major entrance from the docks and area onto the Thames (now known as the Middle Temple Gatehouse) and the primary land gate located at the beginning of Fleet st near St Clement Danes known as Bar Gate, or simply the Bar; and
(iii) Within the walled compound known collectively as “The Temple”, the Pisan banking order created a massive wall following the path of Essex St dividing the western compound and the “Bar Gate” from the eastern remainder of the compound. This became known as the Outer Temple and was the walled compound in which banking, money changing, conveyances, loans and credit were conducted via entrance from the north or “Bar Gate”. By tradition, a merchant or trader had to be “admitted to the Bar” in order to engage in commerce within the walled compound known as the “Outer Temple”; and
(iv) A second internal wall was also constructed dividing the Outer Temple to the west from the north eastern part of the Temple compound following the Middle Temple Lane. This internal divide separated the Outer Temple from the Middle Temple area and the “Inner Temple” to the north east corner. The Middle Temple area then housed warehouses, markets were erected connected from the south gate (Middle Temple Gate) and the warehouses and docks for merchants. The Middle Temple was therefore for wholesale trade and business between merchants of the sea and the bank; and
(v) The Inner Temple to the North East corner was only accessible by an internal gate from the Middle Temple and the East Gate and was the main treasure vaults, chancery of documents and accommodation for banking staff, mercenaries and visiting Pisan nobles. This is the site of what is known as the Temple Church; and
(vi) In 1284, Pisa under Doxi (Doge) Albertino Morosini (1279 – 1290) suffered a massive defeat against the Genoese. However, it was not until 1312 that the Pisan banking empire and facilities were finally attacked in a coordinated campaign organized by Philip IV (1285-1314) of France, the Genoese and their Spanish allies; and
(vii) While the Pisan banking empire was destroyed in Europe, King Edward II Plantagenet (1307-1327) of England refused to attack and confiscate the banking compound or “Temple” to then hand it to the King of France on behalf of the Pope, despite being married to Isabella the daughter of the King of France. This enabled the Pisans to ship vast amounts of gold and treasure away secretly via the Thames before the Temple was finally lost. Following increased internal unrest, Isabella and her love Roger Mortimer captured and then killed the King in 1327 and the Temple compound was attacked, partially destroyed and the little remaining gold and valuables taken by Isabella; and
(viii) The absence of the former treasure of the Pisan bank known as the Temple on the Thames gave rise to the legend of the Templar Treasure in England. In 1328, the abandoned and partially destroyed site of The Temple was turned over to the French controlled Bank known as the Ordo Hospitallier as the new bankers; and
(ix) In 1381, the Temple site was a major focus of the Peasants Revolt, spurred on by mythical stories of buried Templar Treasure. The complete Knights Hospitallier compound was breached, buildings were burned and walls and defenses systematically dismantled by the army of peasants in search of the buried Templar treasure; and
(x) Upon the death of King Richard II Plantagenet of England 1399, a struggle arose over succession between cadet branches of the Plantagenet lines known as the House of Lancaster symbolized by the Red Rose, headed by Henry of Bolingbroke later Henry IV (1399-1413) versus Edmund of Langley of the House of York symbolized by the White Rose. During the increasingly bitter feud over the crown, the nobles and administration of the kingdom also divided into those supporting the House of Lancaster versus the House of York including the twelve (12) Hospita Cancellarie (Inns of Chancery) in London; and
(xi) Under the reign of the House of Lancaster, influential lawyer, clerk and judge Sir John Fortescue (b.1394-d.1480) not only served in high position, but was responsible in the year 1441 in reforming several Inns of Chancery including Furnival Inn, Clement Inn, Lyon’s Inn, Cliffords Inn, Strand Inn and Thavie’s Inn to form a new teaching college of law known as the Hospita Curia in favour of the House of Lancaster. This Inn later became known as “Lancaster’s Inn” only to be corrupted as Lincoln’s Inn during the early 18th Century to hide its origin; and
(xii) A number of Inns of Chancery rejected the influence of the House of Lancaster over the Hospita Curia formed in 1441 and in 1456 Sir Thomas Bryan (d.1500) succeeded with the support of the Chancery Staple Inn and Barnard’s Inn of forming a rival “Hospita Curia” or Inn of Court known as the “York Inn” and “Gray’s Inn” on account of Baron Grey of Wilton helping finance the purchase of the property for the teaching college; and
(xiii) In 1455 the first “official” organized battle of the War of the Roses occurred at the Battle of St Albans between the forces of King Henry VI Lancaster (1422-1461 then 1470-1471) and Richard, Duke of York.
(xiv) In 1458, Thomas Bourchier the Archbishop of Canterbury and Chancellor succeeded in negotiating a complex “temporary” peace settlement primary based upon the formation of a new sacred and noble order to unite the divided Houses of Plantagenets and “roses” known as the Ordo Templum Rosa Crux or the Order of the Temple of the Red/Rose Cross. The Temple ruins were then conveyed to this new order and declared to be hallowed and neutral ground, ordering the planting of both red and white roses in newly cleared gardens, with the western half of the site (Outer Temple and part of former Middle Temple) granted in lease to the York Inn to administer and the eastern half of the ruins (part of the former Middle Temple and former Inner Temple) to the Lancaster Inn, later known as Lincoln’s Inn. A procession was then arranged from the ruins of The Temple to St Pauls Cathedral on March 25th in which the newly invested members of the Order of the Temple were forced to hold hands in pairs. While the ceremony was abandoned until the end of the War of the Roses, the Order of the Temple of the Red/Rose Cross survived; and
(xv) In 1485, Henry Tudor, Earl of Richmond (later Henry VII 1485-1509) defeated Richard III Plantagenet (1483-1485) at the Battle of Bosworth Field to bring to an end the War of Roses and herald the rise of the Tudors. Henry VII shunned the Order of the Temple of the Red/Rose Cross as a Plantagenet entity, instead accepting the honor and exclusive membership of the European Order of the Golden Fleece.
(xvi) Henry VIII Tudor (1509-1547) similarly shunned the Order of the Temple of the Red/Rose Cross and in 1540 reconstituted the Plantagenet Order of the Temple of the Red/Rose Cross to the Order of the Garder (“Guardians”), removing its rights over The Temple to a new home at Windsor Castle, with the patron saint of the newly formed order being St. George of England, or Francesco Zorzi – best friend and confidant of Henry VIII and first saint of the Church of England; and
(xvii) At the same time the Plantagenet Order of the Temple of the Red/Rose Cross lost its claim over the Temple, Henry VIII Tudor (1509-1547) granted the four Inns of Court the lease of the lands of the Temple and a new Order being the Ordre du Mark du Maistre du Maisun meaning Order of boundaries (of law and international jurisdiction) and of teaching of law and of law of homes (domestic law). This Order which unites all four Inns of Court has since chosen to keep its position as the first and primary lodge of Freemasonry strictly private; and
(xviii) In 1608 James I Stuart (1603-1625) granted the Temple lands jointly to the Lincoln’s Inn and Gray’s Inn as a Royal Peculiar now directly controlling the Curia Cancellariae (Courts of Chancery) in perpetuity for a fee to the monarch of ten pounds paid annually. In reply, Goldsmith John Williams (1584-1627) was commissioned by the Inns to produce an extravagant gold cup weighing 200 ounces and costing £666 which was then filled with 932 English Gold Sovereign coins and given to King James as a gift, weighing 666 troy ounces; and
(xix) In 1673, the Inner and Middle Temple as well as the Lincoln’s Inn and Gray’s Inn successfully purchased the Temple property as well as the property upon which both the Lincoln’s Inn and Gray’s Inn reside from Charles II Stuart (1660-1685) as a non-Royal Peculiar owned as absolute Allodium in perpetuity, free from any rent, taxes or claims for £666 including the purchase of the Court of Chancery.
Canon 6631
The reference to the Temple site in London being “New Jerusalem Temple” is in direct reference to three (3) deliberate design elements:
(i) The Herodian Temple as the most sacred temple to Mithra was constructed around an Inner Temple, Middle Temple, Outer Temple and Precinct complex, similar to the original design of the Pisan Knights Templar compound; and
(ii) The ruins of the Temple Church were commissioned to be wholly remodeled and rebuilt based on the 4th Century design of the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem beginning 1458 following the founding of the Order of the Temple of the Red / Rose Cross; and
(iii) From 1608, the “square mile” and “golden square” being the boundary of Old London was regarded by the elite as the boundary of the Outer Temple, while the precinct was the shoreline of the Island of Britain. Hence the “Church of England” literally represented the whole Island, which also represented literally the New Jerusalem Temple.
ht tp:// … e/159.html
Billy Carlin
December 29, 2015 @ 4:02 pm
Oh Dear! I have been banned from commenting on Youtube again. Strange thing is last time they shut off my entire channel but this time I can still log in and see and go to all of the people who I have subscribed to and watch their videos but if I try and comment on their videos it does not let me. The same goes if I try to comment on any WordPress or Blogger site my comment just disappears when I hit the Post Comment button. No wonder they want to link all of our accounts but I haven’t done that as I suspected that is why they wanted to do so. Can any of you techies on here let me know if they can do this via my ip address and if this can be changed or is it just because they have linked me in these accounts.
Again they have banned me when I am trashing the Government paid shills all over the Dr Judy Wood videos – they are now trying to trash her EVIDENCE by saying that everything we saw that day was faked by the media – this is because more and more people are cottoning on to the fact that the planes were very poor cgi. I countered this by saying that the planes very very obviously very poor cgi because they did not have the technology to do decent cgi then and that the buildings collapsing is exactly what we saw on tv and people saw on the ground and if this was cgi then it would be as bad as the plane ones and obvious to everyone which it is not – they cannot have bad cgi for the planes and excellent cgi for the buildings – it is only recently they have come out with very good cgi.
Another new disinfo claim of theirs is that there are no Direct Energy Weapons or DEW Manufacturers to which I always ask them – explain why there were TWO DEW Manufacturers – THREE if you include Boeing – helping the US Government (NIST) “investigate” the “collapse” of the Twin Towers? I always asked them to explain what collapsing buildings have to do with DEW MANUFACTURERS. These three companies were among the 20 other companies that Dr Wood took all the way up to the Supreme Court along with the US Government for putting out LIES with regard to 9/11.
Excellent new 9/11 video linking 9/11 to FREE ENERGY that could benefit mankind or destroy the planet :
ht tps://
And for all of you that think AE911Truth is looking for the truth :
ht tps://
December 30, 2015 @ 4:23 pm
Hi Billy.
Absolutely compelling stuff. Found the lecture she gave. She definitely is on to something here. Those towers didn’t come down, they turned into dust. The truth was there all the time but because this doesn’t fit in with the logical paradigm, we make up our minds with the logic we are instilled with. Buildings ‘don’t’ turn to dust, they collapse. What an eye opener, thanks for the links.
Regards, Zodian.
Billy Carlin
December 30, 2015 @ 11:53 pm
It was all that dust that made me question this because when you see buildings being brought down by Controlled Demolition – which I thought it was at first – you only get a puff of dust when the building hits the ground where as on 9/11 as you saw the building was turning to dust as it was falling and which enveloped the whole of Manhatten but until Dr Wood came along and showed us all of her evidence that the mainstream media did not then we can see the explanation for all of that dust plus the fact they have never reported on any of her court cases against the government etc. You can get all of her court documents over at her site and get the names of the companies including DEW Manufacturers from them.
The other thing that made me question this and know that it was fake was the planes melting into the buildings – having being in a bad smash in the past with my Morris Marina and a van I know all about the Laws of Physics and how things crumple when they hit each other – the plane not crumpling told me that it was fake as even Morris Marinas were stronger than flimsy planes even in those pre crash test days.
lone knut
December 29, 2015 @ 4:17 pm
Nice to see the err to the throne getting a bit of exercise, or, or exorcised.
December 29, 2015 @ 5:33 pm
Well…after reading John’s piece, it seems they have got their ‘One World Order’ already.
December 29, 2015 @ 5:56 pm
Folks I think I need some time out. I won’t be commenting for a while. This dark stuff seems to get to me sometimes and I seem to need a break from it in order to get my ‘Mojo’ back. Would be grateful for some healing vibes from you lovely people. Tc all and have a happy and healthy 2016. Lorraine, xxx
December 29, 2015 @ 7:32 pm
Consider it done…. X
Glen C
December 29, 2015 @ 7:53 pm
You take as much time as you need Lorraine. We need you, Wolfie needs you and most of all you yourself need you on top form.
Sending strength and as I much love as I can, as I know many, many others will be doing my lovely. Take care. xx
emm jay
December 29, 2015 @ 8:14 pm
Lorraine, I so know what you’re saying … I too have a heavy heart at the moment with all the shite that’s so blatantly paraded before us …. I am a ‘do’ person so it really galls me to be just speaking about things, rather than ‘doing’ something … I just feel like ‘they’re’ pissing themselves at us, I really do. On a more positive note, I do feel that we all, on here, ‘hold hands’ whether we comment or not …. and that many a prayer is sent out, whether we say so or not. This site of Chris’ is a unique and genuine ‘community’ so I’m sure you won’t need me reminding you that even though you may be out of sight for a little while … that you won’t be out of mind … or thoughts … or prayers. You take care, love and light ….. emm xx
fuck the state
December 29, 2015 @ 8:52 pm
Feel the healing vibes xx I know what you mean.
lone knut
December 30, 2015 @ 12:42 pm
At the end of the day you only have to bother about your own Karma, ultimately other peoples is not your worry. Take care of yourself and those you love, give help where it is needed if you can. I was once told that those guys who live in caves up in the Himalayas act like acupuncture needles for the planet, bringing down good energy. I figure these types must be all over the planet, big and small doing their bit. If it wasn’t so it would already be all over. Take care. Stay strong.
Lisa Pea
December 30, 2015 @ 4:31 pm
Sending love Raine…. <3 know very much how you feel, ebb and flow darling xx
December 30, 2015 @ 4:39 pm
Did you and wolf break up ?
I’m sure things aren’t the same with the site and really where the fuck is Chris, and Chris if you’re reading this get you’re fucken shit together.
Sorry for asking but I do ask the tough stuff.
I’m pretty much leaving too the only thing I come here for is Dogs comments and info he’s the glue xx
December 30, 2015 @ 4:56 pm
Hi Kylie,
Chris is working on a couple of articles and keeps having to go back and forth as new info comes to light.
January 1, 2016 @ 10:07 am
Hi soul sister-I’m with you know exactly how you feel tc dear friend sending healing vibes….TC Louise xx
December 29, 2015 @ 6:37 pm
I have not posted for a while. I have rejoined the other hamsters on the wheel of work leaving little time to think.
As normal on holiday get to meet uniformed relatives who get there reality from the BBC. Try explaining just how much is lies. But to those that accept the lies they are told. It is very hard to get them to question what they are told.
The latest Paris attack has so many holes (but not bullet holes)
nailtown slim
December 29, 2015 @ 7:29 pm
Lorraine mate,
fill yer boots, you need the break girl, give yourself some T.L.C. for a change mate, you’ve certainly got my vibes coming at you! The operation went well, he’s in the high dependency unit for a little while now, just until he’s recovered his faculties I suppose! The first thing he asked when he opened his eyes was ‘have I missed the New Year’s fireworks’? ? The relief flooded through us all when we heard it was a successful operation! Thanks for your thoughts and kind words, they really helped, as did the other posters comments and advice, thanks very much everyone!
December 29, 2015 @ 9:15 pm
Thank you everyone. Your lovely messages have made me cry………bloody hell I’m going soft in my old age…….I love you people, I really do. Lorraine. xxx
December 29, 2015 @ 10:29 pm
Dear Raine, have sent healing waves, i was visualising sending positive energy to you and am seeing you surrounded in a purple light, no idea what that means!
Please folks please send healing waves to my eldest girl, she had asked for a smear test last 2 years and had awful symptoms nobody took any notice of her till i went to the doctors with her and insisted on an examination, they refuse a smear, but did an examination, despite her cervix looking visibly abnormal she got a very very slow referral to gynae at hospital not even for the cervix but to investigate her for endometriosis it said on the form, I went with her to the hospital , the Consultant finally gave her a colcoscope to shut me up, you could tell he thought it was unnecessary, and that I was a total headcase, but i was fucking angry , i printed off the NICE guidelines, ok they dont have to do a smear in the entire under 25 population BUT if someone under 25 presents with symptoms then yes, they have to do an examination at least. long story short she had the colcoscope and a pre malignant abnormal cervix which was eventually removed a week ago , fucking bastards couldve killed her as she isnt 25 till next august. Back to the consultant end january i think she is fixed not 100% sure so could use any positive energies right now.
Plus am off to see a consultant myself tomorrow have had over 14 waterwork infections this past year , relentless, so off for the old camera up the doodaa , that shoudl be fun ?
December 30, 2015 @ 12:03 am
@bella. Have a look at he has herbal remedies posted.
December 30, 2015 @ 4:38 pm
Thank you Dragon for that suggestion I will definitely check it out
emm jay
December 30, 2015 @ 7:47 pm
Wishing all goes well for both of you Bella, feel sure it will. Good for you for holding out for a colposcopy, it doesn’t matter what ‘they’ think, you have proved that you were justified in your concern for your daughter. Can you imagine where we’d be if we took their word as fact. It’s vital that we question them … always.
Unrelated and as an aside, just for info for people re the appalling diagnosis and treatment of people with thyroid problems (both hyper or hypo) in the UK. So many are suffering horrendously and unecessarily in this country because most doctors haven’t a clue and are just following the NHS ‘guidelines’ and big pharma’s monopoly of cheap and ineffective treatments. Thyroid UK are a absolutely brilliant charity whose volunteers work incredibly hard to help people to try to regain their health. Also Bella, have you considered looking up the wonderful anti bacterial and virus benefits of Colloidal Silver? x
January 1, 2016 @ 4:07 pm
Hi Bella-I had a colposcopy back in 1992 to which i had to have laser treatment then the abnormal cells returned to which then i had to have a cone biopsy in the year 2000.I honestly don’t think for one minute the pappiloma virus isn’t caused by multiple partners as i only ever had one relationship with my late hubby for over 20 years [real reason to have excuse to introduce another soft kill vaccine] Stay on their backs Bella and don’t take no shit from them.I’m sure these bastards will do all they can to fill you up with they’ve been instructed.Since i had the treatment i’ve never been for another smear test since though at one time would go for regular tests.What makes me wonder is what’s really in the ”swabs” they use. Hope your daughter makes a swift recovery asap with good wishes and healing vibes…TC Louise xx
January 1, 2016 @ 6:44 pm
Thanks Louise, same as my daughter, she has had only one boyfriend who she has dated for the last five years.
Apparently they don’t want to test everyone under 25 as problems in this age group are supposedly rare and most abnormalities in the under 25s are due to hpv infections which can occasionally spontaneously heal untreated , as for those infections that don’t clear up I guess women are supposed to grin and bear it.
I believe doctors should stringently follow guidelines which are not to fob people off for months , but if a patient under 25 turns up with symptoms they should be examined. If the patients symptoms don’t improve over a few months, whether there are visible signs or not at examination, they should get a gynae referral. At the gynae clinic they should get a colcoscope and a biopsy of suspicious areas.
In addition the law should be changed so that doctors could offer women smears from age 16 and/or when women become sexually active and stop being twats about it.
At the very worst and taking costs into account if a women of any age under 25 requests a smear test then give her one. If the smear comes back abnormal then a colposcope and biopsy will show whether there is cervical cancer if not.
Something like 70 women a year under age 25 develop cervical cancer. Family planning clinics offer free birth control, condoms. Gum clinics, std testing but when a young woman begs for a smear they are refused, I’m sorry but that is UTTERLY wrong
January 2, 2016 @ 4:57 pm
Hi Bella-Agreed more and more young women are being diagnosed with cervical cancer-but the cause not being multiple partners but more likely administered through childhood vaccines.Yet they now have mass immunisations on 13 year old’s throughout the schools of the Gardasil vaccine but fortunately many parents are refusing to allow their children to be innoculated with suspicions of the outcome of this drug..TC Louise xx
January 1, 2016 @ 6:46 pm
Dear Louise I’m sorry you had to go through such an ordeal and am glad you made a complete recovery
January 2, 2016 @ 4:59 pm
Thankyou Bella TC Louise xx
question everything 1
December 29, 2015 @ 11:08 pm
Lorraine.Peace and love being sent to you my dear Lorraine, taking time out will refresh you and you will feel strong again to return, take good care my friend, lots of love Trish xxx
December 30, 2015 @ 10:58 am
Hi Lorraine, I sent you healing too. Hope you are now in a state of bliss. Got to get you back to your bubbly self. Be well. tc Karen xx.
January 2, 2016 @ 5:03 pm
Lorraine just XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Luv you to soul sister TC Louise XX
December 29, 2015 @ 9:57 pm
Chris, please look into who these people are, where they are based etc.
“Welcome to the Homepage of the Ipce Web Site
“Ipce is a forum for people who are engaged in scholarly discussion about the understanding and emancipation of mutual relationships between children or adolescents and adults.
“In this context, these relationships are intended to be viewed from an unbiased, non-judgmental perspective and in relation to the human rights of both the young and adult partners.”
https: //
fuck the state
December 29, 2015 @ 11:27 pm
Guess what’s funny……..Greater Manchester Police were acting on behalf of Jane Russell being fed disinfo by myself in relation to who operates the accounts fuck the state and Fabooka De Stait.
The fuck up was that there is nothing from any address to suggest any death threat sent to Jism, because he did it himself, and they went around questioning about the two totally unrelated incidents and names on the basis of malicious information supplied to them that emanated from Jane Russell herself….No wonder she was so eager to try and pretend that her and the Jism are nothing to do with some rogue operators in the realm of corruption of the law.
Oh dear!!!!
If your pals in the corrupt places were a bit more professional and less seedy and incompetent, then the likes of myself might have a little less to write about, don’t you think? Too late now.
December 30, 2015 @ 7:04 am
Does that mean Jane Russell is a real person or does the person with the complaint (she should try Vagisil) not have to prove their own identity or do plod waive that requirement (being polite, i waved back) considering they’re in on the caper?
I may have met the bitch playing Jane when I was using a hotel lift. As there were only the two of us in the lift, i asked if i could smell her fanny. She slapped me around the face and stormed out…i guess it must have been her feet then! ?
fuck the state
December 30, 2015 @ 9:15 am
lol mate……Yes, I think they should have to prove their identity, unless that is to say they are going to be granted some special privilege that would allow them not to appear, like certain others were as they happened to be involved in really trying to defame Chris and attack his credibility.
The fact is that Jane Russell and Jism sent themselves a death threat in July 2015 and put the name fuck the state on the details they used as I had admitted previously on here to sending him one with those details that stated I would give him a smack because of what he had admitted to having done through multiple admissions of being Shillby which were totally his own doing.
Jane then passed information regarding the Goldin image onto corrupt elements within law enforcement who are her contacts and made a malicious complaint with regards to the posting of that legal image as part of her information gathering activities that are used to attack and undermine those in the Alternative Media, whilst at the same time she tries to promote the idea that the Jism is anything other than a dirty, lying, mentally deficient ass-wipe.
The police maliciously applied for a warrant on the basis of the disinformation supplied by Jane Russell to her cohorts in order to apprehend what they thought would be fuck the state – even though I did tell her in private that there were several steps between myself and anyone they may end up detaining.
The warrant was granted based on collusion and corruption as they went around trying to imply that the detainee had sent the death threat (which they would not be able to state under any circumstances at all) due to the fact it went in via proxy, as per Jism Jones.
The reporting of the image was used in order for Jane’s corrupt pals to make advances and very unlawful advances to facebook in order to obtain the supposed I.P. Address – which would be the only possible, although incorrect link between either incident and that was instigated on the say-so of those who sent the death threat to themselves in the first place.
As such, there is nothing on this earth, to suggest anyone they have illegally arrested sent anything and that is why they did not even check out the ISP – this was due to the fact they were sitting crying on their fat arses for several months over the online hammering that Jism and Jane were taking, as their devious little minds tried to work out another way to create problems for all of us in a similar fashion to what the Jism was doing on behalf of rogue agents when he tried to infiltrate the site.
Jane and Jism were convinced for ages that I must be someone from their past or something like that, and they were forced into such extreme measures because I have been pissing on the government sponsored propaganda campaign for sooo long.
The Outcast site and anyone who comments on it are either paid for shills or absolute idiots: All genuine and innocent people would do very well to keep away from it at all costs. But we knew this anyway – now we really have the confirmation so it does not matter what either Jism and Russell try and say as they tell more lies in order to convince anyone who cares that they are not proper evil fuckers who are tools of manipulation.
Oh dear!!!!
fuck the state
December 29, 2015 @ 11:41 pm
What’s that old saying? Oh yeah, fools rush in…..
December 30, 2015 @ 2:52 am
Christopher Spivey, What do I do when She is SO INTENSE? You have got one of these Too.
Mine has come back from 6 years away at University…and sometimes She is trying to Lecture Me…and she doesn’t know Fuck All…and I can’t tell her about 9/11 and all the rest of the shit (she’s innocent and just so beautiful) but I would get her in the team..with a good microphone…and video camerman/girl (sorry I am too old for this..)
She would find even Hillary Clinton and stick a microphone up her nose…and ask exceedingly hard questions…and demand answers…and broadcast it live…
My Daughter is Something Else..
Happy New Year
December 30, 2015 @ 10:03 am
Why, you simply put her over your knee and spank her of course, Tony! Don’t forget to film it and post it up on here for Dogman and the rest of the disgusting old pervs at to see;)
December 30, 2015 @ 10:33 am
Still using the same old sock puppet personas then Jism…Santa obviously didn’t bring you anything useful like a fully functioning brain complete with scruples and empathy. Have you made a list of people that you can pretend to befriend so that you can find out enough to torment them with at a later date? Or do plod give you a list of people that the establishment need harassing? You know what I mean, survivors of sex abuse etc, or is it all your own work, unlike your blog…
fuck the state
December 30, 2015 @ 11:20 am
They be hurting…lol
question everything 1
December 30, 2015 @ 4:16 pm
NJG you are sick go to your doctor now!
December 30, 2015 @ 4:29 pm
Our troll has been there, done that, but won’t take it’s medicine because it thinks it knows best. It makes comments that lead back to the same source repeatedly and just underlines everything that FTS and the other Mods have pointed out. The name changes, but not the style of abusive childish rhetoric.
I trust Mithras went well.
Take care,
Dogbiscuit xx
fuck the state
December 30, 2015 @ 4:59 pm
I imagine someone will be feeling pretty hot under the collar round about now. Ain’t that right, Jane Jism bipolar midget.
December 30, 2015 @ 5:01 pm
Worth a listen people so much information on these scum politicians and bit about Dr David Kelly, light and peace to all, and Chris and team great information.
fuck the state
December 30, 2015 @ 5:19 pm
Everyone in the A.M. and the truth movement or whatever they want to call it would do very well, to trust me 1 million percent on everything I say with regards to Jones and Russell.
They are totally busted!!!! Hahaha, oh how funny it is…see Jism, I don’t need to send you death threats, because I am the one who has been breaking you down mentally for over a year and watching your head implode as those personalities all fight it out among themselves for dominance in your slurry of grey-matter. I was having plenty of fun watching you and your bitch unravel on a daily basis, and I had no need to do anything that would interfere with my viewing pleasure.
Aww!!!! I think you need to up your dose of lithium, because as a result of what you pair have done, the heat in the kitchen is going to go through the roof in the very near future. Yeah, Kill it with fire!!!!! Hahahaha…..You gonna call your buddies and try and make that out to be a death threat too, you remedial fuck-wit?
The fucking Police are gonna end up hating you Jism, cos you have really made them look bad.
December 30, 2015 @ 6:10 pm
He’s a busted flush. It doesn’t matter which name he uses, or what he says. He must wonder why Manc plod grassed him up. If I was him, I’d be avoiding bus routes. He did mention that I need taking down a peg or three…zzzz…still waiting.
fuck the state
December 30, 2015 @ 5:40 pm
Wicked allegations from wicked people, who then have the wicked allegations acted upon by incompetent, indiscreet and ultimately corrupt elements within police forces who should be removed from their positions with immediate effect so as to ensure transparency, accountability and hence, the faith of the public.
December 30, 2015 @ 5:58 pm
In between causing FTS unnecessary grief – one of the its has done a video on Brenda Leyland. The Cut and paste version of Jade Goody’s Mummy. How sweet!!!!
We are still waiting for video No. 2 on Maddie, which was promised but never arrived. Plenty of taster’s have been created but nothing concrete ever materializes. Is there a problem with the short term memory section of it’s brain?
fuck the state
December 30, 2015 @ 8:00 pm
If you ask me, Sonia Poulton has been trying to get famous and some support for doing a video documentary on the McCanns so as to make it look like they have been pressured by someone who wants to try and gain acceptance in the A.M.
If you ask me, it is looks like part of a ploy to make it look like free speech is in effect when the chances are that Poulton is also fully in the pockets of some shady ptb minions.
This is very likely when you consider her affiliations with Jones and Russell and what they collectively try to distort, and Poulton’s efforts to cripple Icke.
So, it sort of fits a bigger picture if you ask me, but the upside is that his exposure ruins her credibility into the bargain – which is nice.
(not that she had any anyway)
December 30, 2015 @ 9:18 pm
Agreed. Her disruption of Bill Maloney’s questioning of Clegg was either inept or a deliberate ploy to move on from an awkward question from Bill. Ya pays ya money and ya takes ya pick…
December 30, 2015 @ 9:21 pm
I would say that would do nicely, go for it mucker. By the end of this I’m sure Jimmy’s value as an asset will be re-evaluated.
December 30, 2015 @ 6:27 pm
Slightly off topic but relevant nevertheless – it is so easy to spot the false flags and photoshopped propaganda as they are all rammed down our throats at every turn. On the other hand – the utter devastation caused by the flooding on boxing day up here in west yorkshire has not been given the press coverage it deserves to do it justice. The towns of Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd are utterly wiped out to almost 3rd world status and so far have only warranted a brief and cursory visit from Dave cameron. I hope to god that if a member of the ‘royal crew’ deem it fit to take a break from their very warm, dry and comfortable break at Sandringham that they are pelted with the crap that the wonderful residents are now clearing from homes and businesses. On the bright side this disaster has done more for community relations than you could ever have imagined as local Sikh temples are cooking food for hundreds and muslim youth groups are coming up from London to help – this is one hell of a community cohesion project and it warms your heart to see it. The lack of government interference has been a blessing in disguise.
Travis Bickle
December 31, 2015 @ 3:21 pm
‘One day a real rain will come and wash the whole lot away.’
Happy New Year everybody.
Lone Knut.
December 30, 2015 @ 7:38 pm
Straight up respect this man,Happy new year to all and may there be light and peace in the world in 2016 as we the people citizens of the world awaken
fuck the state
December 30, 2015 @ 8:22 pm
Hey DM…what you think?
They want some proof as to their own involvement…ok
Dear Sirs,
Please find enclosed a statement of intent, a statement of facts and a plethora of evidence along with irrefutable proof that the following organizations are involved in widespread and institutionalized corruption so as to allow the stifling of free speech and aggressive pursuit of those who would seek to uphold that right: Facebook, Greater Manchester Police, North Wales Police and The National Crime Agency.
Please do not fail to take notice of the serious nature and equally serious implications for yourselves with respect to the material: the statement of intent, by way of necessity, contains a small amount of pertinent adult language.
A1) On Monday 7th December 2015, officers of Greater Manchester Police did execute a search warrant that had been granted under section 8 of The Police And Criminal Evidence Act.
A2) The warrant was granted based on ignorance and or collusion between the Justice Of The Peace and Greater Manchester Police.
A3) The warrant was applied for maliciously by a constable of Greater Manchester Police.
A4) The reasons for application of the warrant failed to meet any requirements for which one should be granted under section 8 of PACE.
A5) Greater Manchester Police are guilty of intimidation, theft of personal property and belongings, as well as other aspects relating to malpractice, by way of simply helping themselves to what they liked and that which was not specifically allowed to be taken on the basis of direction contained within the malicious warrant.
A6) Greater Manchester Police are guilty unlawful arrest, false imprisonment, and directing extremely unpleasant levels of verbal abuse towards the detained person.
A7) The actions of Greater Manchester Police Officers have had a serious detrimental effect upon the quality of life and feeling of security for not only the victim of such an outrage, but also upon that of his immediate family in the form of his 78 year old mother, who remains very shaken and confused and has suffered several breakdown events as a result of those highly questionable actions.
Ultimately, what we are now in the midst of is a situation created by corrupt elements of those who deem themselves as operating in the realm of law enforcement.
Greater Manchester Police as an organization and individual officers are simply one link in that very long chain of deception and mistreatment of the general public so as to allow them to hide behind what they would like to present as authority in order to allow them to guard the pernicious activities of their corrupt colleagues in other constabularies and the National Crime Agency. All have been helped to engage in these very dubious practices by the social media platform that is known as Facebook – and that platform itself is guilty of many instances of abusing its users in such a way as to enable further aspects of corruption to take place that would serve to prevent free speech and especially free speech that would be in the form of criticism of government agencies.
B1) Greater Manchester Police Officers are guilty of gross misconduct in regards to what has transpired.
B2) Greater Manchester Police Officers came to the address of law abiding citizens and proceeded to try and gain entry to the property through the use of lies and deception.
B3) Greater Manchester Police Officers were wilfully guilty of failing to investigate any freely available evidence so as allow them to enforce the likes and desires of their corrupt colleagues in order to sustain the defence of an agent of disinformation and propaganda.
B4) Greater Manchester Police carried out all of their very aggressive and unnecessary actions simply to intimidate those they thought they would be apprehending on behalf of the aforementioned corrupt colleagues and agents of disinformation that they oversee.
B5) Greater Manchester Police proceeded to question an innocent man in such a manner so as to allude to the possibility of him being a paedophile, when the fact of the matter is that he has no interest in children at all, especially not for sexual purposes and can’t even recall the last time he was in close proximity to one.
B6) Greater Manchester Police proceeded to question an innocent man in such a manner that led him to believe that they were actually looking for avenues of attack with which to implicate him in some form of illegal activity, rather than actually dealing with the specified, although false and malicious accusations made against him.
B7) Greater Manchester Police Officers showed themselves to be highly ignorant of the situations to which they were alluding and this is evidenced by their complete lack of objectivity and subsequent release of the innocent man without charge, despite having caused so much upset. This was done, so as to supposedly allow for further investigation, which in all fairness is simply another level of mass incompetence. Although, the reality is that they are simply trying to gather information on behalf of the corrupt colleagues who fed them disinformation in the first place.
B8) Greater Manchester Police are guilty of all the above because as a force, they failed themselves, the public, and ultimately failed to do their job in any way whatsoever, least of all in anything that could be even remotely described as professional. In fact, all they have done is run around trying to scare innocent people based on he says- she says, stories that have been passed from one department to another.
Greater Manchester Police alone are not responsible for the implementation of this catalogue of errors. It is fair to state that they were acting on behalf of and as a direct result of inter-force subterfuge that was instigated so as to protect assets of the state who masquerade as members of the Alternative Media in order to dissuade and divert interested members of the public who may wish to gain an understanding of many events from a different perspective to that which is adulterated and spoon-fed to the general public by mass media.
The National Crime Agency is more than likely directly responsible for overseeing the activities of a notorious disinformation website that uses the name
This site is supposedly fronted by a man named Roydon James Jones and his online partner who is called Jane Russell, but who also goes by the name of Sarah Larner. This pair of very disturbed and disturbing individuals are directly responsible for a multitude of attacks against many members of the Alternative Media and they are especially notorious for their attacks upon victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse.
The reason Greater Manchester Police came to be arresting innocent individuals is based solely on the many malicious and false accusations presented by this very notorious couple. Further to this, the constant attacks they are guilty of have led to numerous instances of reaction from many groups and individuals. Given that Jones and Russell are so evil, vindictive and vocal in their torrents of abuse towards innocent people, the operatives in law enforcement who oversee them and their disgusting activities have simply sought to protect them by way of using government resources that are paid for with tax-payers money in order to safeguard the continuation of their subversive website.
Such activities perpetuated via those who have parasitically infested the institutions of law enforcement in this country and which are by definition, meant to
be in place so as to protect the public rather than be utilized for nefarious purposes by those who regard such institutions as their personal tools of manipulation and spite, will not be allowed to continue without exposure.
Confirmation that everything stated in this material is true, came by way of admission from the officers involved: they being P.C. 1***0 of Greater Manchester Police, who also applied for the warrant, along with his partner and also by way of the detained individual being told by his Solicitor that this was the case.
Ironically, this led to the situation whereby a totally innocent man was abducted by members of Greater Manchester Police and had his property stolen on the basis of them doing it on behalf of their provably corrupt friends and cohorts who have made malicious allegations against a multitude of people in a wide variety of locations.
tut tut….
fuck the state
December 30, 2015 @ 8:39 pm
That looks quite nice when it is combined with everything from my Much Ado About Nothing article and all of the very pertinent questions that followed.
So much so, that I sent it to the following:
Chief Constable Greater Manchester Police.
Chief Constable North Wales Police.
Director Of The National Crime Agency.
Chair Of The IPCC.
Chief Prosecutor C.P.S. North West.
Mark Watts Exaro News.
Paul Dacre Daily Mail.
Kevin Maguire The Daily Mirror.
I felt the Mail one was especially pertinent given what Chris has endured and how this all links in with the totally unwarranted and unsubstantiated attacks against him.
I mean, corruption is something that is meant to be frowned upon and it is also something that we as a nation should not have to put up with by those who have polluted public service with their own very unhealthy ideals. The very least we can all attempt to do is root it out after exposure by reporting about it in the first place.
National Levels Of Corruption By Rogue Elements Within Law Enforcement Who Have Tried To Infiltrate Online Opposition, Alternative Media And Conspiracy Theorists By Way Of Setting Up Their Own Fake Sites In Order To Create Friction And Havoc.
I almost hope this was not some little ass-hole’s unsanctioned wet dream, as it cannot be tolerated by anyone.
January 1, 2016 @ 1:44 am
FTS, I am sending you positive vibes, eventually the truth will out and these people will be exposed for what they are. My ex partner was jailed on the evidence of liars and GMP. 25years later he has been exonerated and GMP have been exposed for wrongful conviction and had to pay out a massive amount of compensation to him. Stay true to yourself and never give in, let the truth shine through.
fuck the state
January 1, 2016 @ 2:16 am
Thanks…No worries….
Billy Carlin
December 30, 2015 @ 11:15 pm
FTS – If the police are still hanging on to your property or if it is someone elses property and they refuse to give it back then do a Karl Lentz and send the Chief Constable in name personally a notice that you require the restoration of your property within 14 days or whatever time period you wish or failure to do so will cost him personally £1 million per day for the period that they have taken and held your property and £1 million per day that he continues to hold it after the cut off date and that you will be seeking these amounts in front of a jury at Queens Bench. No one is allowed to take or keep any of your property in law not even the police, Judiciary or Government.
fuck the state
December 30, 2015 @ 11:34 pm
Yeah, cheers mate…I will let it be known.
To be honest, I am not sure if he would go about things the way you mention. Have to wait and see, as I still want a bit of info.
fuck the state
December 30, 2015 @ 9:15 pm
Well, what I really meant to say was that I had someone send them for me, and believe it or not, they were more than willing.
Hey Jism, you see the three *** in the collar number of that copper? Well, there are only 1,000 possible combinations, which is several billion less than the chances of your death threat details being what they were, so why don’t you fill in the blanks this time for us? I mean, there is a slim chance you could do it given they were working on your behalf to save your little charade. Don’t you think?
It may have gone to a few other places as well.
December 30, 2015 @ 10:05 pm
I’m confused FTS whats happening. I confused with the world and myself. I can feel time working backwards up and down somedays.
My mind feels kneeded like dough yet clear as a cut crystal glass. FTS I cant really get a handle on whats happening with you, but I truly hope its all falling down for ‘them’.
I’m so so sorry to hear the stress and pain of some fine fine folks and their loved ones. Sending lots and lots of love and healing.
fuck the state
December 30, 2015 @ 11:26 pm
Hiya x Basically what has ultimately happened is that Jones had another meltdown and sent himself a death threat, Jane wanted to get it acted upon but they have no clue as to what to do, so fired off a bit of info relating to that Goldin image that was on one of those FB pages. Then their friends made an approach to FB because they do not like the things I say and how I destroy their muppets, which led them to put 2 + 2 together and get 5000.
I was well aware about November 2014 that FB were trying to find my identity and so had to do some work to make an account look genuine as they banned me 3 times in a couple of months for the same thing.
At this time the police have acted on behalf of Jones and their own evil desires to try and find me, but have made a couple of terrible mistakes that are similar to some of the reasons I am so vocal about them in the first place. Don’t worry about it, as they have attempted to lie and deceive in order to try and get their way, but due to them failing once again, I have been able to expose their corrupt practices….Sadly, they did not realise they have been getting sucked in for as long as Jane has been firing off information that I gave to her. Which is nice.
fuck the state
December 30, 2015 @ 11:54 pm
P.S. To be honest, when I first went on Facebook, my idea was to draw some people out over Woolwich, and I did have a few promising leads, but they seemed to fizzle out and had to be dismissed as simply angry people. It was only through the persistent action of Jones and Russell, that I became convinced there was more to them or behind them than met the eye. I had one or two very serious altercations in pvt with some military types over the other incident but they were just extremely against our views for personal reasons.
The likes of Jones and Russell are systematically guided in their attempts to make a mess and cause trouble. Prior to that, I had always just regarded him as a shady tit, which he is of course, but the mission he is following is not all his, at all.
December 30, 2015 @ 11:24 pm
ht tp://
Have a read, its really sick now what they are trying to do here, fear is the name of the game as usual. So basically every citizen in Holland is potentially a suspect lol
December 30, 2015 @ 11:42 pm
I see Chris and the mods have missed out on New Year’s Honours again. Maybe next time….
In my family there is a lord, an OBE and 2x MBE, but never anything for little old me. Can’t understand why.
Good to see the following have been included though:
BEMs go to Richard Tyler, who was in charge of the Red Cross team during the Shoreham Airshow crash in August which saw 11 people killed…
Goldie (I seem to recall that Chris named him in an article about Mark Duggan as a close friend of Sam Cam) gets an MBE.
British doctors and nurses involved in the fight against the world’s worst outbreak of Ebola have been recognised in the New Year Honours list. Dr Michael Jacobs, who leads the specialist infectious diseases team at the Royal Free Hospital in London, received a knighthood after helping treat three Britons who caught Ebola while working in Sierra Leone (William Pooley, Pauline Cafferkey). Lots of others involved in the Ebola man-made epidemic also received honours. But not the two people who first warned us that Ebola was on its way (Michael AdEBOLAjo and Michael AdEBOwALe).
MBEs for Agnes Grunwald-Spier and Susan Pollack recognise their work on Holocaust Memorial Day, while there are British Empire Medals for Lily Ebert and Ivor Perl, two Auschwitz survivors who have been working to educate young people about their experiences.
http:// w w
December 31, 2015 @ 12:23 am
Also Dame Barbara Windsor, ‘friend’ of the Kray twins and ex-wife of gangster Ronnie Knight
December 31, 2015 @ 8:24 am
Hi CG, what an interesting list of awards and thanks for pointing them out, which of course is one of the reasons that you’re the black sheep of your family.
December 31, 2015 @ 3:09 pm
December 31, 2015 @ 3:17 pm
The musings of a troll. I doubt that you know what the term means, let alone apply it to me. You have neither the intellectual or physical abilities to take me down a peg or three, although I’m sure you know more about pegging than I do. ?
nailtown slim
December 31, 2015 @ 9:00 am
Hi C.G.,
The icing on the cake for me was Barbarous Wind-Sore being made a Dame, oh the joy, our Babs deserves this pantomime dame job, it must be expensive keeping a toy boy these days, and as the advert says ‘Every little helps’! Sorry Chris missed out this time, how very remiss of them, still at least the ‘showbiz bike’ got her Dame status, such a shy lady too, maybe this might bring her out of her shell a little bit! Shell? oh no that’s a turtle I’m thinking of surely? still, not much difference is there? except of course the turtle would be prettier and much younger! ?
December 31, 2015 @ 10:23 am
I shall have to add John Hamer’s book to my collection. There’s lots of fascinating info out there, but most people won’t find all of it and so John’s book will become an essential read for those willing to learn.
The following is from the forum:
In the nineteenth century, 90% of the world’s trade was carried by British ships controlled by the Crown. The other 10% of ships had to pay commissions to the Crown simply for the privilege of using the world’s oceans.
The Crown reaped billions in profits while operating under the protection of the British armed forces. This was not British commerce or British wealth, but the Crown’s commerce and the Crown’s wealth. As of 1850, author Frederick Morton estimated the Rothschild fortune to be in excess of $10 billion. Today, the bonded indebtedness of the world is held by the Crown.
The aforementioned Temple Bar is the juristic arm of the Crown and holds an exclusive monopoly on global legal fraud through their Bar Association franchises. The Temple Bar is comprised of four Inns of Court. They are; the Middle Temple, Inner Temple, Lincoln’s Inn and Gray’s Inn. The entry point to these closed secret societies is only to be found when one is called to their Bar.
The Bar attorneys in the United States owe their allegiance and pledge their oaths to the Crown. All Bar Associations throughout the world are signatories and franchises to the International Bar Association located at the Inns of Court of the Crown Temple.
The Inner Temple holds the legal system franchise by license that bleeds Canada and Great Britain white, while the Middle Temple has license to steal from America. To have the Declaration of Independence recognized internationally, Middle Templar King George III agreed in the Treaty of Paris of 1783 to establish the legal Crown entity of the incorporated United States, referred to internally as the Crown Temple States (Colonies). States spelled with a capital letter ‘S,’ denotes a legal entity of the Crown.
At least five Templar Bar Attorneys under solemn oath to the Crown, signed the American Declaration of Independence. This means that both parties were agents of the Crown. There is no lawful effect when a party signs as both the first and second parties. The Declaration was simply an internal memo circulating among private members of the Crown. Most Americans believe that they own their own land, but they have merely purchased real estate by contract. Upon fulfillment of the contract, control of the land is transferred by Warranty Deed. The Warranty Deed is only a ‘color of title.’ Color of Title is a semblance or appearance of title, but not title in fact or in law. The Warranty Deed cannot stand against the Land Patent.
The Crown was granted Land Patents in North America by the King of England. Colonials rebelled at the usurious Crown taxes, and thus the Declaration of Independence was created to pacify the populace.
Another method used to hoodwink natural persons is enfranchisement. Those cards in your wallet bearing your name spelled in all capital letters means that you have been enfranchised and have the status of a corporation. A ‘juristic personality’ has been created, and you have entered into multi-variant agreements that place you in an equity relationship with the Crown.
December 31, 2015 @ 10:32 am
The Crown is the Inner City of London, which is an independent State in London belonging to the Vatican system. It is a banking cartel which has a massive system around and beneath, which hides its true power The City is in fact the Knights Templar Church, also known as the Crown Temple or Crown Templar, and is located between Fleet Street and Victoria Embankment. The Temple grounds are also home to the Crown Offices at Crown Office Row.
The CrownTemple controls the Global ‘Legal’ system, including those in the United States, Canada, Australia, and much more; this is because all Bar Associations are franchises of the International Bar Association at the Inns of Court at CrownTemple based at Chancery Lane in London. All Bar Associations are franchises of the Crown and all Bar Attorneys/ Barristers throughout the world pledge a solemn oath to the Temple, even though many may not be aware that this is what they are doing. Bar Association ‘licensed’ Solicitors / Barristers must keep to their Oath, Pledge and terms of allegiance to the CrownTemple if they are to be “called to the Bar” and work in the legal profession. The ruling Monarch is also subordinate to the Crown Temple, this as been so since the reign of King John in the 13th century when Royal Sovereignty was transferred to the Crown Temple and, through this, to the Roman Church. King John 1167-1216 is the key to this deception.
It was at the Chancel, or Chancery, of the Crown Inner Temple Court in January 1215 that King John was faced with the demands of the French/English Barons in England (mainly French), to confirm the rights enshrined in the Magna Carta. When he signed the Magna Carta in 1215 history records this as an event that extended human freedom, but the real affect was very different as we shall see. The governments of the USA, Canada, Australia and more are subsidiaries of the Crown Temple and so is the US Central Bank the Federal Reserve, as are all Central Banks on the Planet and including the IMF` World Bank.
Bar Associations are awarded their franchises by the Four Inns of Court at Temple Bar. These are the InnerTemple, MiddleTemple, Lincolns Inn and Greys Inn and they are nothing less than elite secret societies without charters or statutes. They are the law unto themselves. The InnerTemple controls the legal system franchise for Canada and Britain while the MiddleTemple does the same for the United States. Queen Elizabeth II is a member of both Temples. At least five signatories to the American Declaration of Independence were Temple Bar Attorneys who had pledged allegiance to the Crown! Another MiddleTemple operative during the formation of the USA was Alexander Hamilton who structured the American Banking system to fulfil the Crown Temples agenda for total control of the United States. So in truth a State wherever it is on this planet, is a legal entity of the TempleCrown, or a Crown Colony. A man named Michael Edwards wrote:
“Americans were fooled into believing that the legal Crown Colonies comprising New England were independent nation states, but they never were nor are today. They were and still are |Colonies of the CrownTemple, through letters patent and charters, who have no legal authority to be independent from the rule and order of the CrownTemple. A legal state is a CrownTemple Colony.”
“Neither the American people nor the Queen of Britain own America. The CrownTemple owns America through the deception of those who have sworn their allegiance by oath to the Middle Temple Bar. The Crown Bankers and their Middle Templar Attorneys rule America through unlawful contracts, unlawful Taxes, and contract documents of false equity through debt deceit, all strictly enforced by their completely unlawful, but’ legal’, orders, rules and codes of the Crown Temple Courts, or so called ‘Judiciary’ in America. This is because the CrownTemple holds the land titles and estate deeds to all of North America.”
Seven Middle Inn Templars who had pledged an oath of allegiance to the CrownTemple (including Alexander Hamilton) were among the members of the Constitutional Convention who signed the completed ‘American Constitution’. How symbolic it is that copies of the American Constitution and the Declaration of Independence hang on the wall of the MiddleTemple in London. It’s not that surprising when you consider this Temple controlled both sides in these shenanigans.
So while the Middle Bar Templars were orchestrating the illusion of freedom from the perceived rule by King George III, the King too, was a sworn member of the same Temple. Michael Edwards continues:
“1776 is the year that will truly live in infamy for all Americans. It is the year that the Crown Colonies became legal Crown States. The Declaration of Independence was a legal, not lawful, document. It was signed on both sides by representatives of the CrownTemple. Legally, it announced the status quo of the Crown Colonies to that of the new legal name called ‘States’ as direct possessive estates of the Crown.
“The American people were hoodwinked into thinking they were declaring lawful independence from the Crown. Proof that the colonies are still in Crown possession is the use of the word ‘State’ to signify a ‘legal estate of possession.’ Had this been a document of and by the people, both the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution would have been written using the word ‘States’. By the use of ‘State’, the significance of government of estate possessions was legally established. All of the North American States are Crown Templar possessions through their legal document, signed by their representation of both parties to the contract, known as the Constitution of the United States of America.
December 31, 2015 @ 10:33 am
On May 15th 1213, King John, puppet of the Knights Templar, effectively signed away the Kingdom of England and Ireland to Pope Innocent III and the Roman Church, witnessed by the Crown Templars. As King John said at the time:
“I myself bearing witness in the house of the Knights Templars.”
The King John Charter said:
“ We wish it to be known to all of you, through this our charter, furnished with our seal… not induced by force or compelled by fear, but of our own good and spontaneous will and by common councel of our Barons, do offer and freely concede to God and his Holy Apostles Peter and Paul and to our mother the holy Roman Church, and to our lord Pope Innocent and to his Catholic successors, the whole kingdom of England and the whole kingdom of Ireland, with all their rights and appurtenances… we perform and swear fealty for them to him are aforesaid lord pope Innocent, and his Catholic successors and the Roman Church… binding our successors and our heirs by our wife forever, in a similar manner to perform fealty and show homage to him who shall be chief pontiff at the time, and to the Roman church without demur. As a sign… we will and establish perpetual obligation and concession… from the proper and especial revenues of our aforesaid kingdoms… the Roman church shall receive yearly a thousand marks sterling… saving to us and to our heirs our rights, liberties and regalia; all of which things, as they have been described above, we wish to have perpetually valid and firm; and we bind ourselves and our successors not to act counter to them. And if we or any of our successors shall presume to attempt this, whoever he be, unless being duly warned he come to his kingdom, and his senses, he shall lose his right to the kingdom, and this charter of our obligation and concession shall always remain firm.”
Now it gets interesting. Historical accounts concentrate the fact that this charter obliged the Crown to pay money to the Roman Church, but it also states that if the terms of the charter are broken, the ‘right to the kingdom’ shall be lost. When King John signed the Magna Carter on June 15th 1215 he broke the terms of the charter with the Pope and therefore lost the right to his Kingdom. Pope Innocent III then declared the Magna Carter null and void. From this time the ‘Crown’ passed from the Monarch to the Knights Templar who to this day, governs Britain on behalf of the RomanIlluminatiChurch. The St Clair’s now Sinclair are the initial directors of this link of Templar and Rome in the British Isles as they took hold in Scotland at the time of the 1066 Norsemen-Norman invasion. This means, if we take it a stage further, that ultimately, through the CrownTemple, the Roman system also owns the United States, Canada and all countries and Bar associations controlled both overtly and covertly by the Crown. This is why the Peace Treaty between the American Colonies and the British Crown in 1783, stated:
“It having pleased the Divine Providence to dispose the hearts of the most serene and most potent Prince George the third, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, Duke of Brunswick and Lunebourg, arch treasurer and prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire etc… and of the United States of America…”
And for the Irony, a Roman Catholic is barred from being the British Monarch while all along the Monarch and the Kingdom have been owned by the system that is Rome.
The Queen is the Grand Patroness of Freemasonry. She is served by the 390 members of the Privy Council which connects with its equivalent in all other Commonwealth Countries. The Privy Council is ‘LEGALLY’ above Parliament because of its prerogative powers. Its members, who are appointed for life, include Prince Philip, Prince Charles, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Prime Minister and many others. They hold nine official meetings each year and the government (Crown) minister’s stand to attention while the Queen is told of the government measures they are asking the Queen to approve, which are nothing other than what the Crown dictates via the elected leader and via the Whips of whichever political party has power… After taking their bow to the Queen and shaking her hand they are sworn to conduct their business in the utmost secrecy.
December 31, 2015 @ 10:35 am
Formed in 1833 as ‘Crown Agents for the Colonies,’ to run the day to day administration of the empire and to serve as private bankers to government officials, colonial authorities, and heads of state. It is also an older version of Brown & Root supplying a vast range of goods throughout the empire. Goods that included arms, drugs, Viruses, especially to Africa to create the genocidal wars we are, and have witnessed. The Crown Agents is the network that links the CrownTemple to the organised crime operations throughout the empire, the Golden Dawn being one of the most powerful occult operations to be used in Britain amongst the crime syndicates to ensure the right crime waves are in full swing as and when required. We can see this in the current agenda with guns. The Golden Dawn also operates within legal organisations, but is the interconnecting network across all secret societies and religion. Remember the Crown Agents work directly for the Monarch who works for the KnightsTemplar Church, which operates for the Vatican, and for added insult the Crown Agents entire debt is guaranteed by the British Government, that means you! In the 1970’s it was bailed out by the Bank of England costing hundreds of millions of pounds. For many years the Crown Agents managed the personal wealth of the Sultan of Brunei who just happens to be a great friend of the Queen, and has funded many of Prince Philips, Prince Charles, and father George Bush’s private projects.
December 31, 2015 @ 10:36 am
In 1996 the Crown Agents was privatised with the name Crown Agents for Overseas Government and Administration LTD. Of course privatisation is nothing but transfer of Power from CrownTemple through Government agency to CrownTemple via direct ownership; they own everything in this nation!
Just to give an idea of What the Crown Agencies controls here’s a couple of little companies it controls as it acts as a holding company for:
Barclays bank
Standard and Chartered bank
Tate and Lyle
British Telecom
The Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum
Aga Khan Foundation
It manages the customs services of Mozambique, and through a company called Europe SA, is in charge of all economic construction procurement for Bosnia. It is also in joint venture with Monaco based company ES-KO, to provide all the food for United Nations peace keeping forces in Angola and Bosnia.
December 31, 2015 @ 10:37 am
The queen of England owns the 40.000 acre Duchy of Lancaster, the 44.000 acre Duchy of Cornwall which gives Charles his income. In truth it is the Crown that owns these assets which are assigned to the ruling monarch, so long as they do as they are told. The Crown it transpires owns land in the UK to the tune of 40 million acres. The Queen owns over 300 residencies around the country, and invests heavily in corporations like Rio Tinto Zinc (RTZ), Royal Dutch Shell, ICI, and General Electric. This is no surprise in that these companies are 100% Illuminati operations. Rio Tinto is the largest mining company in the world and was established in 1873 by Hugh Matheson of the Global drug running operation Jardine Matheson. Rio Tinto was in at the start of the North Sea Oil, along with Texaco. They used the refineries of BP in which the Queen also has massive investments, so now you know where all the revenues from the North Sea oil reserves went, to the CrownTemple. This shows insider dealing on an individual basis enabling the Queen to make massive profits. Another blatant conflict of interest to have been identified was Rio Tinto’s involvement in a cartel formed in 1971 to fix the price of Uranium. A Federal grand jury and the 1976 US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, chaired by Frank Church, exposed the sting. It also included a company called Mary Kathleen Uranium of Australia. This company had been secretly encouraging the Aborigines to occupy Uranium rich lands in Australia to take these lands out of production to raise the price on the world market. The manipulated shortage of Uranium had a serious effect on the American Westinghouse company who sought to take legal action against Rio Tinto for price rigging. This strategy has been used in the USA against the Native Americans and throughout Africa. An American court ordered that Rio Tinto officials answer questions, but this was quashed by the British Law Lords. The Australian government passed legislation to the same effect. This was after the Australian Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam, had been dismissed from office by the Queens Governor General of Australia, Sir John Kerr. Whitlam was pursuing a policy of buying out the mining and raw material cartels, like Rio Tinto and Anglo American, to stop them raping Australia’s resource base, while giving nothing in return. The Queen having enormous investments in both companies, removed Whitlam by using some of her wide range of prerogative powers, which by the way she has in all commonwealth countries including Britain, which she can instigate when the Crown deem necessary, but of course in the minds of the masses the Queen has no powers today? Well I suppose she doesn’t in that she is a puppet of the CrownTemple and ultimately to the Roman system. Sir John Kerr, a former high level operative of British Intelligence, was made a member of the Privy Council and the Royal Victorian Order for his loyal and most profitable service to the Queens portfolio. He was later murdered however, when the truth about the removal of Gough Whitlam was in danger of coming out, how they look after their own! He was obviously outer circle and a good man and would have exposed the lies of the inner circle. The Crown Cartels continue through a House of Windsor extremely secretive society called the Club of the Isles. It was named after King Edward VII, Queen Victoria’s son, who was the first to carry the title, Prince of the Isles. The title is held today by Prince Charles. Edward was heavily involved with the Black Nobility barons of the square mile London Financial District and helped them to engineer the Crimean War, the Russia – Japan War, the preparations for the First World War, and the Opium Wars against China. Through the central organisation of the Club of the Isles comes the fantastic web of interlocking directorships which hold apparently ‘independent’ companies in a network of common control and agenda.
December 31, 2015 @ 10:40 am
Part of the web includes:
The Bank of England
Anglo American Corporation of South Africa
Rio Tinto
Minorco Minerals and Resources Corp
De Beers Consolidated Mines
De Beers Centenary AG
N.M Rothschilds Bank
Barclays Bank
Lloyds Bank
Lloyds Insurance Market
National Westminster Bank
Barings Bank
Schroders bank
Standard Chartered Bank
Hambros Bank
S.G Warburg
Toronto Dominion Bank
Johnson Matthey
Kleinwort Benson Group
Lazard Brothers
J.P Morgan and CO
Morgan Grenfell Group
British Petroleum
Shell and Royal Dutch Petroleum
Cadbury – Schweppes
Bat Industries
Assicurazioni Generali SpA (VeniceItaly)
General Electric
Cazeenove and Co
Grand Metropolitan
Hanson PLC
HSBS (Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank)
Imperial and Chemical Industries (ICI)
Inchscape PLC
Inco LTD
ING Group
Jardine Matheson
Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation & Co (P & O ferries)
Pilkington Glass
Reuters Holdings
Glaxo Wellcome
Smithkline Beecham
Unilever and UnileverNV
Vickers PLC.
This is just a few of them. In 1999 Lonrho had 640 subsidiary companies itself; it has many more now, all these companies and more have staggering amounts of subsidiaries, in studying the subsidiaries of the multinationals you arrive at the fact that everything is controlled by the Crown, all lead back to operatives of the RomanIlluminatiChurch via the KnightsTemplarChurch. A fact worth noting is that just because a company like Pilkington Glass is now perceived to be owned by a none British company, it has only moved from the British economy, not from the control nor economy of the Illuminati who own everything, this type of movement is only a movement within the global conglomerate that is the New World Order and still earning for, and controlled by, the bloodline elite, albeit via a different branch of the elite tree.
December 31, 2015 @ 10:43 am
Another important part of the Windsor network which is part of the CrownTemple are, the City Livery Companies. These purport to represent the various groups of merchants like the gun makers, stationers, newspaper makers, goldsmiths and the like. They are in fact very secret societies fundamental to the control of the City institutions and much further afield. In the 1350’s, in the wake of the plague known to history as the black death, government of the City was passed from the ward councils to the City Livery Companies. In 1979 the year Thatcher took power, the Honourable Company of Freemen of the City of London and of North America, began to hold meetings in New York and Toronto and on October 21st 1991 the Association of Liverymen of the City of London in Hong Kong was founded and all their members were Architects (Freemasons). The late author Peter Jones, researched some of the Livery Companies in the 1990’s for his book,’ the obedience of Australia’, which exposed the manipulation which led to the removal by the Queen, of Australian Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam.
The Crown –
December 31, 2015 @ 10:46 am
The Temple Church was built by the Knights Templar in two parts: the Round and the Chancel. The RoundChurch was consecrated in 1185 and modelled after the circular Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The Chancel was built in 1240. The TempleChurch serves both the Inner and MiddleTemples and is located between Fleet Street and Victoria Embankment at the Thames River. Its grounds also house the Crown Offices at Crown Office Row. This Temple “Church” is outside any canonical jurisdiction. The Master of the Temple is appointed and takes his place by sealed (non-public) patent, without induction or institution.
All licensed Bar Attorneys – Attorners in the US owe their allegiance and give their solemn oath in pledge to the Crown Temple, realising this or not. This is simply due to the fact that all Bar Associations throughout the world are signatories and franchises to the international Bar Association located at the Inns of Court at CrownTemple, which are physically located at Chancery Lane, behind Fleet Street in London. Although they vehemently deny it, all Bar Associations in the US, such as the American Bar Association, the Florida Bar, or California Bar Association, are franchises to the Crown.
The Inns of Court to the Crown Temple use the Banking and Judicial system of the City of London – a sovereign and independent territory which is not a part of Great Britain (just as Washington City, as DC was called in the 1800s, is not a part of the north American states, nor is it a state) to defraud, coerce, and manipulate the American people. These Fleet Street bankers and lawyers are committing crimes in America under the guise and colour of law (see definitions for legal and lawful below). They are known collectively as the “Crown.” Their lawyers are actually Templar Bar Attornies, not lawyers.
The present Queen of England is not the “Crown,” as we have all been led to believe. Rather, it is the Bankers and Attornies (Attorneys) who are the actual Crown or Crown Temple. The Monarch aristocrats of England have not been ruling sovereigns since the reign of King John, circa 1215. All royal sovereignty of the old British Crown since that time has passed to the Crown Temple in Chancery.
The USA is not the free and sovereign nation that our federal government tells us it is. If this were true, we would not be dictated to by the Crown Temple through its bankers and attornies. The USA is controlled and manipulated by this private foreign power and our unlawful Federal US Govt is their pawnbroker. The bankers and Bar Attorneys in the USA are a franchise in oath and allegiance to the Crown at Chancery – the Crown Temple Church and its Chancel located at Chancery Lane – a manipulative body of elite bankers and attorners from the independent City of London who violate the law in America by imposing fraudulent “legal” – but totally unlawful – contracts on the American people. The banks Rule the Temple Church and the Attorners carry out their Orders by controlling their victim’s judiciary.
Since the first Chancel of the Temple Church was built by the Knights Templar, this is not a new ruling system by any means. The Chancel, or Chancery, of the Crown Inner Temple Court was where King John was, in January 1215, when the English barons demanded that he confirm the rights enshrined in the Magna Carta. This City of London Temple was the headquarters of the Templar Knights in Great Britain where Order and Rule were first made, which became known as Code. Remember all these terms, such as Crown, Temple, Templar, Knight, Chancel, Chancery, Court, Code, Order and Rule as we tie together their origins with the present American Temple Bar system of thievery by equity (chancery) contracts.
The legal system of the USA is controlled by the CrownTemple from the independent and sovereign City of London. The private Federal Reserve System, which issues fiat US Federal Reserve Notes, is financially owned and controlled by the Crown from Switzerland, the home and legal origin for the charters of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, and most importantly, the Bank of International Settlements. Even Hitler respected his Crown bankers by not bombing Switzerland. The Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland [Vatican bank] controls all the central banks of the G7 nations. He who controls the gold rules the world.
December 31, 2015 @ 1:22 pm
A couple of answers for our troll, who’ll you’ll be pleased to know still visits this site on a daily basis. Probably part of his instructions, and as an obedient pet…
Allegedly there were plans to invade Switzerland, but perhaps one of the reasons they didn’t attack a country on its borders, which would have undoubtedly been worth looting, was because they stored a lot of their own financial assets there, and only a mug would bite the hand that feeds you. I doubt that it was because they were neutral, or do you think the other countries that were attacked said “ok yep we’re up for a war, crack on!”
Sweden was suppying Germany with iron ore, which was needed for the war effort, so not really that neutral then.
Dozy bastard!
fuck the state
December 31, 2015 @ 1:50 pm
Yeah, our troll seems to be trying to cause mischief in order to pretend that it is not too bothered about the way things are going to start going.
p.s. I always thought the Swedes were pretty Naziesque.
December 31, 2015 @ 12:11 pm
Off topic but interesting.
Swedish Culture Minister and evil psychopathic filth is seen eating a gollywog cake whilst she appears to be demonically possessed. She is surrounded by senior civil servants and government officials in Sweden, seen chuckling and giggling at this bizarre cannibalistic ritual. This was some kind of protest against female genitalia. Why was the woman’s face a racial stereotype of a black person??
State Sanctioned Psychosis
Thomas Sheridan
fuck the state
December 31, 2015 @ 1:13 pm
If I am not mistaken, I do believe that Roydon James Jones and Jane Russell have been very persistent in their efforts to undermine the work and investigations carried out by Exaro, whether Exaro are aware of that or not.
I wonder why they would be so keen to pursue such a line of attack?
fuck the state
December 31, 2015 @ 1:46 pm
I think I did say somewhere that I have not even looked at anything either of them throw out for quite a while, and this is precisely because I know for an absolute fact that everything I have stated is totally true.
Aww!!! Running to the authorities making up death threats to yourself when you, Boyce and Simplekins have all threatened me on numerous occasions and you have also done it as Shillby..
Your pals in The KFM on the payroll too? Hahaha.
December 31, 2015 @ 1:51 pm
I presume the battery tester is still using the google + account, but I’m not interested in anything that toxic. As for the outdoorbog, it shows up on one pc I use as being blocked as a “Malicious Web site.” LMAO, somebody nailed that!
fuck the state
December 31, 2015 @ 4:55 pm
I see she is calling you anti-smeetic in a comment that I have left for you to look at. Hahahaha.
fuck the state
December 31, 2015 @ 5:03 pm
I have an i.q of 58, is that good? I feel really smart some days. I must be pushing up towards 59 when I feel like that.
December 31, 2015 @ 6:03 pm
Stop showing off, lol. It ain’t big and it ain’t clever…sorry, that’s Jones! I was always proud of how hard I could head a football, but I’ve been scared to mention it, just in case plod come and take my head into custody. ?
December 31, 2015 @ 5:50 pm
Yeah and homophobic, transphobic & racist too, lol. All of which are easily disproved. I’ve got Palestinian friends so I’m not really anti-semitic either. Good and bad people of every creed colour & sexuality etc, but our midget brained troll (or maybe its a minion) likes to stick labels on people. Probably as a result of being diagnosed by shrinks itself. Sounds a wee bit insecure too. Logic doesn’t exist in that particular persona either or it would have noticed that I don’t claim to write the info, simply find it. How many times do I have to type that before it sinks in, lol. I’ve never claimed to be an academic, but given the opposition, I can understand how it sometimes appears. I was always a physical creature that enjoyed reading. Bless him, it must be hell being small, weak and deranged. There’s always somebody bigger, better, brighter and richer, and I can live with that…but it ain’t our troll…is it Jism?
fuck the state
January 1, 2016 @ 2:23 am
Old Git is probably jealous and so the Jism is trying to knock you down a peg so as to make it look like he has a sharp researcher.
December 31, 2015 @ 3:17 pm
It’s easy for posters like Dogman to lie and defame the dead, rest assured in their ‘knowledge’ that these people can’t hit back. I know for a fact that your hurtful words about our departed are untrue and it is my opinion Dogman that you are nothing but a fraud; a liar and a coward. Shame on you.
December 31, 2015 @ 3:45 pm
You really are a fuckin’ simpleton aren’t you! There is a small clue when I mention that something is from the forum, or when I include the link to the original source, lol. Your comment makes no sense in this context, but your ego & hate won’t permit you to see it.
You really need to get a grip on how the internet works pal. It’s like a library of books, full of information researched by somebody else. When you read a story to your little kids (if you did you self-obsessed twat) did you claim that you wrote it?
(“It’s life Jism, but not as you know it” but I didn’t write that either, it’a a bastardised quote)
A bit of nostalgia from before I realised you were an insane little prick and sent you the occasional bit of info for your blog!
On 21 Sep 2013, at 14:35:
Cheers Jimmy, I’m not bothered by credits though mate. All about getting the info out there. I’ll keep digging around but I don’t have the time for the final presentation of it. Too busy digging for the next bit!
Was the pop about being a coward meant to be a physical challenge?
fuck the state
December 31, 2015 @ 4:58 pm
It thinks it is going to have success by trying to work its way through the gang, lol.
See how good it is as we delve deeper and deeper into its self-sent death threats.
December 31, 2015 @ 5:56 pm
Not surprised that you kept handing them their arses on facebook. I’m amazed at their persistence in taking you on, to be honest. At least they’ll have plenty of champagne left over from Chris’s Chelmsford trial to help see in the New Year, unless they quaffed it at Mithras. Maybe he’ll go out for a drink with all his friends, if they aren’t on duty tonight, that is. ?
fuck the state
December 31, 2015 @ 7:53 pm
hahaha..yeah, they were so looking forward to a celebration, weren’t they. They just did not expect it to be ours. looooooool
December 31, 2015 @ 5:37 pm
Yuck…No thanks guys! Like most females I wouldn’t want to touch either of you with a barge pole!!!
December 31, 2015 @ 6:07 pm
Still thinks its a female, lol. Nice to know it’s taken the trouble to do a poll though! Also, I apparently don’t contribute to the world in any meaningful, positive way, unlike the troll does of course! Double face palm moment
December 31, 2015 @ 6:12 pm
Changing the subject (feel like I’m a proctologist after all that with the troll), I would like to wish all the regulars a Happy New Year and also Happy Birthday to Chris for tomorrow. Lying git won’t admit to his real age but will admit to being celibate though…and good luck with that mucker ?
emm jay
December 31, 2015 @ 7:45 pm
Wishing a very Happy New Year to you too Dogman, all the mods, to Chris, to everyone in this much loved community and to temporarily absent friends … x
Happy birthday Chris x
December 31, 2015 @ 9:07 pm
Thank you emm jay. Take care xx
fuck the state
December 31, 2015 @ 7:55 pm
Yeah, Jimmy is all woman….for sure!!!! Ain’t that right, Jislet.
December 31, 2015 @ 11:11 pm
Troll is too fuckin’ stupid to understand why I mentioned Palestinians in the context of answering the accusations of anti-semitism. How do you deal with people too stupid to understand the point I was making. How does a person running interference for establishment paedophiles think they can claim the moral high ground. This is Chris’s site, not the Outdoorbog and they have nothing better to do than keep typing their inane nonsense on New Year’s Eve. Sad little person! To quote the sad cunt, “Someone comfortable with their own masculinity does not feel the need to be transphobic, sexist and misogynistic.” Oh you nailed me there didn’t you, lmao. Assclown just keeps proving their ignorance.
December 31, 2015 @ 6:07 pm
Looks like you are being misrepresented once again Dogman. Perhaps you need to read it “An Idiots Guide to the Internet”. That should help with the brain deficit and inability to process basic information. Then again Dogman, don’t waste your time. I am sure Karma will restore the balance.
Information that you post always comes from well researched sources. If the Lilliputian can’t accept the truth – tough!
Isn’t harassment illegal? As well as wasting precious police time by lying to them about self-instigated death threats.
Understanding the UK harassment law!
According to ww, harassment is an unwelcome behaviour ranging from physical violence to unpleasant remarks. Harassment encompasses racial, psychological, physical, and sexual abuse. Such actions may be a bit tricky to define as acts of crime. However, under some topics of law, they can be proven. Family law, employment law, and other areas sufficiently cover harassment and can give victims grounds for making a formal complaint. Learn about the UK Harassment Law.
December 31, 2015 @ 6:15 pm
Thanks for that Karianne, especially as I’m supposedly racist, lol (work that out jism)
Happy New Year lovely lady xx
December 31, 2015 @ 6:29 pm
You’re welcome Dogman! Happy New Year to you too and Lisa. xx
December 31, 2015 @ 3:41 pm
A picture says so much,the real terroists in plain sight ,supported by our western governments.
December 31, 2015 @ 6:23 pm
Just been reading that the earth might be flat and feeling a bit perturbed. If this is the case, how do the teams cross the Pacific on the sixth leg of the global yacht race? I followed a yachtsman in a BT Global team which completed the race when I worked for a local newspaper. Any observations would be gratefully received….Happy New Year!
Charity Case
December 31, 2015 @ 7:58 pm
I wonder why the planet does not tip over twice a day with the trillions of tons in tidal weight on a flat disc?
December 31, 2015 @ 11:13 pm
This is as good a link as any , plus the north and south poles are a pretty good clue, transatlantic flights for another..h ttp://
January 1, 2016 @ 1:55 am
Thanks Bella, I shall have a good read of the link which will hopefully dispel the flat earth theory which seems highly improbable.
Jock Strapp
January 1, 2016 @ 2:41 pm
This nicely sums up the NWO Control agenda on the flat earth society story, curtsy of the Vatican’t …
At the Edge of Nevermore
https://w (10.35 Min)
And for those who use particular words, know this…
WORDS have and are VIBRATIONS. Those words coming from MSM are also signposts to the Enlightened ones, to not fall into their trap. It is about the shysters telegraphing the NWO agenda’s to circumvent the First Cosmic Principle …NON-interference with FREE-WILL (yours), and/or, they are telling you what they are doing. The none-the-wiser ones (you/me), jump on their bandwagon and their trap is sprung!
Why else do they do all this carry on with MSM/Hollywood/BBC/TV/etc? Because they CANNOT do it without your CONsent. Your CONtribution is essential. They truly need you. But more importantly, they need your MIND (Mined) as change cannot happen without it. Thought is EVERYTHING. (Beginning and End = Alpha & Omega)
… http://v
This is also why the shysters use paid for TROLLS.
Any DECENT person never whinges, or reports to the POL-ice, or does anything to create disharmony, lampooning, or interfering with another’s FREE-WILL. If this happens, it is a tell-tale sign of a TROLL, or a USURPER, attempting to CONtrol you.
It is one more layer of the elite’s assumed protective ring to keep you down, for you to be subservient. What is worse, you are doing it to yourself by playing their game …it makes the shysters job so much easier …can you see this?
Life is a GAME. Play your own, not another’s!
Here is some more derivation on words …
CONtroL = con-troll = a CON and a TROLL in one spurt of drivel (self explanatory, in your face) …and whilst you use words without much forethought, it is, the sealing of your own destiny (self-enslavement).
And as for words and the particularly the word “law”, or “written law”, apart from it “Being an Ass” (Mark Twain), it is a “wall”. It is a “barrier” (BARrier = The Bar = Temple Bar = The Crown = usurpers) to you, or anyone progressing (vibration raising).
The shysters REVERSE word spelling. (see this is a “Spell” = spelling = casting a spell) think of Hollywood Movies, MK Ultra, M Cyrus, even the name of a Producer …Aaron Spelling.
Thus, “At Law”, or, “The Law” = Law = wal = wall = a block to your progress to be FREE ( in more ways than one).
They are always telling you what they are doing …it is all planned to subvert your FREE-WILL. So easily done.
That is why they invert the Pentogram = Pentagon and so on. They reverse it from god to dog, everything that is wholesome is reversed/inverted.
Do you UNDER-Stand? Or, more legaleselly correct …Do you STAND UNDER (me)?
Yes? …Boof! …it is good-night nurse from me and from him!
Their (English) language CONstruct and its use is all one big CON! (Construct = Destruct)
So watch what comes out of your mouth, for that is what defiles you! A self-imposed prison, it can be done so easily, if you are not alert!
So be alert! …Your country needs lerts!
Check these short posts to get a bit more insight of the gist of what I AM on about …
BE ye the Master!
December 31, 2015 @ 7:00 pm
BREAKING NEWS: Massive fire rips through 63-storey Dubai hotel close to where the city is about to hold its New Year celebrations
I predicted there would be an attack in Dubai – Remember Lynda Bellingham’s husband and the oxo cube decorations which he hung from the Christmas tree in his Dubai hotel last year?
December 31, 2015 @ 10:18 pm
And yet it’s still standing…?
fuck the state
December 31, 2015 @ 8:30 pm
One of my all-time fave films is on the T.V. – Operation Daybreak. It is about brave men battling tyranny and oppression and those who impose their authority by force, just like we have here at this time, but it is so refined that millions of idiots cannot even begin to see it.
The men are betrayed by a former accomplice, who is a rat and a coward, and yet he was still so much more than the likes of James Roydon Jones. Yes, you are so low it is almost inconceivable. Even Karel Čurda was more than you could ever dream of being in any fight – you no-mark.
December 31, 2015 @ 11:14 pm
Happy New Year All, especially Chris and family.
http: //
question everything 1
December 31, 2015 @ 11:15 pm
May Chris and his family, all the mods and their partners/families, all readers of this site have a very peaceful NEW YEAR. All the best for 2016.
Trish xxx
December 31, 2015 @ 11:37 pm
Thanks Trish and likewise to you and Ebony xx
January 1, 2016 @ 12:29 am
Happy New Year to Chris,his team and all readers of the site.
Here’s to a peaceful 2016 ?
January 1, 2016 @ 12:00 am
You hurt me too deeply Dogman.
Charity Case
January 1, 2016 @ 12:11 am
Not deeply enough, you infidel.
January 1, 2016 @ 12:23 am
Your comment has been reported to the police.
January 1, 2016 @ 12:28 am
Fuckin’ drama queen! Grow up child.
fuck the state
January 1, 2016 @ 1:39 am
You would think they would give up considering everyone knows he is a major Grass and Disinfo merchant… is ok that they try to hide it, as their actions when under pressure really do show what they are, and that all of their bullshit is a front….Trust me, I know!!!!!
January 1, 2016 @ 10:51 am
Can we quit feeding the troll please, he’s a police informer who will stop at nothing to get everybody in trouble.
Your comments will be trashed so go somewhere else and pretend to be important.
January 1, 2016 @ 11:24 am
I love the fact that somebody from a site blocked for “Malicious content” has the neck to call this a hate site. Its an idiot and you can see that it lives in a fantasy world from the inane twisted view it has of everybody else whilst they run interference for the establishment paedo protectors.
I allowed our troll to expose itself just to keep comments rolling along as I knew Chris won’t be able to do any for a few days, and to be fair the idiocy expressed was what I was hoping for.
January 1, 2016 @ 12:40 pm
Well yes to be fair that worked well but remember he’s a snake who fabricates evidence and works with the police to get revenge on people who show him up as the bullshit artist that he is.
January 1, 2016 @ 1:04 pm
Yes, but he can’t fabricate our responses and that is why I haven’t posted his threatening comments. He has used various jewish sock puppet accounts (boyos of the IDF, Krav Maga etc) and created an obscure blog that encouraged people to take me down a peg or 3 and supplied a pic (without my permission) of me to make it easier for those that fancied having a go. As I’m a man approaching his 61st birthday, is he perhaps trying to intimidate me by making threats of physical violence? Is he perhaps harassing me? I can ignore it up to a point, but in light of his fabricating evidence against our colleague, I have to give consideration as to whether to pass it into the hands of the authorities. His old comments posted on the site included death threats. Maybe he has forgotten that.
fuck the state
January 1, 2016 @ 9:24 pm
He forgets a lot, mate…. also there is another old saying and it is something along the lines of – if you are going to tell lies make sure you have a good memory.
Sadly for that bipolar-fantasist-gobshite, he is as thick as the shit of the pigs who have been hanging on his every manufactured word.
question everything 1
January 1, 2016 @ 3:16 pm
N J G….WHY don’t you fucking grow up? you are a disgusting vile trouble maker, leave this site and especially Dogman alone, you are not worthy to kiss his feet.
Have you nothing else better to do with your sad pathetic life?…. well go speak up for abused children/ animals etc, then you may die knowing you actually contributed to some worthy cause here on this hellhole we call earth…. than just being a poor excuse for a ‘human’.
January 1, 2016 @ 12:34 am
It is every responsible person’s duty to report all religious fundamentalist terrorist threats to members of vulnerable minority groups.
Charity Case
January 1, 2016 @ 2:12 am
Cool, go and report Isisrael.
January 1, 2016 @ 3:00 am
Hey wobble head aka NJG stop sending racist comments to this site , you will be hearing from Tiscali very soon , as all your postings we have held back have been sent to them , they I am sure will suspend your account within two weeks , have a nice 2016 in Hengoed and with finding another ISP , , POA , Legal Advisor to Tittsworth & Grabbe and Goodnight.
January 2, 2016 @ 8:21 pm
Hi Wolfie-Had exactly the same comment on my pc to which i couldn’t gain access to the fb page.As didn’t have time to correct it immediately so had to put it right when i had the time. TC Louise xx Message to NJG-go and spit your poison elsewhere you degenerated little turd swiller…
January 1, 2016 @ 4:24 pm
It is every responsible person’s right to to say fuck off to malignant narcissistic filth with an emotional age of 3. The only living threat to any group is you.
January 2, 2016 @ 8:04 pm
Yeah, us agnostic fundamentalists are a real menace to small deluded trolls! Death by internet is a worrying feature of modern society. Meanwhile back on planet Earth, most of us are irritated by the continuing protection of paedophiles.
January 1, 2016 @ 2:46 am
Happy new year and a happy birthday to Chris,
Happy new year to you lot (but not to them lot, like)!
January 1, 2016 @ 9:48 am
Just seen a posting from Stacey on FB – Chris is in hospital????
January 1, 2016 @ 10:37 am
Chris has been taken into hospital with an very bad infection in his hand, he’s undergone an operation and is staying in for observation with the possibility of another operation. Someone will be with Chris, Stacey & Clayton.
When we get more information we will pass it on.
January 1, 2016 @ 11:30 am
I chatted to Stacey a couple of times yesterday and again today, when she said that she was that desperate for a lift to see her Dad that she’d put it out on facebook, so Chris’s instructions to keep schtum went out the window. She’s managed to organise a lift today, but needs lifts for the next couple of days, so if anybody local can help out, it would be greatly appreciated. My shift pattern and distance makes it impossible for me to get there. She’s got friends keeping her company but they don’t drive unfortunately.
Lisa Pea
January 1, 2016 @ 12:21 pm
I’m not sure who to feel the most sorry for, Chris or the nurses ? . Ive just put another shout out for lifts, hopefully there is a trusty regular from that area, that can help. My car is a pile of shite at the moment and struggles with 10 miles let alone 150, else I would be down there ? x
January 1, 2016 @ 12:49 pm
I thought that would be the case but seeing as everybody knows i thought it best to set the record straight before more fake death stories started circulating.
Our trolls will stoop to any level to cause pain to our friends and family.
January 1, 2016 @ 9:57 am
I understand Chris is in Hospital. My thought go to him and his family.
Please make sure someone is there 24/7. (Nope I can’t be there sorry) can’t imagine how paranoid I’d be in his shoes right now.
January 1, 2016 @ 11:30 am
Hope all is well with Chris thoughts with you and family get well soon.Happy new year to all here.
question everything 1
January 1, 2016 @ 11:41 am
Chris, hope you soon get your hand sorted. T C Trish xxx
January 1, 2016 @ 1:52 pm
Get well soon Chris, Poor sod on his birthday too. This sucks. Unfortunately I’m 100’s miles away from Chris’s family or we would certainly help. Not a great way to start the year. Much love to his family. Please some one close look out for Stacey and Clay.
January 1, 2016 @ 4:17 pm
To Chris make a speedy recovery and look after yourself warrior and may Stacey and Clayton stay strong wishing you all a healthy 2016 with love xx
January 1, 2016 @ 4:21 pm
Get well soon Chris. tc Karianne xxx
January 1, 2016 @ 4:23 pm
Wishing a peaceful and happy 2016 filled with love to everyone on this site and a big THANKYOU to all the mods who help keep it going for Chris TC Louise xx
January 1, 2016 @ 4:26 pm
So, tell me this, has Stacey got lifts to n from the hospital? only really worth commenting if you are actually offering your services, as opposed to saying you can’t due to a,b,or c reasons.
January 1, 2016 @ 4:50 pm
I’ve had an email from a lovely lady that has offered Stacey a lift tomorrow, so I think it’s Sunday that is the problem.
January 1, 2016 @ 4:54 pm
Nope, “…a lovely lady who has offered…”, Dogman not “that has offered” as that’s bad grammar.
Charity Case
January 1, 2016 @ 6:02 pm
So, you’re a grammar monkey as well?
January 2, 2016 @ 12:13 am
Actually, the only person on here whose spelling and grammar is of a cut above the average on here is Curious Girl. Fair play, I can’t say I agree with much of what she writes either, but she is obviously much better educated than the rest of you.
January 2, 2016 @ 4:04 pm
“Actually, the only person on here whose spelling and grammar is of a cut above the average on here is Curious Girl.” Hmm…not your best work, especially since you enjoy being pedantic on here ?
January 2, 2016 @ 6:05 pm
Misuse of ‘either’, I’m afraid.
[adverb, with negative] Used to indicate a similarity or link with a statement just made, eg:
‘You don’t like him, do you? I don’t either.’
‘It won’t do any harm, but won’t really help either.’
January 2, 2016 @ 6:20 pm
NJG – Can’t you see that Dogman is playing with you, just like a cat plays with an unfortunate mouse? The odds are not in your favour in this game.
prodigal denial
January 1, 2016 @ 7:48 pm
It’s obvious that that that, that that that refers to is a pronoun.
Must have taken a room full of tossers to find that one?
(I claim the record for sequential thats on a message)
get well Chris
January 1, 2016 @ 8:08 pm
Well, ain’t you the bollocks! Nice of you to take such an interest in this “hate site.” We do hate people that run interference for paedophiles as well as the paedophiles themselves. Not quite sure why you think you have the moral highground. Do you get paid monthly? Do you feel responsible for the upset you cause to vulnerable people?
fuck the state
January 1, 2016 @ 9:06 pm
Yeah mate, that is a fact that that is the bottom line on that one and of that there is no doubt. Paedo protectors, all the fucking way…and that is above all else that they try to present.
January 1, 2016 @ 8:39 pm
I think you are getting confused between defining and non-defining relative clauses.
‘I’ve had an email from a lovely lady that has offered Stacey a lift tomorrow, so I think it’s Sunday that is the problem.’
The above is an example of a defining relative clause which gives essential information about the noun or noun phrase it modifies. In defining relative clauses, ‘who’ OR ‘that’ may be used as the relative pronoun when talking about people.
A non-defining relative clause, on the other hand, provides EXTRA information which is not essential to understanding the meaning of the sentence. Correct punctuation is essential in non-defining relative clauses. If the non-defining relative clause occurs in the middle of a sentence, a comma is put before the relative pronoun and at the end of the clause. If the non-defining relative clause occurs at the end of a sentence, a comma is put before the relative pronoun.
In non-defining clauses, you CANNOT use ‘that’ instead of ‘who’, ‘whom’ or ‘which’.
Hope this helps. Happy New Year.
Charity Case
January 1, 2016 @ 9:11 pm
That will be nice for her/it.
January 1, 2016 @ 9:35 pm
Hi CG, thanks for smacking the trolls arse, lol. I would think that whoever writes the outdoorbog for Jism, now realises that you’ve got them outgunned, lol.
I wish you a very Happy New Year.
Take care lovely lady,
January 1, 2016 @ 9:55 pm
“I’m not the smartest fellow in the world, but I can sure pick smart colleagues.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Something that you might want to consider NJG, providing the budget covers it. It works for me ?
Paul White
January 1, 2016 @ 6:58 pm
Hi Dogman – I can manage to take Stacey on Mon/Tues. Paul
January 1, 2016 @ 8:00 pm
Brilliant Paul, Thanks very much, I’ll pass that info on to Stacey, although I know Chris will be trying hard to get out on Monday. I will email you so that we can sort out the details.
Happy New Year fella.
January 1, 2016 @ 4:55 pm
Political Correctness, as well as being a very effective tool of mass-control via thought police was invented to stifle any dissenting opinion against the biggest Holy Cows of the western powers, the mainstream narrative fed to us about the World Wars. Behind all the cry babies who go running to the very authorities who control us by pitting us against each other via labels, hides history itself which is one of the biggest things being protected by Political Correctness, the West must always be seen to be the good guys even thought the same agenda continues to this very day, hegemony via the military arm of the British home base, the US. Mass immigration and minority groups serve many purposes. Firstly, they can hide behind minorities as they use them as political footballs, to be demonised instead of attention focusing on them and a diversion from the big questions.
Secondly it continues the colonial Empire which history dictates was lost and no longer exists. They realised they couldn’t continue by force, so why not integrate them instead with smiles but then stab minorities in the back, you only have to look at employment prospects and prison stats for minorities. They use psychology to divide. They do this by creating labels rather than seeing “other “people as equal humans, the more labels, the better to divide and rule, pretending to protect minorities to the resentment/expense of the majority and thus pit us all against each other. This however is back door colonialism and the hegemonic ambitions continues today, sometimes using force by bombing non-compliant countries who refuse to bow down/threaten their fake debt slavery system, as well as “soft” methods such as the duplicitous mass immigration agenda (colonialism with a smile)
They paint a very black and white picture of being holier than thou and if the official narrative of history was ever challenged then they would be exposed for the monsters they truly are and the insidious way they oppress every one of us, but political correctness ensures their protection as we are left to live like cry babies with ever more increasing lists of labels/groups for ever more excuses for sanctions/fear attacking each other whilst way, way behind all this, their version of history is protected so that they can continue their crimes against humanity, i.e. demonise any non-compliant leader of a country who refuses to act as a puppet of their fraudulent banking system based on debt we’re all enslaved to and then go in and destroy those lands and then install their assets who plunder the ordinary people, either by stealing resources (a la Cecil Rhodes in Africa) or installing their banks and western institutions of control. Hence why many rich people seem to be involved in philanthropy.
fuck the state
January 1, 2016 @ 5:59 pm
I was just wondering who an educated Chief Constable would hate the most; people like us who are rather effective at pointing out discrepancies in a wide variety of circumstances, or some of my fucking idiotic officers who bring the force into disrepute with their diabolical attempts at being Columbo, which then serve to allow the likes of myself to tell them exactly what they are and what they represent in such an authoritative manner due to the fact that what is stated is the absolute truth?
Personally, I would be fucking fuming at the levels of incompetence displayed; not to mention the callous and very unprofessional lack of reasoning that is actually an underlying feature that exacerbates those highly visible levels of incompetence.
Get well soon, Chris.
January 1, 2016 @ 6:17 pm
Get well soon Chris. I’m sorry you are in hospital, My brother-in-law like you have diabetes So I know How Likely It is for foot and hand infections, I wish you a speedy recovery from your operation And from the infection
emm jay
January 1, 2016 @ 6:52 pm
What a shame Chris, sorry to hear this and I’ll bet you’ve been feeling rotten for a while with that infection … and yet, you still ‘get on with it’ and get an article out, when you must’ve been feeling rough. Hope you’re feeling much better now … and that the hospital stay is a short one. Looking forward to hearing that you’re feeling much better really soon … love and light xx
Glen C
January 1, 2016 @ 7:07 pm
Happy New Year Chris, Stacey, Clayton, all the mods and all the regulars. Lets hope 2016 sees some lamp posts swinging under the weight of those who have stolen our country and planet.
Many Happy Returns of the Day Chris and get well soon. Big hugs to you and the family. xx
January 1, 2016 @ 9:00 pm
Dear Mr. Spivey, I hope you get well soon. All the best to you and your family.
January 1, 2016 @ 9:40 pm
Thanks for that aardwolfx. I’m inclined to think that the nursing staff are wishing it too, as I do believe that our friend isn’t the happiest bunny at the moment. What a way to spend your 38th birthday! Yeah, we all know he isn’t 38, but it’s an age he’s quite fond of and has been for years, so my source informs me.
Happy New Year
January 2, 2016 @ 8:06 am
Happy new year to all; wishing love, gratitude and personal growth. Good recovery for Chris and hopefully he, Stacey and Clayton can catch up soon celebrating his 38th (!) birthday..!
prodigal denial
January 1, 2016 @ 10:12 pm
DM, mods, Chris and families. I just want to wish you everything good this year. Your tireless work and research are starting to get noticed in many areas. My heartfelt thanks for making a difference, for the generations to follow.
January 1, 2016 @ 10:32 pm
That’s a cracking compliment, prodigal denial. On behalf of Chris and the rest of us behind the scenes, I’d like to say a huge thank you to yourself, and all the other people that post on here. We are the sum of our parts and everybody has something to offer, even the trolls, because they inadvertently underline the reason we do this, and especially all of you that contribute and support us.
January 2, 2016 @ 1:04 am
Hi All,
Best wishes and a happy new year – get well soon Chris.
Some interesting links to above :-
BAR – British Accredited Registry
h ttp://
ht tp://
Wikipedia instead of listing and showing any “disclaims” to above, actually need it removed from discussion!!!
Missing 13th amendment :-
h ttp://
So “Britain” still rules the “USA” ???
fuck the state
January 2, 2016 @ 1:38 am
For my fans who like to present authority as the truth rather than the truth as authority.
January 2, 2016 @ 2:21 am
Happy new year Dog !
Sorry about the other night I was a bit cranky and Raine’s comment struck a cord with me, I’m sure Chris is doing what he can.
Happy new year to all the empaths life sure ain’t easy xx
January 2, 2016 @ 2:47 am
Hi Kylie,
No worries lovely, I couldn’t disclose what was going on, although its true that Chris has got a couple of big articles pending and when he finds new info he has to re-arrange things to fit it in, so it becomes very time consuming. That’s one of the reasons that I passed a few troll comments, as it helps to keep things rolling along. Plus I like watching the idiot tie itself up in knots with idiotic comments, lol.
I hope you’ve had a great festive season and that everything is fine down under. Behave, you know what I meant. ? Have they been messing with the weather?
Take care xx
No Consent
January 2, 2016 @ 4:02 am
Happy New Year to everyone. I hope everyone had a good first day of 2016 – I know Chris perhaps, did not, but love and sympathy to him and I hope things improve rapidly. I had a great day – one thing I did was attend a book club where the book under discussion was Edward Abbey’s ‘Desert Solitaire – A Season in the Wilderness’. Non Fiction. The book is set in Utah and the author describes his time as a park ranger in Arches National Monument near Moab. He describes the desert in poetic detail, however, the surprise of this book, published in 1968, is that this guy knew exactly what was going on, plan wise for the world and he lists the 8 steps necessary to impose a dictatorial regime upon the American people.
One of the book club participants raised this topic at the meeting and the subject was quickly changed. The organiser had, I believe, chosen the book because it was about the desert and a park ranger. There was no hint on the book cover or inside flap about the author’s revolutionary ideas on politics, which were displayed throughout the book. The organiser described the author as ‘having strong views’. If I had come across this book before Sept. 2001 I am not sure what I would have made of it. But now ……
Change of topic – Homelessness in the UK. I’m sure everyone on here knows what is happening with the benefits system and it’s deliberate policy to create homelessness. I have been asking myself these last few days – are the floods another way of achieving homelessness for a great many people? We all know the weather can be manipulated, so….. The vast numbers of people who have had their houses flooded will all need somewhere to live as their own home will not be habitable for months, in fact, due to the vast numbers, the insurance companies will take ages to assess, and builders, plasterers, electricians, etc. will be in demand, so it could be a long wait for some. There is a housing shortage anyway. So is it possible some of these people could end up homeless?
January 2, 2016 @ 5:58 am
I would like to add my wishes to everyone whom is dedicated to spreading the truth whilst keeping a moral semblance of humanity in this parody of fear and media sensationalisation that overshadows our everyday lives!
I probably not the only one who recognises that we need to raise our vibrational levels to a higher level of love energy to combat “the dark side”, current vernacular aside.
I feel 2016 will be much the same Orwellian, fear based attack on our senses and the powers that shouldn’t be know this is a struggle to stop the tide of increasing truth awareness that is positively evident-the bullshit has to stop!
Anyhow that’s my ramble out of the way and put into a data bank somewhere for posterity.
Peace, love and light to all and as the old adage goes; don’t let the bastards get you down. x
fuck the state
January 2, 2016 @ 12:09 pm
Hey, Jism Splat Jane Splat Russell!!! I was just wondering how you can scream how good the likes of Jimmy Savile and Ted Heath are whilst decrying the likes of Hampstead investigations or Maggie Tuttle, and then you report non-indecent images to your corrupt pals?
It would not be to allow you to try and fake enough evidence so as to make a malicious set of accusations would it, which in turn would allow the line of corruption to extend to applying for warrants with no basis apart from your say so?
Oh dear!!!
Anyway, the lad you tried to fuck over is back online now, and will be getting a good overview before he makes his mind up regarding what he should do. He has been more concerned about his mother, and had a few other family issues that needed sorting.
I am still trying to get some information from him with regards to the name of the corrupt officers and not just their collar numbers, and I would also like the name of the corrupt Justice of The Paedophiles.
Suffice to say, for your information and that of your very unlawful pals, that I do have some personal points of his for you and your nonce-protecting coppers.
It is fair to say that once or twice that lad has also found himself face to face with corrupt and idiotic people who are employed as police officers and as a result of standing his ground he did end up having a little spell behind bars. That being said, he has done more than his fair share of public spirited acts and has actually benefited a number of people in the real world and without being paid for it.
Yes Jism, you tell your pals that the lad you got fucked over was personally responsible for apprehending over half a dozen burglars by the time he was twenty. He received a letter of commendation from the police for this.
He also, saved a woman who was the victim of a hit and run by way of diverting traffic around her in the early hours of the morning, and was the only member of a large crowd to get the registration of the offending vehicle as it sped off.
He also prevented a motorcyclist from being killed after he came off his bike and slid into oncoming traffic by blocking both lanes of a dual carriage way with his own vehicle. And he also was the first to inform the authorities of what turned out to be a very large and severe blaze that devastated a very large and very well-known nightclub.
In addition to those things, he was regularly involved in altercations as part of his former job, by preventing gangs of yobs trying to intimidate normal members of the public and especially women with small children by thinking they ruled certain sectors of public transport with their pit-bull terriers. This was such a problem where he lived that it was a common occurrence and in fact, one day, himself and what turned out to be a female and off-duty police officer had to physically prevent a rather large group from gaining access to confined space on public transport with such intention.
Now, some of the things that made this person rather suitable for our common goals were that he experienced a number of serious injustices as a result of police stupidity over the last decade in particular. These ranged from events that personally concerned himself to those that he feels had a detrimental effect on other innocent or vulnerable people.
First of all, as part of his job he came across a dazed and confused young girl in one of the rough parts of town, again in the early hours of the morning. This girl was about twenty five years of age and had what appeared to be ejaculate all over her face and hair. She told him she could not remember what had gone on and needed help. As a result of this he flagged two police officers down in their vehicle and explained the situation to them, to which they replied: “Oh, she is probably just some pissed-up shag bag, and besides we are off for our refreshments, but you can take her home if you like.”
Then, he witnessed a mental patient armed with a very large knife, stab an innocent member of the public to death in broad daylight among hundreds of shoppers. He was not very impressed by the response of the police at all, and knew that it was not right for people to be unable to defend themselves. In addition to this, he was very confused by a later set of events where he witnessed the police shoot dead a man, who had not actually attacked anyone and although armed, the man was simply screaming at the police to fuck-off and leave him alone. What further confused him was that on a Panorama documentary concerning the shooting, it stated the police were using their Glock Pistols, when what he witnessed were two men at a range of about three metres, with a ten-foot wall as a solid backstop and who were armed with MP5 sub-machine guns.
Then to top it all, and what eventually saw him in prison was the fact that after having an incident with a wannabe gangster, the idiotic police then handed his personal details over, which subsequently led to several shots being fired at his home. Thus, he also armed himself with a variety of weapons for defence at the time.
Now, Jism Splat….when asked if he wanted to help and catch a notorious paedophile- protector who was responsible for attacking multiple victims of CSA and probably doing it with police backing, he was interested but required some convincing. A couple of little incentives and the fact that he was in the life position he was due to the police also costing him his job for issues not related to it at all, after his short spell away, made him eventually agree as long as it did not involve anything illegal.
Hence, once again, he has found himself in the position of confronting the authorities through their choice to be corrupt and trying to enforce their corruption which leads all the way back to yourself.
All he is guilty of is being willing to be used as a decoy, despite the fact he never really expected it to work.
So, thanks Jism….thanks for allowing the likes of myself and my colleagues to lure you and your pals in over such disgusting activities that are designed to harm the general public or those who have been in very a vulnerable position.
I mean, the Nan Goldin image is classified as non-indecent and has been since 2007. So, no basis for any warrant there, least of all one applied for 11 months after the supposed uploading of it. Which leads us to your self-sent death threat, which you know exactly where it came from, even if your silly pals are pretending they don’t. Yes, that’s right…so they thought they would do what??? Try and fake two faked criminal actions which have no connection to the person you eventually came for, but both of which lead exactly right back to your door at Bran Acrefair Wrexham as being a seedy and evil nonce-protector who causes trouble all over the internet as it appeals to your many mental problems and more specifically, your extreme narcissism.
I bet the police are so glad they have the likes of you grafting on their behalf. lol.
Do tell me officers, how come did you arrive at a single address for two supposed actions that have no connection? Take your time, as I do not mind waiting as long as it takes, because I already know the answers.
Cin Cin.
January 2, 2016 @ 1:10 pm
My heart goes out to all those affected by these floods in Britain and Ireland,so sad the devastation this has caused prayers with you all,also hope Chris is on the mend soon Happy new year all and light to all here.
lone knut
January 2, 2016 @ 7:03 pm
Neurons are precious. Why waste them.
January 2, 2016 @ 7:46 pm
I spoke to Stacey earlier this evening, and Chris will be home tomorrow. I’d like to thank the lovely Gill for helping Stacey and Clayton today and also Paul for his offer of a lift on Monday & Tuesday.
Likewise, as a racist, sexist misogynist, (face palm moment) I would like to express my gratitude to my friends CuriousGirl, Karianne and Trish for coming to my defence against our troll. I expect the irony of that goes over his head, but to be fair he is very short and I have to admit he was correct about CuriousGirl being much better educated than myself.
January 2, 2016 @ 8:36 pm
Hi Dogman-So glad to hear Chris is on the mend and recovering.Not had a good week myself with a bad toothache and swelling in the upper and lower least not been able to talk i suppose been giving some poor sod a rest from my gob..hahahahaha.Seriously though i took to many painkillers and at least they knocked me out for 2 days.Going to see a nhs dentist now next week as i’m getting a little poxed of with vinegar and sea salt mouth washes and the vile taste of poison which btw reminds me of our paedo palace royals and paedo parliament [i don’t use Capitals as they’re not worth it].Enough of me prattling on-hope you and yours have a peaceful 2016 filled with love TC Louise xx
January 2, 2016 @ 9:41 pm
Hi louise, Happy New Year. The following is from the forum:
If your toothache comes from an abscess or other infection, combine the use of
1) oil of oregano topically and internally;
2) colloidal silver topically, internally and for swishing; and
3) warm salt water for alternate swishing as follows:
1. Take several drops of oil of oregano under the tongue. Hold for a few minutes and then swish with lots of colloidal silver as frequently as once every hour.
2. Spit out the colloidal silver and then swallow additional colloidal silver (up to 8 ounces total in a day).
3. Gently rub some colloidal silver into the gum area around the tooth.
4. After a few minutes, rub oil of oregano onto the gum area.
5. In between the colloidal silver swishes also do a fairly vigorous warm salt water swish (preferably sea salt) and follow that up with more oil of oregano rubbed into the gums.
More natural remedies which can relieve and heal painful toothaches
1. Purchase some ginger root. Cut off a piece of the ginger root and remove the skin. Put the piece in your mouth on top of the painful tooth and bite down on it. The pain should subside very quickly. Keep the rest of the ginger in a container in the refrigerator and replace the piece in your mouth periodically as needed.
2. Relieve a throbbing tooth with clove essential oil (Syzygium aromaticum). The aromatic chemical in clove called eugenol numbs pain and kills bacteria. To apply the clove oil, soak a cotton ball or swab with the oil and use it to wipe on and around your sore gums and tooth. Repeat as needed.
3. Take one teaspoon of blackseed oil (Nigella sativa) and 1/2 cup of vinegar and boil. Cool and then use as a mouth rinse to reduce inflammation and infection. Rinse every couple of hours until the pain and/or swelling is gone.
4. For tooth abscess and infection, put two level teaspoons of salt in a cup. Pour a small amount of boiling water on the salt in a cup to dissolve it and then fill the cup with enough cool water to make the solution warm. Rinse your mouth slowly and well, using all the salt water. Repeat at least twice a day (the more often the better). If this does not work at first, try increasing the amount of salt.
5. Use a cold pack or other cold items to relieve pain. When you have a toothache, pressing something cold on the outside of your mouth can often give temporary relief, especially if you are having problems sleeping. If you don’t have a cold pack, no need to worry about ice that will melt in the middle of the night – simply grab anything from your fridge or freezer. You can use a jar of mustard, a bottle of water, you name it. If the container is frozen, cover with a wash cloth before placing on the skin. Note: Do not take a food item to bed which will spoil.
6. Supplements which may help clear infection and speed healing include olive leaf extract and bromelain.
January 3, 2016 @ 12:09 am
So now you’re a doctor already?!
Glen C
January 3, 2016 @ 1:23 am
Isn’t it strange how sometimes an accent can be detected in a comment……you let your (Welsh) guard down there boyo!
January 3, 2016 @ 1:26 am
Hmm…would it be easier for you if I translated what I wrote into hebrew or welsh? You see the forum is a separate part of the site where people are able to post comments on various topics. There is a Health section, believe it or not, which was why I wrote that “the following is from the forum.” You don’t really pay attention, do you? Is it because of medication?
The info was from the Dental Care topic.
There are many other topics including one on Mental Health, should you be interested.
In the Abuse section we have topics about:
Paedophiles & Rapists
Paedophile Networks
Protectors of Abusers (i’ll try and give you a mention)
We also have a section on Trolls & Disinfo
and Empaths, Sociopaths & Psychopaths
January 3, 2016 @ 1:50 pm
Thankyou so much Dogman much appreciated TC Louise xx
January 3, 2016 @ 2:39 pm
Hi Dogman-Had an inbox message from Tan Mei Ping who operates from South Korea against the dog meat trade.At the moment she has in her care a rescued dog with a tumour to which it’s eyes are swollen.All i could suggest for her to help this poor girl is to contact Ben on his facebook page to ask for further advice on cannabis oil. Poor baby- i hope she’ll find relief for her.Don’t know what you can suggest Dogman but no doubt it’ll be worthwhile information.Hope i’ve done the right thing….TC Louise xx
January 3, 2016 @ 3:41 pm
Hi louise, I will see what I can find a bit later on, I’ve got visitors at the moment. CBD oil is a fair shout for all manner of things though, but there are no guarantees, especially if the illness is too well entrenched.
Take care XX
January 3, 2016 @ 7:18 pm
Within the last few years, a holistic medicine called Neoplasene has shown extremely promising results in the fight against canine tumors.
Neoplasene is derived from bloodroot, a plant used by Native Americans. This medicine is delivered to the dog’s tumor through a salve (which is rubbed directly on the affected area), pills or injections.
According to Dr. Dressler, author of the Dog Cancer Survival Guide, “There are a variety of successes documented, especially with tumors of the skin like fiborsarcomas, mast cell tumors, mammary tumors, and others.”
Neoplasene works by attacking the cells of the tumor and killing them off. In the successful cases, the tumor turns into a scab and falls off. According to Dr. Elliot, a successful holistic veterinarian, “Many animals have been cured of cancer using Neoplasene without having to undergo surgery, chemotherapy or radiation.” Dr. Elliot’s success with Neoplasene has been documented in the New York Post, along with a story on the nightly news.
Neoplasene is strictly distributed to veterinarians and is not for use without the help and guidance of an educated holistic or traditional veterinarian.
The manufacturer’s website allows you to download PDF files to print and share with your veterinarian for discussion.
There are additional holistic medicines and treatments that are said to work well in the fight against canine tumors both cancerous and benign. None have the drastic results of Neoplasene, but they should still be discussed with a holistic veterinarian in your area.
January 3, 2016 @ 6:47 pm
She could also add Vitamin C in a high dosage until the dog has a bowel movement
” Vitamin C must be a vital component of every cancer treatment program.” Clinical Procedures in Treating Terminally Ill Cancer Patients with Vitamin C by Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.”
Also feed it brown rice and quality meat and vegetables. Fatty Acids for cellular repair like Flax Seed oil etc. Avoid white carbs as they convert to sugar. Cancer loves sugar.
January 3, 2016 @ 7:12 pm
If the lady can find a homeopath that would be ideal – I recommend her looking at Carbo Animalis and Thuja Occidentalis30c homeopathic remedies. They could apply the Thuja topically. Thuja shrinks tumors.
January 4, 2016 @ 4:54 pm
Thankyou so much Dogman and Karianne-I’ll gladly pass your information onto Tan Mei.At the moment though having awful problems with my fb page as it keeps ‘logging off’ for no reason.Think it’s that insidious little ‘turd swiller’ NJG sticking his conk in where it’s not wanted.I’ll keep persevering till hopefully the ‘turd swiller’s’ thrown out…. TC Louise xx PS Had to use another search engine to reach Chris’s site as can’t gain access through my fb page xx
January 3, 2016 @ 12:05 am
Not merely “better educated” than you Dogman, but Curious Girl has more natural genetic intelligence than you do. She should be running this blog because let’s face it you don’t have a clue, do you?
January 3, 2016 @ 1:04 am
Err…not sure how to break this to somebody of your intelligence, but I don’t run this blog.
Dogman is only one of the names involved in helping Chris maintain his site, which is called We don’t have ranks. You know what I mean by ranks don’t you. Police Constable, Sergeant, Inspector, Chief Inspector, Superintendent, & Chief Superintendent are all ranks, but we don’t use any of those and this site exists on donations from visitors.
I think it would be a bit unfair on a lovely lady such as CuriousGirl, if she had to deal with irritants such as yourself and various other sock puppets that roam around the internet trying to disrupt sites and running interference for paedophiles.
fuck the state
January 3, 2016 @ 3:08 am
It prefers colloidal lithium.
January 3, 2016 @ 3:24 am
Lithium Side Effects –
January 3, 2016 @ 1:16 am
Shut up poo face…….there that sorted that out!
January 3, 2016 @ 12:14 pm
NJG Go back to Is a Cunt it suits you better x
January 4, 2016 @ 2:59 pm
@njg if I wish to engage in discourse with an arsehole, I can sit on a mirror. You are redundant!
January 2, 2016 @ 10:34 pm
Just to say happy 40th b’day to Spivmaster and a speedy recovery. I won’t say happy new year as there’s not going to be a lot to be happy about. But good wishes to Dogman and the crew and everyone.
January 2, 2016 @ 10:46 pm
Thanks fishing, and it’s a few more than 40, lol. All the best for the future
January 3, 2016 @ 1:26 am
Worth a listen from Ken Livingstone,light and peace to all
January 3, 2016 @ 2:06 am
A great article from JH, he answers the question Spiv posed in his his masterpiece, ‘Welcome to the machine’, ‘Where has all the money gone?’
The victims in the flood war zone should be asking the same. There wouldn’t have been this much damage had the funding been there. Finland is proposing to give everyone of its citizens E600 a month whilst the sickos who have hijacked the UK are suiciding its citizens through benefit sanctions and forcing many on food banks. At the same time the asset stripping continues through privatization on which no taxes are going to be paid, the NHS now in the cross-hairs. One of the first things Scamoron did in his first term was give huge welfare to the corporations by cutting the corp tax from about 27% to 17%, not that the blood suckers pay any anyway. Just saw another headline of massive tax fraud by some big American corporations, between them not even paying 0.5% tax on their billions in revenue in the UK. Same is true of the City of London, AKA Second Babylon, living off the welfare from the taxes from the poor. The City of London Police fraud investigations have dropped by a third due to funding cuts.
There was nothing British about the ‘British’ Empire. It was a City of London Empire and was precisely brought down when its mission was done with with the NWO a step closer, and the founding of Israel, remarkable timing. And the money printers shifted their capital to Wall St, the Third Babylon. The name United Kingdom comes from the last ‘united kingdom’ of Israel under King Solomon when Babylon (and black magic and demon worship) was at its peak, and whose unofficial anthem just happens to be Jerusalem. 2017 is going to be 100 year anniversary of the capture of Jerusalem, the future capital of one world government but is going to instead represent the original Babylon for the satanic elite. At precisely the 50th anniversary in 1967 Israel nearly doubled in size, the event giving rise to a new monetary system, the petrodollar.
The current crash in oil price is a big red flag pointing to being suspiciously and intentionally depressed in order to stock up. So expect huge events to break out like the collapse of the petrodollar system to make way for the mark of the beast. Spiv has hinted WW3 and the setup couldn’t be more perfect than the Russia/Syria situation.
January 3, 2016 @ 2:31 am
Even within the satanic culture of the Phoenicians and Ugarit there existed extremists. One such cult were the Priests of Shalim who openly worshipped death as a deity in itself. Whereas human sacrifice in many ceremonies such as to Ba’al Hammon, Cybele the Phrygian goddess were part of ancient rituals for rebirth and renewal, evidence of this extreme cult suggests they worshipped the coming of a world apocalypse and rejoiced at death, misery and destruction.
Sometime around 1590 to 1550 BCE these cult priests and their followers were banished from Ugarit and founded a new city they called Urshalim (Jerusalem) meaning the “City of the dead/dusk” or simply “City of Death”.
By 1350 BCE to 1400 BCE, Urshalim became known as a small military garrison Urušalimum of the Egyptian Empire that controlled the region at the time. Contrary to historic disinformation, the Egyptians were traditionally superstitious themselves and obsessed in death rituals (although not the worship of death as a deity as the priests of Shalim/Salem). It is almost certain they co-existed during this period without major incident.
During this period, the site almost certainly had a mainly military and priestly population of less than 1,000 to 3,000.
In 1337 BCE Egypt was in complete turmoil as tens of thousands began dying from the plague. Pharaoh Akhenaten (upon which the Biblical figure is based) arranged a historic move by ordering his army and commanded Paatenemheb (Horemheb) to firstly identify houses of plague victims by painting the doors of infected houses and then to remove the plague victims at night over a space of a few days so as not to create panic or riots.
In an unprecedented move that changed the course of history, Pharaoh Akhenaten chose to accompany the plague victims into the Sinai — possibly because he had also contracted the plague in a mild form -as legends say the Pharaoh wore a veil for the rest of his life to cover his face.
However, like the survivors of the 1st major recorded outbreak of Bubonic Plague in history, Pharaoh Akhenaten and several thousand survived. Today, we have genetic proof of the authenticity of both this plague event (the Bubonic Plague being dated to approximately the same period from the Nile River Rats) and the immunity of survivors (through the CCR5 receptor deformity found in a minority of population in Ireland, Europe and Asia that can trace their ancestry to this time).
By 1336 BCE Pharaoh Akhenaten temporarily made the garrison town of Urušalimum his capital bringing with him his regal sceptre (staff of Moses) and his royal Ark (Ark of the Covenant). All Hyksos Pharaohs carried as their royal standard an “Ark” at the front of their army as the living spirit of Amen-Ra. You can still see an authentic Ark of the Covenant today in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo of the son of Akhenaten- Tutankhamen.
Pharaoh Akhenaten left Urušalimum (Jerusalem) no later than 1323 BCE on account of his attack and capture of Ugarit, making it his new capital. However, history suggests he chose to keep his Ark and Royal sceptre at Urušalimum with a number of plague survivors who chose to settle down at this garrison fort, proclaiming it now a sacred place for the new monotheistic religion of Akhenaten. These unique plague survivors became known as the Israelites — an Egyptian term meaning “the unclean”.
The exiled Ugarit priests of the cult of Shalim (Salem/Shem) eventually took control over the followers of Akhenaten’s monotheism -largely by pretending to believe. However, history has shown these pioneering priests in pious duplicity never lost their devotion to the god of death, nor the worship of destruction, misery and praying for the end of the world.
Contrary to Biblical mythology, the 1st accurate recording of a King of Jerusalem is Jeroboam around 965 BCE who captured the city and created a united Kingdom.
High Priest Jeremiah of Yeb (Elephantine Island), author of the first books of the Bible took Princess Tamar Tephi, the Bethel Stone of Kings and the royal standard of Jerusalem (Red Lion Rampant on Yellow background) to the Cuilliaéan in Ireland no later than 593 BCE.
Priest-King Eochaid of the Cuilliaéan (Druids) married Tephi, adopted the standard of Jerusalem as the colours of the new Celtic Empire including the scriptures of Jeremiah. It is only through the Cuilliaéan that the Lion of Judah, the bloodline of Messiah Kings survived and returned to the Middle East six hundred years later.
Jerusalem has never recovered its standard. Today, it is correctly flown as the standard of Scotland and deliberately incorrectly in reverse by the Kingdom of England.
Source is
January 3, 2016 @ 2:36 am
Continuing from the same source as above:
1099 is regarded as one of the most awful years in the history of Jerusalem as the year in which the Crusaders of Roman Cult leader AntiPope Urban seized the city and slaughtered every living soul including Christians, Muslims, Jews and livestock. Over 90,000 innocent people were murdered in one of the most shocking bloodbaths in history by this satanic AntiPope.
In a telling contrast between the leaders of the parasitic Roman Cult and Muslim leaders of the time, when Muslim General Saladin recaptured Jerusalem in 1187, he forbid any massacres in revenge — instead returning the city to a site for peaceful pilgrimage for all Christians, Muslims and Jews.
In 1244, Jerusalem was sacked by the Khwarezmian Tatars, who decimated the city’s Christian population and drove out the Jews. The Khwarezmian Tatars were driven out by the Egyptians in 1247. From 1250-1517, Jerusalem was ruled by the Mamluks, during this period of time many clashes occurred between the Mamluks on one side and the crusaders and the Mongols on the other side. The area also suffered from many earthquakes and black plague.
In 1517, Jerusalem and environs fell to the Ottoman Turks, who generally remained in control until 1917.
January 3, 2016 @ 2:23 am
Whilst we have probably kind of known her and her friends for about 20 years..its only in the last year or so – that she has become my wife and I’s special friend.
She gave me via my wife tonight..the most wonderful Christmas Present Ever….(she was there tonight but too shy)
she keeps going back for tests – every few months/weeks or so
my wife and I were there as friends – and I licked her on the cheek – just like a blessing really.
Sure she had cancer – but it hasn’t come back.
If that ain’t going to make you smile…
She’s from Bristol. A good girl with this lovely west country accent.
January 3, 2016 @ 11:59 am
Thanks again Mr Hamer. If everything is exceptional, nothing is. My view is, the ‘City’ is difficult to underestimate, for all sorts of reasons. I’ll be using this article/comments as a bit of a text-book to investigate and do my thing. Maybe we could use ‘this’ to tag ‘who’: The City of London lot. Enemy on earth HQ. You’ve written what could be put on the side of the jar.
January 3, 2016 @ 12:31 pm
Fifty shades of Tony
Great news mate x
January 3, 2016 @ 12:34 pm
Good news about Chris get home safe mate there’s no place like home xx
Howard Crane
January 3, 2016 @ 12:53 pm
Bristol is a very Spooky place.
Dubai looked spooky on new years eve.
The hotel fire looked like………well you decide.
No fatalities.
Only the extreme edge balcony suites caught.
Witness in room next door to blazing balcony decides rather than evacuating he just had to get a photo for Sky News.
Other witness’ partner sees falling debris (floating I think she meant); witness looks out window to investigate and discovers the whole hotel is ablaze. No fire alarm sounded though and the sprinkler system either didn’t activate or was inadequate to stop the spread of the fire.
Were all the rooms that caught fire prep’ed before hand, as there sure was an awful lot of floating paper alight in the air that night in Dubai. Looked good though didn’t it? Which is exactly what it was supposed to.
I smell something and it’s not just the hangover of the smoke particles that still hang in the air…………….
Jus’ sayin :OP
January 3, 2016 @ 7:43 pm
agreed… the whole thing looked odd.
can’t quite put my finger on it… just gut feeling.
January 3, 2016 @ 3:01 pm
ht tp://
Because, there were no demolition explosives rigged before missiles were fired into it.
January 3, 2016 @ 5:03 pm
Good documentary never mentioned in the media wonder why???worth listening people,welcome back Chris looking forward to hearing more of your information in 2016.
fuck the state
January 3, 2016 @ 10:17 pm
I wonder how far up the chain of command, the policy of perverting the course of justice actually goes?
Monday, Monday looks good to me…..
January 3, 2016 @ 10:24 pm
ht tp://
Has anyone ever heard of the Samson option??? this is all new for me too,now i understand why the west are so subservient to the Israeli scum terrorist government, they are blackmailing all of the world with nuclear weapons, all makes sense to me now how evil this terroist demonic state is.
fuck the state
January 4, 2016 @ 7:50 pm
Hey Jism, is it all sinking into your very wobbly head?
Who are you going to keep trying to deny your actions to?
Not really going to work is it, not by a long way.
Anyway, I hear you have done an article on “preppers” as if you are one of them – well, the lad you sent the police to over your self-sent death threats is a prepper himself. Hence, he likes to be ready for any kind of Zombie Apocalypse or SHTF scenario. Sadly, not like your mate suggested in some middle-aged fantasist living with his old mum, as he took her to where they live now, so as to make sure he did not come into conflict with the police again, or anyone else given that the police wanted to try and do him the last time he walloped his old man in defence of his mum.
So, let’s just see…..You say you are not a plant or practitioner of disinformation, and then your pretend little pals try to agree with you, yes?
Do tell then, how come anyone at all came to be arrested because of a death threat you sent to yourself that you sent via proxy?
More specifically, how come the police went to an address over that and the Goldin image, which has never been classed as indecent and tried to join the two fake events, you know, in order to try and protect the state-sponsored grasses that are yourself and Jane?
Oh, and btw, don’t think this situation you have created is just like the police simply acting in an unbiased fashion like some altercation in the street and they are trying to get to the bottom of events, as it is far from it.
Trust me.
p.s. You do realise I filled in the blanks of the collar numbers on the actual letters, don’t you. So, have another go which is a bit easier: Officer 12**0. Just a hundred to one chance of you getting it right this time Jism, and that should be a piece of piss for a man of your supposed luck, hey!!!!
January 4, 2016 @ 8:09 pm
I do believe that the entity that calls itself NJG, has threatened to report this as a “hate site” although I’m not sure who we are supposed to be hating. I wonder where that idea came from…and why the stupid twisted creature still hasn’t bothered to deny running interference for establishment paedos.
fuck the state
January 4, 2016 @ 9:17 pm
Fuck them, as we all know what they are, and this is especially true of his fake pals Mike and Phil.
No need to say they have friends in GMP cos we know they acted on behalf of Jones himself who is a major grass and a liar.
This article has more comments on it than his last half dozen combined and that should therefore leave nobody in any doubt as to the insignificance of the stupid gimp.
I also notice they ain’t been too vocal lately with regards to this situation and that is probably as a result of feedback from their mates who do shitty jobs when they require. It really is the end of the line for Jones and his pals in the police as they have got nowhere else to go, as the facts are now out on display for all to see and they are that Jones/Russell reported the Goldin image to get the i.p address of where they thought the Goldin image came from, because they thought that was fuck the state. It is quite funny when you think about Jones mentioning prepping because that is the kind of equipment the lad bought with the money he was given to act as an incentive to catch a paedophile protector from Bran. Hahahaha. Oh dear!!!!
fuck the state
January 4, 2016 @ 9:39 pm
I also see they were alluding to the possibility of anything being on the lad’s computers rofl….He does not store any kind of stuff on his gear and least of all porn of any kind….Hey Jimmy, if your mates had bothered to contact his ISP they would know and would have known that already. So, let them stick to being shite at what they like to try and convince the public they do. OK.
They are parasites who waste public finances protecting paedophiles and paedophile protectors, like yourself.
The evidence of that is simply overwhelming.
So Jism, what do you think is so bad about the Goldin image, of which Elton has a whole collection of around 150 pictures, when you think Savile, Heath and Brittan et al. are all ok and nowhere near as bad as people think?
You sound a bit confused, Jism. Will that be some of your mental problems and multiple personalities coming to the fore? Yes, I do believe it could be the case.
January 4, 2016 @ 10:02 pm
I think he’s going thru the confused gender phase this week, lol. Either that or he’s accumulated a friend as mad and vindictive as he is. I think NJG must have enjoyed “There’s Something About Miriam.” People are free to indulge their own sexuality, but its supposed to be a private thing and the deranged online ranting of a pug ugly tranny seems to indicate that not everything is perfect in their world!
fuck the state
January 4, 2016 @ 11:13 pm
Sadly for the likes of him/her/it/that anything people may say about them could not be classed as libelous as it is largely true and based on much evidence, unlike the accusations Jism makes with regards to numerous other people.
fuck the state
January 4, 2016 @ 11:24 pm
P.S. If the police or the government do not like to hear some things that have been stated, then that is simply tough, as the truth does not need to fear anyone or anything, under any circumstances. If you think you are some representatives of authority or the face of morality, then I got news for you all, and it is that you are failing miserably.
The only people who can change that are yourselves. Do not expect people like myself to sit and take your abuses without letting you know in no uncertain terms.
But, I am sure you lot have probably gathered that already. We have no respect for your corrupt practices either from those who initiate them or those who seek to uphold them on a day to day basis.
Snooty bureaucracy does not constitute the desire to be righteous and correct, as well we all know.
fuck the state
January 5, 2016 @ 2:59 am
My guess is that they never went through the ISP as that would have required an escalation of events in order for it to be sanctioned. So, as there would be no basis for such an action based on no evidence at all, the corrupt officers either acted on intel from the corrupt ones who look after Jones or they actually did the Google Earth searching themselves. LOL…..Yeah, I reckon that neither operation ever even reached the rank of inspector for an overview and briefing.
January 5, 2016 @ 3:28 am
Trouble is mucker, they know that if they can get it into court, its a doddle to find a judge to give them the result that they want. There doesn’t seem to be any embarassment at how obvious fabrications are. I’ve read documents presented in state child stealing cases that defy logic and I’ve heard a judge misquote Chris, because either he wasn’t bright enough to recall exactly what was said, or he was lying for effect.
fuck the state
January 5, 2016 @ 10:43 am
Well, that may be true in certain situations, but in this one the writing is certainly on the wall for the Jism Splat.
His little web of lies and deceit as well as his very nasty and evil attempts to discredit others will find no success here, as all has been proven in these pages against him. It is already graphically displayed to be at the lowest common denominator, which is his deviancy. The problems for him now, are that he has dragged several major police forces into his activities through the malpractice of those who directly oversee them. Ultimately, nobody apart from himself and those corrupt officials has anything to answer.
He is absolutely finished, and the person known as Jane Russell helped to ensure that would be the case, with her desire to appear smart.
I seriously doubt anyone of any weight in any police force involved has been aware of these activities up until now, and that would be their only saving grace. The chances are that this pathetic attempt at trying to thrust fear upon others was a bit of a hush, hush exercise. In all seriousness, it is not something that anyone with any intellect or responsibility would try and pull off, as it is way too risky to have such a weak link in the chain of operations.
Jones has fucked several levels of law enforcement right up the ass along with himself in his very poor efforts, and of that there is no doubt. It does not matter how far anyone would wish to try and pursue such efforts in some blind bid to cut off their noses to spite their faces as it is doomed to failure just like most of the things he is involved in.
Also, the reasons for sending the documentation to the press were just so that it is known about elsewhere, and those people will now be well aware of what goes on behind the scenes and under the radar. If they have any sense they should be more than understanding of the possibility of it happening to themselves in the future.
I have not finished yet, not by a long way, and so the only real question is; are the senior police officers in this country complicit in such acts of deception with malicious intent so as to prevent them doing what needs to be done to try and save any semblance of respect for those who are meant to be the public face of law and order?
The choice is theirs, as in this case they are all on a very sticky wicket indeed, and if they fail to act with virtue in an expeditious manner, it will only lead to a multitude of problems for them further down the line.
They can be sure of that.
January 4, 2016 @ 9:32 pm
Disgusting parasites its all big business now greed power sickening.
January 4, 2016 @ 9:38 pm
I will not subscribe to any of the major charities. There are plenty of people in the mire that need help, so I prefer to spend my time and money helping them. e.g. Anybody with surplus furniture in the Edinburgh area could assist a single mum and her 5 yr old daughter.
I know that Lisa is helping a friend of hers, who is trying to help kids in Africa. Its better to know that our efforts are helping the people intended and not going into the pockets of CEOs
January 4, 2016 @ 10:10 pm
ht tps://
Proof Paris cafe attack was a hoax, but we all knew that here, anyway thought i share this video among many, peace an light to all and speedy recovery to Chris.
January 4, 2016 @ 10:33 pm
Thanks agnes. Chris hasn’t finished with this event yet. It will be worth the wait
January 4, 2016 @ 11:49 pm
Thanks Dogman cant wait,peace to all the awakened ones here.
January 5, 2016 @ 5:21 pm
Hello all
I think this is an interesting article for this thread. Its very much for a Christian awake readership but just take a look at the photos of the very same match Spiv has here.
Note the villa socks he wears and the pose he makes. will he become ‘King’ by saving a fucked up Brum first of all? This city has had nothing but low level pea soup of chemical clouds for 7 weeks now. I think we have had 3 days of clear skies.
There are quite a few blogs which are non religious who see the Bald Willie possibility. Most with high levels of high complexities of syncronisties. I think Chris you have a strong intuition
On a totally random note anyone noticed their pets are sad or clingy?
Lots of love always
Thea xx
January 5, 2016 @ 5:21 pm
ht tps://
Lol here is the post xxxx
fuck the state
January 5, 2016 @ 8:56 pm
Come on Jism Jones, have you not got that combination yet>? Hey, here I will knock the odds up to 10 to 1 for you, as that means each one of your personalities can have a crack at it, ok? 124*0
Playing with you pal…go on, send yourself some more death threats, that’s a good psycho.
Does it hurt? Hey, does it really hurt?
fuck the state
January 5, 2016 @ 11:52 pm
Jism Jones doing posts from Eddie Boyce who also loves the Police, as the pair of them try and call out The Police State…..Rofl……You want to try and stop calling them then, you fucking Schizoid.
Eddie Boyce who was slagging Chris off for not opening his door………..Hahahaha…Pull the other one, you knob heads, you are both knee deep in pig shit.
January 6, 2016 @ 12:37 am
I’m shocked Eddie has affiliated himself with the Terror of Tenby?! Well from now on it will obviously be known as the Cunt Freedom Movement?
fuck the state
January 6, 2016 @ 2:22 am
Boyce is a gob-shite. Simple as that.
fuck the state
January 5, 2016 @ 11:58 pm
NJG wasn’t your Jism Splat in Hospital recently? Did he get perks because he works for the system, and special privileges for being a liar and a grass? Bet he did a Jimmy Savile whilst he was in there.
fuck the state
January 6, 2016 @ 1:21 pm
Hey Jism, any luck yet? Oh well, not to worry – you see one of the policemen who told of your direct involvement with themselves was 12440 of GMP and the Solicitor who stated it first was from Stephensons. Yes, that’s right, she said, and I quote: “Well, the guy who has made these allegations is Roydon Jones of The Outlaw Web Blog. He works with the police and they helped him set that blog up and oversee it as part of his therapy, over his supposed abuse in the past.”
Then Jism, the two officers stated you work with them and are especially involved with regards to North Wales care home abuse, and especially that in relation to Bryn Estyn Care Home.
Carry on lying as much as you like, there’s a good loony. Perhaps that is why they were so interested in asking the detained man if he had been in care in North Wales?
Anyway, sorry to say he fucked up a bit in the interview, as he thought the old Facebook accounts were still valid and thought he may have used one of them in the preceding couple of days. Sadly, he was not to know that the one the police were so interested in had been defunkt for almost a year.
Cin Cin.
January 6, 2016 @ 3:56 pm
Hi mucker, I don’t think his therapy has been a blinding success! Are they that naive that they haven’t wondered at the constant references to this site, which if they bothered their arses to check on, would surely have noticed the sock puppet accounts posting derisive comments here. But that’s not harassment unless we report it I suppose. Shame that they didn’t think it necessary to tell him to wind his scrawny little neck in.
fuck the state
January 6, 2016 @ 7:45 pm
Yeah, they have probably been encouraging him if the truth be known.
January 6, 2016 @ 8:22 pm
In that case they need a slap! Little prick has done far worse to vulnerable people than he’s done or tried to do to this site. Still no sign of a denial from the paedo protection asset!
fuck the state
January 6, 2016 @ 10:28 pm
I noticed they don’t actually deny it too. Bit like when Jane said to me that she did not think I sent the death threat he sent to himself.
Yeah, she knew where it came from, for sure.
January 6, 2016 @ 11:17 pm
Yeah, but does Jism know, lol
fuck the state
January 7, 2016 @ 1:50 am
I’m sure one of his personalities has the answer. lol.
He did mention it being fantasy, after all.
January 7, 2016 @ 9:41 am
Must be a shy one dominating at the moment. Or is he having trouble denying being a sponsored paedophile protector?
fuck the state
January 7, 2016 @ 5:21 pm
The Witch’s Cat must have his tongue.
January 7, 2016 @ 11:08 am
I believe Llandudno’s Pantomime this year is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, I wonder if somebody might be playing “multiple” rolls in this seasonal treat?
fuck the state
January 7, 2016 @ 6:16 pm
One is dopey cunt.
January 7, 2016 @ 6:20 pm
Dopey, liar, stalkey, creepy, wimpy, wanky and grassy.
Im here all night, thank you.
January 7, 2016 @ 8:40 pm
You notice that despite posting another pointless comment, still no denial of running interference for paedos. Despite the various sock puppet accounts, it’s always the same old rhetoric about the same subjects, lol. Likes to attribute my comments as being everybody else’s, as if we have a hive mind. Our troll needs to understand that unlike his blog, we are all separate people. Oi, fuckwit, they do need a slap for allowing you to harass people online. You’re an irritant to us, but much more of a nuisance to some poor soul on twitter, facebook or other blogs. I’m 61 tomorrow, so soon I’ll be old enough to be taken down a peg or 3…but not by you pal. ?
fuck the state
January 7, 2016 @ 10:25 pm
They are mental and physical lightweights. Totally insignificant really, and a pair that should be pitied on the basis of their multitude of faults and inadequacies.
I mean, to try and engage the likes of us only to end up sending yourself death threats and then sending the police because you got what you deserved for doing it, really does show him to be just like Scorpio from Dirty Harry. Just like I have said all along.
Becky must be related to Leena. Yes Jones, some of us think some of your multiple personalities are definitely female.
fuck the state
January 8, 2016 @ 1:39 am
Jones is a fucking mental case and a half…lol…..He is going on about sites that illegally collect people’s i.p. addresses to try and find where they are lmfao…..well, at least they don’t call their corrupt pals over legal images and get an ip that way so as to try and link the pic to the person they claim to have sent a death threat when they really did it themselves.
You fucking maggots. He is a fucking classic.
He is oozing bull-shit at an unsustainable rate. Much more of it and there will be nothing left of him.
January 8, 2016 @ 10:03 am
It isn’t illegal to trace IP addresses, not yet anyway, but no doubt the establishment will dream up more ways to restrict us. Having a supposed alternative media blog that is supported by the establishment isn’t a new idea, but once exposed (and admitted) it does somewhat undermine it’s credibility.
fuck the state
January 8, 2016 @ 10:20 am
Yeah mate, he fucking does it all the time and tries to expose people who give him shit by commenting on their locations himself, the daft twat.
Fucking little blurt.
Dickie is a complete Prick too. Far from innocent and just looking to discuss things – he is a very pernicious ass-hole and I am glad we bin everything he says, as he is a very sneaky and false person into the bargain.
January 8, 2016 @ 10:20 am
Anyone running any web site tracks your IP , from Facebook to the smallest blog on the internet which is the outdoorbog , unfortunately they keep tracing the same IP’s as there are only 4 different ones and the idiot reports himself for posting crap , which includes the spam . The actual visit’s to the shit dwarfs crap site can be counted on his hands (when he is not trying to fuck a Hugh). It is so badly put together , that it is obvious that the so called owner of the tripe doesn’t even write his own bog , the language used in the posts is far up and above the Welsh ferrets IQ that even a turnip picker can see it is written by someone else , not only that , you only have to compare the admin comments to the original post to see he has never written anything of interest , unless of course you believe his claim to fame is when David Icke visited him and had a shit in his bog , lmfao , POA , Legal Advisor to Tittsworth & Grabbe and Goodnight.
fuck the state
January 8, 2016 @ 10:25 am
Lmao. Yeah, he is a prime fuck-wit, without a doubt.
“we here at the Outcast” rofl….
fuck the state
January 8, 2016 @ 10:13 am
Hey Jism, here is another one about the lad that serves to highlight the odds in respect to you sending yourself the death threat. It should also make your desire to seem like a do-gooder via your Von Munchhausen very jealous.
In the early 1990s he was monitoring aircraft traffic across the region and happened to hear some transmissions on London Military from a light aircraft that was en route from Teeside Airport to South Wales. Unfortunately, the plane crashed into mountain a couple of minutes afterwards in North Wales.
As a result of this, and wanting to help out so as the family would not be left wondering what happened, the lad contacted the air crash investigators at the civil aviation authority anonymously and advised them that he had heard transmissions from the plane in which the pilot was trying to contact London Military in order to state that he was climbing from two thousand ft to four thousand ft, in order to avoid the mountains ahead of him.
He did this because sometimes communications in that region can be sporadic and he wanted people to know that the pilot was actually attempting to avoid the hazard as opposed to having flown straight into it either by mistake or on purpose.
Now, what are the chances of someone making that up and it not being true? Anonymously, as in not seeking ego driven publicity for trying to be seen as something to be praised. You know, like you and Jane and Sonia, as you all talk shit.
fuck the state
January 8, 2016 @ 10:31 am
Oh yeah, happy Birthday, DM. I see NJG wants to send you nice messages too. Hey that will be one in the one eye for Cotton Eyed Jism, won’t it.
January 8, 2016 @ 10:57 am
Cheers fts and louise and also to Glen C for the card.
January 8, 2016 @ 1:15 pm
Oh well, ya know…give a Dogman a Boner for his Birthday etc.;)
January 8, 2016 @ 1:46 pm
I thought you were supposed to be female or perhaps you really are a crossdresser. You know…a pale imitation of the real thing
fuck the state
January 8, 2016 @ 2:27 pm
It is definitely confused.
January 8, 2016 @ 3:17 pm
Idiot just called me racist…yet again. Must live in a parallel universe where logic doesn’t exist. It’s not big and it’s not clever!
January 8, 2016 @ 3:45 pm
To prove I’m not a racist, let’s have some French news. Did you know that according to the Dutch business magazine “Quote,” the Charlie Hebdo magazine was part of a chain purchased by the Rothschild’s in December 2014?
fuck the state
January 8, 2016 @ 6:07 pm
January 8, 2016 @ 11:55 pm
Interesting, because Dogman’s paranoid obsession with Jewish people not only shows he is a racist but also a rabid anti-Semite.
January 9, 2016 @ 7:48 am
It’s a bit rich having something like you bang on about paranoid obsessions, and if I was a “rabid anti-semite,” that should surely include arabs, or do you not understand what the term means? Don’t answer, it’s a rhetorical question!
Incidentally, the name Palestine refers to a region of the eastern Mediterranean coast from the sea to the Jordan valley and from the southern Negev desert to the Galilee lake region in the north. The word itself derives from “Plesheth,” a name that appears frequently in the Bible and has come into English as “Philistine”. Plesheth, (root palash) was a general term meaning rolling or migratory. This referred to the Philistine’s invasion and conquest of the coast from the sea. The Philistines were not Arabs nor even Semites, they were most closely related to the Greeks originating from Asia Minor and Greek localities. They did not speak Arabic. They had no connection, ethnic, linguistic or historical with Arabia or Arabs.
Jewish novelist Arthur Koestler’s research found that the central Eurasian nation, Khazaria, converted to Judaism in 740 AD. These 2 million Turkish warriors and traders became at least as devout as actual (Sephardic-Oriental) Jews, whose genetic lines trace back to Abraham. The Khazars soon convinced themselves that they really were authentic Jews. Today, Koestler asserts, most “Jews” worldwide are primarily descended from these ancient Turks – not Abraham!
Sumerians (KI-EN-GIR / KENGIR) were neither Indo-European nor Semitic, but were Turanians, a Central Asiatic people. Using the Akkadian name “Sumer” rather than their own name “KI-EN-GIR” or “KENGIR” is a very subtle deception. It is also the same for the Tur Phoenicians who are identified as “West Semitic” and also the ancient Tur Masar people of the so-called ancient “Egypt.” This caused their Turkic and Turanian identity to be lost, and gives the false impression that they were Semitic peoples, not Turs/Turks. The Sumerian culture was a branch of the ancient Tur/Turk culture that flourished in the Middle East long ago.
Good luck with those labels you enjoy throwing about, but if you studied history, you’d realise that a lot of them don’t fit.
Have another go with racist, but try to be more specific!
January 9, 2016 @ 9:39 am
A video by TimeOut Tel Aviv, features six couples doing the “forbidden deed” (kissing), a response to an Israeli Ministry of Education decision to exclude a book describing a love affair between a Jewish woman and an Arab man from the school curriculum. Facebook has removed the video. Why?
January 9, 2016 @ 10:54 am
From the forum:
While the subjugation and abuse of Palestinians living within Israel and in the Occupied Palestinian Territories are well documented, what is less well known is how ingrained racism is in Israel, in that it not only extends to Palestinian Christians and Muslims, but also to Jews who come from ethnic minority backgrounds. The Falasha, Ethiopian Jews who have been brought into Israel in several mass transfer operations, have found themselves relegated to an underclass. They are not only racially discriminated against in housing, employment, education, the army and even in the practice of their religion, but have also been unwittingly used to bolster illegal settlements.
Of more than 120,000 Ethiopian Jews living in Israel today, many are consigned to live either in ghettos or illegal settlements. Hundreds of complaints of racism are made by the Ethiopian community to charities and organisations like Tebeka every year and there is clearly a huge imbalance in the treatment of black Jews and non-black Jews. Despite hundreds of millions of dollars being spent by American and Israeli donors specifically to help the Falasha to ‘integrate’ into Israeli society, a black underclass has essentially been created in Israel, in which 65 per cent of Ethiopian children in Israel live below the poverty line.
Investigations carried out by Israeli human rights activists, showed that racist treatment was far more disturbing than everyday discrimination. Beginning from the time when Falasha women were given medical examinations in Sudanese refugee camps, they were administered the contraceptive drug Depo Provera without consent. This practice continued after arrival in Israel. Ethiopian Beta Israel women, for whom childbearing is the most fundamental right and also a priceless element of their self-value and social standing, were being forcibly prevented from bearing children. Members of the community had long suspected that something was wrong, as their birthrate was too low. We now know it was deliberate: an officially orchestrated programme to prevent births and keep their numbers low.
NJG, what was that about racism?
January 9, 2016 @ 1:33 pm
Wait did YOU just call someone paranoid and obsessive…
fuck the state
January 9, 2016 @ 11:47 am
I think Roydon Jism Jones is like Percy Wetmore from The Green Mile. Mind you, he could be like Wild Bill too, but without the fight.
fuck the state
January 9, 2016 @ 1:16 pm
Hey Jane Jism Splat, you can carry on crying and screaming like a banshee all you want. The fact of the matter is that no criminal activities have taken place at any address you happened to have sent your pals. Trust me!!!
Now, if the fools you used can’t get to the bottom of your criminality and vindictiveness either by accident or on purpose, then they will just have to get someone more capable to carry out the task, won’t they.
After all, it is all very apparent to someone who is not a liar or an idiot such as yourself.
fuck the state
January 9, 2016 @ 2:14 pm
I mean, let’s all just face another fact, which are things you find difficult to swallow, yeah!!!
The only reason the police landed on that doorstep, is because of malicious allegations from yourself that whoever posted the Goldin Image was the same person your Jism Splat was claiming sent himself the death threat, yes!!!!
Sadly, for you people, neither action is attributable to the person you had detained. Whoops!!!
What are your pals going to try and do; say he is guilty of reading various websites that they do not like the opinion of?
Let them push it all they want, as the only thing that is going to be confirmed by these events is malpractice and bias that is designed to protect you and Jism Jones in your activities.
Don’t you forget what you have tried to do, because I know of someone else who certainly will not. Ultimately, this ends badly for you pair and the police in a spectacular fashion, no matter which way you look at it.
Applying for a warrant eleven months after the supposed uploading of an image to facebook, an image that is totally legal, and then trying to put on someone an online death threat to a man who has claimed to have received others just to make himself look important – yeah, right!!!
Doing all that in the hope that you and your controllers could ascertain what is behind fuck the state.
Haha, two and a half hours of interview about a load of bollocks just to come out with the question they really wanted to know the answer to at the start.
Barney!!!!!! O.K. Fred…..
fuck the state
January 9, 2016 @ 2:43 pm
Do you want to know something else that is really funny?
Well, it is seeing the police pass back information to yourselves that is incorrect. Rofl….Yeah, did they fall for the VPN shite did they?
Well, tell them to go and get their technical experts to look at the ISP data from that address. Any VPN gets bolted to the outside of the ISPs router and all info still goes through that router, even if going to another pc which could then surf the net lol.
In addition, there would be no need for anyone to do such a thing if they were using a proxy anyway as the websites they were going to would only get the proxy data.
So, I suggest the police check the records of Jones and yourself and see where you went to when you visited the Proxy you used to send the death threat to yourself.
In addition, less than 5 vpns have been set up on that line and only for helping fix a relatives pc.
Keep pushing and digging, there is a good bunch of fools.
fuck the state
January 9, 2016 @ 2:49 pm
Whoever operates @ 10.02 am holds a connection on the morning of 27/7/2015 from a p.c. operated by someone from The Outcast site. And which was used to send a death threat to their own site.
fuck the state
January 9, 2016 @ 4:09 pm
The police should not be really be going around putting their own heads in a noose on the say-so of someone like Jism Jones, who has attacked umpteen numbers of CSA survivors and other people, if they want to be taken seriously, should they?
Why would they do that?
fuck the state
January 9, 2016 @ 5:46 pm
Should we have a look at some more details that show the police passing back information to Jism Jones?
Hmm!!!! So, someone you get arrested happens to live in Wigan, yes?
And you have done this over a death threat you sent yourself, yes?
Hmm!!! I think those mental traits that the shrink said you possess are coming out again, just like they did over you trying to intimidate Darren Laverty’s wife.
Just looking for information as to who you thought was fucking you over hey Jones, and your corrupt buddies try to help you out, yes!!!
Then you go posting comments you think are going to rile people, to make you look smart, when all they really serve to do is show your own very antagonistic mentality and undermine you by way of highlighting your own lies. Rofl.
Awww!!!!! Did you send death threats to yourself just because you wanted to be sure that the person who said they would give you a smack is far enough away for you to allow you to carry on being the wet limp wimp that you really are, did you?
Yes, be interesting to see why you would post such a thing, if you were meant to be soo scared that it led you to report your own self-sent death threat as being from someone else, don’t you think. There’s a good psycho soft lad.
p.s. When you sneaked into Liverpool the other month did you have an NCA escort as well as your big bag of lithium?
fuck the state
January 9, 2016 @ 6:40 pm
P.S. Plus it was not really VPN set up anyway, just remote assistance hahaha…Which very definitely has to go through your ISPs router. Rofl.
Give a dog a bone, hey…..It was known within the first five seconds that your police pals were corrupt and acting well out of order!!!!
fuck the state
January 9, 2016 @ 7:06 pm
Nobody apart from those behind the Outcast site could have sent that rambling pile of bollocks death threat, just like it was you who used the Goldin image so as to gain an I.P. addy in order to state that the person who posted it was the same one who you say sent you your self-sent death threat.
Oooh!!! You nasty creepy people….lol.
Luckily, some knew that your depravity had no boundaries based on your constant stream of malignant abuses of others. And saying as you sent police who are corrupt to deal with someone on your behalf, it was not the best tactic to employ considering the person they were dealing with has been in that situation on a lot more occasions, was it.
They should have just really said, are you fuck the state? cos we want to lock someone up on the basis of this threat that Roydon Jones who works with us has sent himself so as we can shut up the person who keeps outing him and fucking up our attempts at infiltrating the Alternative Media with a Wobble-Headed psycho boy and his equally deranged bitch.
Please help us, there’s a good fella. We have a warrant and even if it was obtained maliciously, we don’t care, cos we think we are above the law.
Do you know what I mean?
P.S. Someone nearly fell off his fucking chair when his Solicitor told him the score and then when the police told him, he was trying to remain serious whilst laughing at just how evil you and the police were.
fuck the state
January 9, 2016 @ 8:02 pm
Aww!!! You and the piggie winkles just so desperate to make it look like someone would want to issue you with a death threat, hey!!!
Tut Tut….Nah, people were way too busy having fun laughing at you pair, and this is especially true for me. So, you just did some more of that mental disorder attention seeking, didn’t you Jimmy Jism Jones. Cos, you have been proved wrong again and again and again and again, all over the fucking place.
Yes, I know….What were you thinking Jism? Was it, Oh no, he has proved me to be Shillby by way of my own stupidity in multiple admissions and so I best send myself a death threat to make myself look like a victim? Yes? Was that the case, or were you just having another meltdown to go along with your long list of others?
You are very very sick in the head, let me tell you….and the fact you pair continue to lie about working with and on behalf of the police is very funny when they said quite the opposite as they were unlawfully arresting people on your say-so, precisely because they were trying to help their mental pals out of a huge big mess, hey!!!!
Yeah, that will be why they pass info back to you even though they are totally wrong themselves, won’t it!!!!
January 10, 2016 @ 7:43 am
The message to Chris by the tech guy Jism supplied, makes a lot more sense when you consider that the guy probably mistook NSA for NCA. Lots of fingers pointing down in his direction and they can’t all be wrong. Even his alter egos seem quiet or are they off elsewhere producing crap hate blogs or youtube videos to exact their revenge. I’m not sure if all the readers of this realise just how far reaching Jism’s efforts have been. I suspect that he still has a few sock puppet accounts on the Icke forum and may well be trying again on the tapnewswire. He made a nuisance of himself at the needleblog too and you have to wonder who was behind the harassment of many other survivors and whistleblowers. It’s almost as if he was given instructions to harass them or do these people just let loose a troll with a history of problems. Negligent, clueless or deliberate actions of people supposedly sworn to serve and protect members of the public? How many real partners did/does he have in this caper. So many of the sock puppets have the same pattern of rhetoric…if you provoke them, lol.
Still no denial of directly or indirectly running intereference for establishment paedophiles. That must impress his genuine followers, if they exist. That in turn raises questions about the couple of oiks in the KFM.
January 10, 2016 @ 10:27 am
Not the Kunt Flea Movement , OMG , have they been infiltrated by one or more of the Welsh rodents personalities , don’t forget he was in Broadmoor and no doubt has a ‘Jim Willbum you badge’ along with a signed autograph from Peter ‘The Patsy’ Sutcliffe , plus D Icke had a shit in his bog , which was no doubt more productive than anything he has ever done . You have to be totally thick not to realise that those who say we will look after you , while telling all and sundry that you are a nark , are obviously going to throw you (him) under the bus , it’s now just a question of when . They need to off load the slimy twat and are hoping that someone will take him out before they are forced to , Bon Voyage Ratty , POA , Legal Advisor to Tittsworth & Grabbe and Goodnight.
January 10, 2016 @ 10:30 am
The fact that the links to his blog have been admitted so readily makes me suspicious of their motives. His own actions remind me of a guy I knew years ago who wasn’t the full ticket and all the locals knew it and would humour the guy as much as possible. He seemed to have the knack of trying to wind up those that were best capable of seriously hurting him too, and I recall him talking to a couple that were visiting our local, so I had a quiet word with the guy, who looked very handy, and explained about the local nuisance. The guy was as good as gold once he realised it wasn’t a rites of passage situation. Every now and again I’d have to scrape this poor sod of the floor after he’d been decked and one time when he was winding a young lad up who also wasn’t the sharpest tool in the box, he gave me some verbals. He got dragged away by other people, but the thing is, he was so easy to deck it wasn’t a challenge and he’d suffered enough over the years, so there was no way I was going to hit him.
Anyway, as sick and twisted as our troll is, I have no intention of allowing him to goad me into physical violence, which he often seems intent on doing judging by comments that fail moderation. I’d prove nothing from hurting him and as much as lots of people would like to give him a slap, I have absolutely no intention of doing time over that specimen.
I sometimes approve comments so that he shows himself for what he is, or allows me to post info from the forum that shreds his point of view, which is normally part of the usual AM troll mantra designed to back the establishment position.
January 8, 2016 @ 10:11 pm
Happy Birthday DG!! Hope you are out on the eats/drinks!
another little factoid – the Rothchilds have a small extremely discreet office in Birmingham City Centre. A glass door at the side of a designer shop, right Versace I think, in the Cathedral Square and the tiniest name plate pushed back from the main pavement. My boyfriend eagle eyed as he is spotted it one day last year.
1000 HSBC bankers are moving in this year as the head office moves or expands not sure which.
They are currently dismantling Birmingham on a civic basis, carving the city across natural and known boundaries into nonsensical places. and monetary basis for normal citizens – there wont be enough money for critical social care in the next year. Its the worst effected place/city in the country yet no one is talking about it. The City Centre has / will serve their shopping wet dream. The investment in the Georgian private sector offices and houses in the city has maintained if not increased.
London will be flooded out by 2050. With HS2 and the dying off of the vulnerable and the locking up / setting up of the muslim population they get a none floodable (Its on a huge 100ft plateau of rock) safe centre to operate.
Anyone ever seen a projection of population growth for Britain will have seen that it will become a Megalopilis style country with the population filling the bottom half. By 2050 the banking centre will be in Birmingham. I think the Royal scum will be back on Scotland – not that they are away from Balmoral much anyway.
The Queen named the ring road around the city centre – inner ring road in the 1970s I think when it was built. The story is in the ceremony she misnamed the whole road as the Queensway rather just a section of it. And as brum lore states – this means that the whole circuit has to be called Queensway e.g Priory Queensway.
I always thought it strange a) she would fuck up b) they had to bow to her to mistake to rename lots of other roads. I now think and its to in magickal/naming blah blah terms a way of her asserting her powers over the heart of the city. She never dies anything by accident, even accidents!!!
January 8, 2016 @ 10:12 pm
1000ft plateau!!