Site Update


Christopher Spivey

Okay, this update is just to keep you in the loop. Now, I am assuming that you all know that on the 22nd of June, Paypal terminated my account without warning.

They did this because in their own words; “they did not want to be associated with the content of this website“.

Course, the fact that they have done so means that it is now practically impossible for me to collect the £266 per month needed to keep this site online.

I have therefore, appealed Paypal’s decision and asked them which of their terms & conditions I have broken since this website contains no illegal content, is not a far right/racist website, does not promote terrorism and is not homophobic… However, I have not heard anything back since.

I have also opened an account with ‘Skrill’ who are a Paypal alternative. However, in order to have a ‘Donate’ button on here, Skrill have informed me that I must open a business account with them… No problem – or at least you would have though not.

Yet when I applied for a business account, the application forms needed the site’s business registration, which it doesn’t have because I do not buy or sell things on here. And without that piece of information, the application was not allowed to proceed.

I have therefore contacted Skrill to see if this problem can be overcome, but Like Paypal, they too appear to be ignoring me… Indeed, I have to say that I am very unimpressed with their customer service. In fact it is almost like they do not want to be associated with me either.

Do I smell or summat?

Therefore, in the midst of all of this uncertainty I have opened a bank account solely for donations in order to keep this site online for the time being.

However, I have to tell you that it was hard enough just getting enough money in to pay the monthly fees when it was easy to donate via Paypal, and as a consequence I do not hold out much faith that I will be able to raise them via bank transfer in the coming months and years.

Nevertheless, up until the 22nd of June I had collected around £160 towards July’s fees which are due on the 9th and as such, I will pay the full amount in order to keep this site up & running for at least another month… The rest is up to you.

If you do wish to donate, here are the details:

Acc Name: Christopher Spivey

Acc Number: 52332636

Sort Code: 090129

Now obviously, when you have donated in the past via Paypal, I have received an notification email which allowed me to thank you for your donation. Course, this will now not be possible and as a consequence, I do not want any of you to think that I am not grateful – because nothing could be further from the truth.

After all, without your donations this site would have folded an awful long time ago. But like I say, I am really not confident about being able to raise the monthly site fees now that it has to be done via bank transfer.

Therefore, ideally I would really like someone to set me up with a new website which obviously would not depend on donations to survive. I could then transfer the ‘important’ articles on here onto the new one.

That way, I could still keep this website going as long as you continue to donate, but if by chance I can’t keep it afloat then the loss is not a total disaster.

If you would be interested in setting me up with a new website, please contact me by email at

I will obviously pay for the domain name etc and would want to stay with Orange as my hosts, but I cannot afford to pay you for your time and as such it would be a labour of love.

So, just to be clear; the site is safe until at least the 9th of August by which time I will have a clearer picture as to how things are going to progress… In the meantime, I will have a new article ready for you sometime next week.

Just sayin’.